

Here are the conscience and the blueprint for the character ca;9252.2827

Stated clearly in the point.view .

Bta.Drsa stared at it unbelieving to how simple it is to get to the files .

Underground organizations working for the same good and yet really do believe in different paths that they could eventually topple Hexa.Sync to the grounds .

Hmmm … Ambitious Spirituals Dingwats Notion~ing to what exactly ?

Isn’t this the same like then , to where the anarchy of the minds expecting the good in everyone to be trusted and simply educated enough , compassionate enough in this case when compared to Hexa.Sync causes and probabilities and … , blundered it like festering wounds in the past ?

Are they thinking , by manipulating new’still make in psychology and hacking into the float.box system would change anything ?

Haven’t they realized that Hexa.Sync had calculated that very same probabilities complete with a solution that would sided with it’s mechanical method in programming anyways ?

Good or bad , Hexa.Sync is meant to survive from any thoughts of insubordinations around and about it since the methods and technology , calculative in the present are so seamed in tightly into the everyday life as of to the ticking second of Now ; for the protections of the designing Humanity and their offsprings ; shifting fates , tragedies , gain and profits and the state of continuities of circuits in it’s own consciousness , Hexa.Sync .

Bta.Drsa scanned through the pages , and checked the coordinations for the Main.Compass in the characters and symbols presented .

The particular programming is not astounding , just a simple conceptual triangulating events into characters and personalities .

The wiring to coordinations were suggesting to a whole lot of folders , twenty six to be exact to be worked into state of Six.Point bottle~necking back into the many chosen symbolism to be reformulated into which Bta was not familiar with .

She focused on one of the folders instead and quickly scanned for the other nodes that were wired to the Main.Compass .

Strange , she thought .

There were three symbols acted as the top start for ….

She clicked it without thinking and almost screamed out loud when automated Circ came on .

:: We will connect you , Bta.Drsa as soon as we can . For further inquiries please refer to the code Twenty.79 ::

She sat there dumbfounded with her heart raced and slowly she turned off the point.view

There you have it , the leeching of power structure is completely hacked into Hexa.Sync , and back~,flowed into the bottlenecking security system .

An inside job , complete with identification system by Circ and all that withers , comes back with different seeding patterns .

The Moon and The Sun do aligned sometimes and when they do …

Hexa.Sync couldn’t be up to something , no ?

She stood up and took out her collective.ion and programmed it to zap.off the trace of her existence in the room as soon as she leaves .

Eclipse , like an Eclipse of The Sun .

Phoenix , like a state of Mind revolving and turning , becoming purer as the filtering of the past shook off by certain causes and reasons , except that …

The repercussion to what had taken place , were clearly magnified with proofs and with Hexa.Sync these results are with what should be done with formulation as precise as the ages that had gone by in the past .

Bta shuddered quietly to think that as a possibility for the coming future , a one form of calculation , goodness forbids ; if the Hexa.Sync came up with the solution similar with the craps that they came up with as solutions , thousand of years ago .

To heal , thus the poisons are the cure .

In large numbers , one is for a state to the right and wrong at the same time . Now with that in mind , reflection of the masses could only be expected ‘right’ to the situations at hand at any time anyway , since it is all about inter~reactions to the outcomes .

Primitive ; but that is the limitation for excess to access , into that truth making by clearly filtering the results with proven successful in formulation with and by Hexa.Sync’s calculation , compared simply through thousand of years decoding Mankind’s interest and benefits ; technology imitating us better than us predicting ourselves on what to eat for lunch … by simply again …

…. and to top it all off , those excessive limitations when it comes to a matter of doing it right to the best possible in achieving , that excess will become the truth , and when that truth is in the the calculation , the numbers …

…. this is where and the primitive , gets it’s run for the money .

Wrong in every way but necessary in the name of survival .

And when that comes into play ….






… you have the chance to do it right at that time .

Anything is , should have a name to be given a tribute to , yes like me , attributively should not be … I should get out of here , Bta quickly re~arranged the chair and quickly set up another swipe~off collective.ion with the original prints of time for this room recorded two days ago .

You can never be too careful . Time has no consideration to any rights or wrongs ; be it even in the name of good causes , when the revelation reveals regardless in the good or bad ; …

…. and when that comes into play …

…. like all the limitations unexplained , inexperienced because of not enough exposure to the reality to where the very kindness as is , that simple state of Mind …

She closed the door gently , and whispered the code quietly for Manta.Ray .

