

~ New client , Dr Kapital … her name is on your BPV . Shall I wait another five minutes ? ~

Keen looked into his BPV , nodded ,

101 Exactly that , in five . 101

Interesting , an applicant of float.box schematic is seeking consultation with a life.consultant .

Let’s see , mother of five , single , old money , well to do and decided to have her kids with the Institution Definiti.Brills .

Hmmmm interesting … since it is not easy to have children with that sort of institution , as a matter of facts , you literally had to have the kids’ brains scanned thoroughly by reputable life.consultants .

In other words , the institution had to have lean towards hopes , investment in time , and …. strange , come to think of it , Keen blinked … he was not aware that Definit Brills is taking children in their institutions .

And to that it means there are only three life.consultants in this particular city , who are capable to do that kind of scanning needed … but why me ? It could have been done by any of the consultants at any given time .

Keen stared quietly into the BPV and punched in the codes for the results of the scans .

Confidential , on all three life.consultants .

The office door opened slowly and an unfamiliar face peering in ,

~ Dr Kapital ? ~

101 Yes ?101


~ Sorry for barging in like this … ~

Keen.Kapital stared at the woman’s face for a little while longer , and it dawned on him in a sudden realization ,

Regarda smiled , walked slowly towards Keen and nodded at the chair , asking permission to sit with the raising of her left eye brow ,

8.8 You look like death is visiting you , Keen … Take a deep breath and let go of that stinking fear . Civilized conversations , that , I need from you . So no lies , smearing dirt to your kind and to ours especially , I can’t stand your substandard hatred playing words in that childish tones of yours … and remember that identity in the BPV , me as your new client is real , protected by the mighty Hexa , so if you squeal like the rat that you could always expected to be , you are done for , in this reality for good 8.8

,Regarda smiled her attractions at best , while carefully sat on the chair , straightening her body and breathed out with a concerned look on her face ,

8.8 Okay ? 8.8

Keen nodded with a sigh .

There it is … the fleas are out of the dark . Double identities staring into my eyes , making deals for my continuous obscurity amongst the Inner Circle … and my presence to be continually to be at risk in either sides , all of the sudden , a choice is supreme …

See into your own supremacy here , eh , Keen ?

… work that little data by arranging the extensive known results to you hoped , needed , curves to percolate along …

See into your who , Keen ; your automatic thiwill be resulting to the method of your loyalty , and this crammed up piece of shit of an Uultra , sees any of my tunings regardless … in any forms of needs , wants , desires and the the perpetuity of them all into a one state of needed focus … oh ! And in this case , also along to my sense and focus of Humanity , yes ?





Keen sighed again , and calmly looked into his BPV , and thought quietly without words in his mind ,

… clearly this little tug of war , has begun .


Stomp stared blankly with his fingers tapping hard on the table .

Nondescript Hut , Hut , Hut , Hut , he mumbled through the night quietly and tuned into the digital graphs of the hut , one more time ,

… the built is nothing to write home about , although it is kind of strange to have the one of main pillar of the hut , west , focused in designation to carry most in the weight of the hut .

The Templing of Time .

Induced that to the originality gathered through the understanding to why it is representing itself for , and you get Intentions , subconsciously , predestined in designation , to the facts to deduce against ;

Now , if you deduce that fact with the weight of the person or persons who were visiting or stayed at the place for some time , what do you get ?

West Pillar ?

But he can’t , or they can’t with that Intentions …. You dimwit !

Look at the pillar on the west , to which windows , and to what they represent in views , knuckle head !

Stomp cursed quietly …

He punched the codes in to bring out the blueprints of the hut through collective.ion .

Shaded by trees nearby , stood well against the cliff by itself , and the west pillar windows practically are staring into the mountains across the ocean .

So , if that what it was , contributing to the facts , in the why the weight focused in the west pillars , then the Intentions could be determined , to how comfortable again this Nondescript Hut is and for what it is being used primarily … for , no ?

– Somebody lived in that hut before , Stomp . I have the feeling . It smelt like a male human . –

PulaPula sat behind Stomp nodded with a dumb grin .