Traces and Contours , be gone , with collective.ion … she would be closest to the truth as to never exist here , in front of the door , clicking the button on her klik.konnekt .


% They can trace you back through your use of that ionic technology , Bta . There would be a spike in your energy used for the collective.ion , needless to say , Hexa.Sync could detect your existence down to 0.001 percentages %

Interesting statistic . But not unless ….

She sat staring blankly at the white desert , hot sun and the little green plant by her window protected from the outside world . Her Vechi..Home was cool inside , a few degree lower than suggested by Circ .

% Ask Circ , Bta . About the incidence in the room . Go on ahead . Begin by asking to the time when you were about to get there . %

She typed it in instead . Unsurprisingly , Bta got a negative answer , there was no record of her going about in the Forus.Noitch’s study room .

% Now , ask Circ about any strange spike , calculated by Hexa.Sync in the ionic.schemata. at the same time and the day you asked about earlier . %

It took a while for Circ to reply , but when it did , it simply gave her a graph in the point.view , highlighting a few comparison through the monthly basis …. and there it is , the collective.ion with the unnamed technology , seemed to clarify it clear enough to point it back to her since she is one of the only few who had these tools since it was first released .

Time ; with Hexa.Sync as the guard , the door to the revelation into the concept ; is the very god in itself .

Funny , when you think about it , Bta quietly mused .

It is not the all knowing entity making sure to how the world is being taken care of , but rather it is in the protection to how time would developed itself in the energy and thought patterns as it is moving along to the lining and layering in itself into a simple mere result in statistics . Maths .

In black and white , to where as intraxxes had pointed out in few words and in numbers , that idea of god is simply a guard to the door of time for the eventuality in turning itself , into a manifestation according to the wearer of that very acknowledgment in understanding to the idea of what he or she is all about .

% Perfect calculation can’t be denied , Bta . It will reveal everything else about and around it . Has no concept of good or bad … Your species , discovered it , and why would you not be for it even though it will do the utmost harm ? . Your kind has been known to be well and perfected in manipulating life until it becomes to what is not necessary and irrelevant to most of all , truth in itself . You simply can’t defeat these precise calculations , proven and propagated by your kind , Bta , be it good or bad %

The deep water started to make it’s swooshing sounds as Manta.Ray was turning away , wherever it is in the deep ocean ; it seemed also to be headed towards the … ,

55 You are surfacing , Manta ? 55

She is worried for the outcome . If she is discovered by these underground illegal corps , she would be literally out in the open , harmed or unharmed and yet worse for it since none of the corporations would be able to use her ; she would be to wherever she is , stuck in the time frame uselessness , there would be uneasiness that would for sure creating a commotion that is uncalled for .

She would be the marking points for either the good or the bad to use disgracefully , like the bad parisitic seeds from the large trees ,

… if anything , survival for her would be back down to basic , reducing her capacity to credibility to the point of close to nothingness , since her reputation would be useless , one way or another .

% You are worried , Bta ? %

Worried ? Isn’t fear related to the very concept of perfect existence ? And what is perfection , if existences are merely to solidify in this world ? If that is existence ; then there would be no perfection , and the word in itself is the paradox to complications instead , since nothing is easy is as simple to what is to exist to begin with .

Talk about worries , Manta , she thought out to where her mind echoed quietly to the past experiences with Initiata.Supra .

That Uultra measured her down to sizes to where even she , Bta.Drsa herself was having a hard time accommodating herself in , for a spot to the understanding within .

A> Perhaps , you being unable to reach for that inner light is a sign in itself . And if you can’t figure it out to what would make you happier , maybe , just maybe you are not right in the head . Loose screw are not bad after all , at least you do not lose them . No ? … You didn’t lose them , did you ? … those loose screws ? <A

Right . Loose screws and they are not necessarily a bad thing . But a condescending remark like that , is a sign in itself , like standing on a big rock calling out onto the others standing on the soft mud , slowly sinking , asking for the troubles they were having as of to the very Moment , listening and understanding to what they are going through … indeed .

And what do you do ? Would you simply stared as the one on the big rock , and really stated the problem and solutions that they were having , patiently and calmly ? Or would you carelessly mentioned to how strange the situation is as one on the big rock looking different and also at the same time initiatively different in intelligence’s in experiencing that dire moments , keeping quiet after knowing the depth about survival of the fittest ?

A> No , they won’t get rid of me . Get rid of me for only a few get to be saved ? Let me talk in my own time , they could learn a few tricks and tips . Kindness is yet smarter than the quoted intelligence . So be kind to me . Reflective mind of these duffs are the cure for all their poison , if you must and need to know >A

Kindness , isn’t it a reflective method , back into intraxxes so that it is really has got to be purported on for and with a purpose , so nothing is truly honest ? And honesty without calculation as precise as Hexa.Sync’s would only means to an end of ….

A > Yes , it is , Bta . Humanity . What good are you then , if you can’t calculate well for your own good means ? What good are you for your seeding in the end if you can’t take care of your own pumping blood ? And what are you again ? See into the Notion , dear Bta.Drsa . Ugliness don’t mean it has no use . And pretty don’t mean it has function to last a century . Hatred , clearly has a well meaning intention in your need for expression , to some ; gladly . For every negativity that leads from fear , it is a sieve to filter out any inconsistencies . So are you , up to the calls ? Come forth , then <A

S.he blinked her eyes for a start in the Big Laughter , Loud , Evilish , staring with her eyes large towards Bta.Drsa .

Yes , evil and good has no values to the Uultras . When they had no causes and reasons to affine their action for being themselves , the state of whom they are , simply an imitation ; gladly , to what is funny or not .

And when it is not , usually it is a point of Mankind to ponder and back into the state of their own limitation in becoming adaptable in the Perfection for Order .

Impossibilities are something to behold , held in the highest esteem . Beloved rituals for Mankind , yawns for the Uultra , only to ensure to where they would be for ; in the name of Humanity , in and for the next day .

55 Then , let me ask you this then , Initiata , why sell what you won’t buy for yourself ?55


The Symposium looked dark from the outside , except a little flicker to the eyes of an Uultra , s.he could sync h.erself the timing.collective of anything that is flickering from few miles away if h.e wanted to .

Nothing like little flames , amongst these abundance of electricity and lights about in the city . S.he scanned the city for the fun of it , and there it was , the odd numbers for the day , in the busy times such as this evening , only three candles were lighted for various reasons .

And yes , needless to say ; the flicker of the candle in the Symposium was the strangest one of the three .

It has no urgency , not a need , but rather of a sadness . A leaving .

The Leaving .

Ahhh , the smell of acceptance , Regarda decided to sit by the little hill overlooking the Symposium .

The leaving has pitches and tones that is more peaceful with the flicker of the candle in the lonely setting such as this . And yet the big question is , why the need for such elaborations ?

Regrets ?

Hmmm , acceptance with regret , forming into … ?

Regrets with collective.ion technology on the verge of complete discovery is a dangerous thing , Regarda looked at the Tower.Kratk , another well known landmark behind this little hill .

It will work the acceptance into changes of energies , that , to where as it had happened in the past , the memories , the proof could always be altered to fit the sub~concious complete with strings of probable causes intelligently designed for the benefit of the users , and in this case , fresh new generations .

So much for the romances and dramas .

The little gathering of pain and suffering simply will lose it’s value and values will be referred heavily to the capabilities of the technology . And the technology will become , the third party , valid for anyone to use since they , Mankind will always have methods to deflect in the reflections on the whim to whom theywere about to be .

And to here Regarda shook her head solemnly … ,

To have unity , one truly had to forget the oneness in the idea of Self , period , since the make of that collectivism had to refer to what they have achieved in the past , attributions to state the ultimatum to where Humanity really has no values in the terms of prophesizing their own kind into credibility anymore .

Prophets and dead ideas had to evolve .

States .

Along with their inconsistencies , even the successful circuits had to be looked into from scratch , the very first layer just before it reaches the platform that would lead into the second layer , had always had to be reworked , retested and reformed .

But … in The Leaving ? …

This is their perfection into the timing and decaying flaws living in this gravity , in the state of nearing to make the atom and nucleus of this Universe .

Adaptability .

For ones who is without , woe is the love ; for the mind , it is the acknowledgement to the very time as it is moving along leaving traces and contours of the past , to where the future will create legitimacy better than living soul of a man and his knowledge .

To Hopes .

Now this brought that flicker of the candle ; clearly back into the focus to why h.e is here .

Legitimacy of the Now , is leaving the notion of and in someone that is not human and yet humanly … in ritual .

Only one way to be sure … and Regarda was sure of the possibility that the Being in that Symposium is not aware that s.he is not human h.imself .