” A bum ? A Drifter , Pula ? I have to get these calculations out of the way first and you know why , right ? If we can’t then , we definitely can’t define these silv.glints ever . And what do you think , Pula ? Tion.Tion ‘s here . Coincidence ? “

The sound of scattering little metals were heard , loudly through Pula .Pula .

Pula kept grinning with his eyes blinking rapidly ,

– Well that glinty sparkly whoopsies nut of the head , must be losing her rings about her again –

* Shut up you little legs too small for it’s own body ! . Get me a transmission clearance with Stomp’s point.view , dog . Please . Run the little legs , come on come on , get me his primitive inputs connected to mine … come on *

Stomp sighed . Here she goes again …

Why is it she is like a seance , every time they are about to hold a meeting together ? This at least will go on for another half an hour , her and her inputs and me , having to re~distribute these logic of deduction anyways …. no can do !

” Pula , no ! Don’t have her connected to the screen . By the way it is not primitive , Diana . I tweaked it so that only few known circuits could access it’s port . Stay where you are Diana , I am working right now …. “

Pula stopped and stared at the point.view , in a state of being frozen , his left leg in mid-air , in the moment , listening to what Diana.ShineShine has to say ,

– She said , shove it ! She has the data with her , with proofs , and she is interested in matters that supersede this investigation layers ahead of time … and that is why she wanted to have the audience with you …… knucklehead . That’s what she said , Stomp . Yep ……and also … you knuckle head with much dumb dumb greased up with old potatoes . –

, and Pula turned his head , with legs , ‘too little for his massive body’ still up in the air , about to head to the point.view … and slowly put his paw down for that first step toward to point.view …

” HOLD IT , PULAPULA son of LOORUS ! Is she saying that she knew what happened to this silv.glint , during Step’s absence ? Yes or no , Pula , ask her and not another step to that point.view , please “

Pula still grinning , dumbly , eyes staring ahead … listening to Diana.ShineShine .

– You are too nice , like a knuckle head , knocked twice , asked if anyone there , and on the third knock , you answered yeeeees … ‘who isssss iiiiiiitttt’ with your head shaking left and right , crossed eyes looking for acknowledgement from the big universe … And she said you are not stupid , but stupid becomes you from being not able to see the obvious … reasoning wasting in calculations … She also said , she has nothing to lose with the knock knock for the fourth time if you are so intent on searching for the reasons why of the Nondescript … She could …. do it all night … –

PulaPula started to howl , with his eyes glaring straight at Stomp.Regards .

Hmmmm , all night , PulaPula thought worriedly and slowly took another that of ‘first.step’ again , to the point.view .

Stomp gritted his teeth ….while PulaPula touched the screen with his nose getting the static from the point.view and transferred the codes to Diana .


* This vehicle is shielded , and that is why we can’t hear him . *

Diana smiled at Stomp with her eyes kept glaring back at PulaPula .

” But why the pretense ? Why don’t he just let us know that he is the one who had been living in the hut ? “

PulaPula woofed at her ,

– Woof ! Proofs , we need proofs ! Woof ! –

Diana sighed and came up from under her table , stood up , shook her head and looked at Stomp in disbelief .

* Well , he transmits thoughts all right . Like it or not we can hear them , remember ? So don’t talk about the roots , if you don’t want to talk about the trees … * ,

… and Stomp shook his head slightly and stared at Pula , while Diana went under the table again , looking for her rings .

What in the world is she talking about here ? , Stomp almost mumbled out loud .

” The trees ? Roots ? Seriously , come off it , what are you saying , Diana ? “

She reached for her camera on the other side of point.view , and adjust the camera to her face , under the table ,

* You put him into the calculation along the pillars of the west you were researching about , ummm ? Get it ? No ? … wooooooo , knuckle head full blown , right this moment , look at him Pula , stand aside , boy , his head is going to explode soon enough … dumb dumb rain , dumb dumb muddily stupid *

Pula howled a short one , stooped and walked carefully to the point.view when Stomp gave him a sudden hard stare ; whined , with his mouth and face looking down … and finally sat and stared at the ceiling , ignoring Stomp .

Stomp on the chair , made a round , circle one time and stopped the chair with his feet , with his hand in the air ,


” The weight of Whom in the Nondescript matters most , not just any Man , but the Whom into the depth in the pillar … defines the seeing living method , reflected for most to see … Sure ! Okay Diana … but where’s the proofs … ? “

A quiet , startled woof could be heard in the corner … , ignoring Stomp , stared on at the ceiling .

Hmmmm , Stomp tapped his fingers again . Sequence sequence , the fingers along my mind the fingers along my mind … sequence , along my fingers in my mind …

Diana turned on her collective.ion , hologramed , a man , disheveled walked to the hut early morning , put his hand to the stair ,

* The first known recording of Tion.Tion and the nondescript , decades ago *

And slowly , punched in the few codes to identify the man in the recording .

Stomp walked closer to the point.view and dragged Diana out of the screen with his finger to another screen nearby for a closer and larger analysis of the man walking up the Nondescript Hut .

Stomp felt queasy all of the sudden , and looked at Diana , with his eyes wide , when he saw the identification numbers .

Diana stood up and adjusted the camera and smiled happiest , cheery eyes blinking with a ring in her hand ,

* Here it is ! I found it , Bluest sapphire ! , now now don’t look at me that way , Stomp .

Believe me , if I stated the layers of the inner working of these circuits in the vast salt , right this moment , for you right now , of what will become from what was becoming , your lifespan will be shortened . Yes . Boredom is not good for a nice young man like you … See into life , Stomp ! See it ! The Tra La La of it all . Right doggie boy , what say you , Pula ? *

PulaPula from the corner of his eyes , started to howl the little , to begin to pull in shorts of a few howls , quiet and unsure ;

* The Tra La La of it all ! Right Pula !!? Come on boy ! Tra La La of it aaalll ! *

Stomp sat there shook his head with his face on his palm , while Diana .ShineShine and PulaPula were jumping up making noises , laughters loud about life , howling to the Tra La La of it all .




Her eyes were half closed .

The evening was bland like vanilla ice creams .

Sugar was never in the focus , the crystallite sharp texturing into for the sweetening , or was it the sweetening , sharpening that chemical inter reaction to the memories in the reality lived ?

Proud and well on target . Precise , yes ?

Create and see the ~Ism marked that new innovation , lo and behold , we are up on the next stage , Regarda’s mouth twitched at the corner .

The rays within h.er human eyes , reflected from h.er deep within and can be seen escaping through h.er half closed eyes . H.er eyelashes brightened like a pulse needing another state of Mind to acknowledge .

Yes , this is the Norm of the Uultra , through the manifestation in the science of Man . Designed to inter~act , to the best possible in achievements …. without a single need for a touch to the known intellect , natural as they come , The Uultras are , indeed without the method in how Man seek into their own technology and that predictable manifestations .

Predictable , unlike the time.jumpers , the Uultras are again without that electron charging to explode or recharge in that brain of theirs .

Functioning limbs yes … but the brains are simply of a state to automatically react but not to think . Simply to grasp about in the interactions with humans ; the creative drive for an elevation within , humans. .

At first , when the first Uultra was designed out of the designed womb in the Blu.Brill organization , they feared that the sexless body would turned out to be a failure . Vegetables , speaking matters without sex , prophesizing into the matters of Humanity . A state that they , the scientist believed in the beginning , an achievement and yet a failure , since what good is a mind to see into but not to be with the truest limitations as human .

Philosophers at the codex.intraxx hearing to how the scientists in the Blu.Brill department were making their mind up , condemned these circuits of ‘Invention’ in methods seeked .

The greatest tragedy in a sense this was ; Mankind defended the very Monster that they themselves created it . The order to learn was to destroy the very set of initiatives , to see into it ~ back , making sure of the methodsthat had made it through all these time , older than Humanity into a ‘ better ‘ sense ‘ of credibility .

Voila ! …. Independent Elements Breathing and Talking In Human Forms , realized .

Regarda smirked .

How indeed would you tell them , infants cry for a reason even when they are well loved enough , and yet the crying continues on as they grow into adults , whining to states of displeasure felt in every waking moments .