And the sadness is ever so real , traces of studies and emulations that perfected by the time spent , experiencing life raised by the human to this Being … this Uultra is simply , not aware that h.e is an Uultra .

Regarda walked to the nearest stairs to go down to the entrance of The Symposium .

This poet , is clueless to whom s.he is .

The river has only truth for the ocean , and yet the ocean could only reflect the sky , since that massiveness has no need to travel anywhere into state the constancies , as the need to reflect … is equivalent , …. like that of the river .

Wasn’t that the codex of it all , the living souls professing supremacy in the ideas and yet forgets ?

Isn’t this is where the designation of Hexa.Sync was manifested from , yes ?

The schematic was from the learned experiences ,, taken into from the contexts , abled into the method of the Switches ; back into the state of Importance , functioning without the need for the depth of layers into Propensities , … to where the angling into Objectivity , be it in the very reflection to how , why and also to when is that precision of the Hexa.Sync calculations and predictions would make it’s entrance to the inner circle of intraxxes designers , reflecting a method … anyway ?

So the resolving methods always back onto the … , that vast differences and distances reaching into the mind of Man , to which the differences could only refers to the thinking methods primitively , right onto the Now and the future is yet always seeming , unreachable , yes ?

Predictable and when the ions were back into the sphering into the fear of why they are , to design , for instance the schematic of rules and regulation of the past , would it be to any wonder at all , their success could only last , in comparison to time and the civilization of Mankind for thousand of years ago , equaled to a day , in understanding it , a mere seconds for m.e , an Uultra ?

Regarda pushed the massive door with h.er mind , carefully as not to make a sound . The creaking romantics are prophesized by these hoola~hoops , so .. Watch the door and it’s extra functionally , the creaking is useless to my fact in existing to this very moment , h.e slowly stepped into The Symposium and felt relieved , to the notion of h.er being here undiscovered as yet .

Clarity and it’s Clarifications .

The mantra of Mankind to see forth from their mind . Regarda smiled and in the dark she said the same exact words , and slowly the misty bright lane in front of h.im started to materialize .

Truth condensed in this body of a human , coupled them with extra sensory like an Uultra , it is like a switch back into the words , to be Human , the intention of wants and needs had to be symbolized into the layering of the meanings of the words , … and , Voila !

The lane , or the path in front of h.er is that symbol materialized and at the same time also the reality to where Human had to thread in order to get their body across , thus ;

Clarity for it’s effort in Clarifications , and the natural light within also like the flickering light from the candle , for an Uultra , gets to be the truth in the seconds for this realm to be re~manifested for the Mankind in the future .

Regarda smirked at the thought of human kindness , all in all , aren’t they lucky to be able to discover the elements of thoughts in the state of flowing consistencies , without having to resort to the method of their primitive great grandparents , for example ?

As s.he neared to the center of the Symposium , h.e stopped .

The designer for a defunct toy company’s chip set . A very well to do man , is …

Sad .

Out of context , perhaps ?

Isn’t sadness is simply a form of thought , emotive of simple abandonment in reflections , the knowing state to the depth of functions , useless and yet timeless enough into the set of another hope to long for something that is not ‘there’ to begin with ?

Sadness ?

Human , and their needs to form an energy forth .

The flickering candle brought the shadows and lights onto his face , the poet ; the computer programmers of the past . The longing of an Uultra unknowingly , Human in upbringing and the longing to live for , for any Human who seeks the best circuits of and in life …

…. and the children who owned the toy chip set … designed by this man in the past ; oh , the wonder of it all , Regarda bowed quietly in respect to the man in the deep shadows .

. the sleeper awoke to the awakened minds .

For all that had failed in the past , were the roots in transitions , reaching out for proper settlement , until then …

For most that succeed , are the inner working that had stayed for some time … the extension of time layering into one another , until the sleeper is fully awake , like a new’still finding out to his or her facts building into Fate .

Welcome .


Welcome ?


The candle was flickering weakly now , he stood there with both of his hands on his shoulders , slumped and also to the fact to how cold he felt against the night .

The breezing wind , softly , an opened door ?

He stared across the darkness ahead , as the only that he could see was the mere shades of the candle light . The silhouette , of his own minds making to it’s own fact ; yes , darkness is darkness , he solemnly sat back down on the little box near him .

The utter loneliness .

As living in this world without a one to call your own .

The bearing into a simple truth . You got only yours to feel through your own skin for and with , he silently professed and stared calmly into the little flickering flame of the candle .