Sad is funny .

And funny is the gullibility , and that idea of gullible~ness was never in that state of sadness .

Sad minds are valid . More valid than the happy toning and their inflected curves , the making up to the very Tech of Mankind are from the prejudicial values . Sad ? But it’ true .

Period .

Funny ? Not really .

S.he blinked h.er half closed eyes .

The rays within h.er , emanating from h.er psychi , were cut off and in the split second of darkness s.he saw the wet imprints of Stark.St .

The living liquid , the memory of water in every Man .

The soothing running blue even to the worse method of thinkers … yes predictable in the end .

Only when the state in politics upping their antiques and values , the extension to what is the future for , seemed to run paradoxically thus , it made Man the same and yet differ like the ocean or the river , for instances .

Small ponds ?

The open sky , rain and condensed heat ?

The wet imprints .

S.he smiled seeing his pathways .

Ridiculously patterned and funny childhood alright .

Sad to them , but funny to Regarda .

There was a certain waterfall deep within this man , at the base of his neck , the dam onto the rest of his body while his feet are the very oceans , his hands are the rivers carving the depth of the land .

Sad , as he could never have them to synchonize these two waters together even with the time.jumps ahead , especially with the techniques perfected and known as he goes along in life .

Funny , and Regarda laughed quietly , as she noted the balance , when the Massive Huge Immaculate had a ‘ The Revelation ‘ but having a hard time differentiating , the What is Which and the which is to how .

Existing in the Being of One , yea , like sneezing on a birthday cake and you are the only one around to eat it .

You don’t ponder about a one Man , the flips was in that blimp , there ! One second . Dust in the next existence .

But for the whole temple of believers , they are like the initiating Misty Sea , lived in by the other creatures , yes , just not Them in it .

Invent a word . And forget to how .

The .

And watch them forget the ‘The’ .

The rays within her slowly diminished , and as the light from the bland evening going back into the closed eyelids of her eyes , she opened her eyes slowly .

She laughed .

She remembered watching an animation story on a BPV , to how the speeding in revelation to where the points were , had the same predictable rises and falls .

Stark.St was perfect for the mission . To see into the time ahead because he had the restrained needs back into his own knowledge , in the depth of expectation , that animal instinct , the primitive , intellectualized only by the proper and perfected restrained of anger into his method in expressing intelligently onto another format . And the best of it all , he is not aware of his own potentials , therefore persons he is going to meet in that twelve seconds ahead cannot be aware of it neither .

The Scribbling Animal , Regarda smirked .

To where the Vowels left traces as strong only as the minds that defined them .

You win not with the conception , neither to the understanding , but rather always to the notion to where you are exactly at the given moment .

This is where Stark excels at .

His waters are proper enough , waterfall in his throat , rivers in his hands , and the oceans at his feet …

And the mind , of that man …

Regarda laughed quietly , while staring at the blue ocean from the balcony .

Bland , boring evening like this is perfect with the focus of One in the state of element~ing ;-> as elementarily today ; it’s always predictable like the ocean .


Stark moved haphazardly away and in out with the people going into the subway .

They moved synchronized to where and when time.jump is activated , Stark noted the fluidity is almost perfect . In other words you get to see anomalies making a bubble if there’s ever one on the way .

8.8 Avoid people who seek into time at all cost . Artists for instance , unless your mission requires you to do so , stay away of these kinds when you are time.jumping . 8.8

Regarda said it with a lift to her left eyebrow .





8.8 If anything , avoid looking into their deep rays emanating from their eyes … 8.8

0.1 Can I ask why , oh Mighty Curves Eyelashes ? 0.1

Regarda slammed the glass gentle enough to make a disapproving sound , and with a smile she blinked .

8.8 Your species can’t handle those rays , especially not when you are a mere little weeny pattern from the past . And yes , especially your kind , Stark . 8.8

Stark sighed . Here we go again , He looked at Regarda.Stupen from the corner of his eyes . The sexless being is tall , androgynous with h.er chin up turned to h.is eyes looking at Stark sternly …

0.1 If I don’t know you any better , Regarda , you are being sarcastic . But here’s a sugesstion to what I am , you care for my well being in those up.times , yes ? 0.1

8.8 One , listen to what I say to you . Two , don’t ever be prejudiced by your …. own thoughts to what it is I am telling you regarding to time.jumps . Three , you got those two down correct , being a spineless creature in that ‘forward.moving.tech.inclined’ world you so proud to call it that , is a guarantee for your life , your safe return , when you are back here in the plateau in the sense of Now . Heed , Stark . We got agents who died for no good reason seeing into those rays magnetic artistic so you called them people in the time.jump schematics 8.8

Stark stared into space .

Twelve minutes of difference and it made the ray of lights , senseless to Mankind ? What , the elektron in the synapses in the brain can’t handle these magnitudes compared to the simple values and in the cultural sense ; it is simply weakening to the fact to who we are in the time ahead ?

8.8 Ridiculous , ain’t it ? But that’s your kind , species . Your limitation . Heed , Stark . You’ll be better off listening to me . In due time , I will give the blueprintts on how to handle these strong rays , with people that are indeed artistically gifted or simply mad with evil in their methods 8.8

Stark can’t helped but to burst out laughing .

0.1 You speak like the highly uneducated Hi-THT.ID . 0.1

With her eyes stared into the space where Stark was staring at earlier , she slowly breathe in ,

8.8 Who do you think they are , Stark ? Madness finding reasons to exist ? 8.8

, and turned her head to Stark and blinked her massive eyelashes .

8.8 Simple point value . Those Hi-THT.IDS believe in the reincarnation of lights , moving back onto the other in the living cogitations . They , those highly uneducated beliefs patterns are not so wrong , if you really must know 8.8

She’s kidding ? Stark refrained from laughing again . What is this , A supernatural witch in high fashion ? Must be , protecting eyelashes , the symbolic contenting in context ?

8.8 It’s the state of mind , dear Stark . That’s where the lights cogitate . Appreciating my fashion sense is good start for respecting yourself , for the kindness to form about you , dear poet of doom . 8.8

He really laughed loud this time . Regarda covered her mouth , giggling to the facts , truest in the state of Being , indeed , only if Stark knew what she knew , but then again , knowledge such as there about their own darkness , are mostly poison to this species .

0.1 Was my journal really that bad , Regarda ? 0.1

Pity , you can’t self pity in the most appropriate ways . Mankind don’t do ‘that’ , that well . The destroying factors to useless ideology usually takes place in the most inopportune time . Voila , it’s gone , all pity and heartaches are gone too , Regarda smirked within ; gone and yet with a price .

8.8 Well , so does selfishness . The methods to how you translate survival instincts are still primitive . It’s valid though . You are bound to get awards and trophies for that state of mind if you ever for the ‘ for ‘ , instead of the ‘ with ‘ . Strange manifestations , Mankind is 8.8

Stark opened his mouth as if to say something and decided to shut it instead . Beneath , below , eagles soaring up above , or was it vultures ? Stark quietly minded his thoughts .

The subway beckoned for him to go into the hallway , half lit , blinking fluorescence light , fusing up to the time in better days , Stark stopped .

Fusion is a sign . Indeed .

For ? With ? What in the world did she mean ?

The apparent state of desire , Regarda calmly looked at Stark .

8.8 ‘With’ , the inclusion to Most , when they are not standing in the class of Want , credibility tells of ; different values .

‘For’ , the reflecting idea had to take a burn somewhere quietly , in order to take up on any kind in validation for the cause . 8.8

If you were taught to ‘feel’ in the utmost fields of importance to becoming or to simply become , so you shall be with the ideas that made you who you are , to come forth and familiar to it’s contexts , thus the ‘for’ is that quietest Not ; of all , since it stood with no one , even to the very creative thinkers that started it all … in the end .

Sometimes , the fusion is a sign .

And at all times, signs are the state of fusion that had taken place .


To me , Stark laughed thinking of Regarda making a point at him , in all seriousness ,

8.8 To me , it is . 8.8

Jumping time magnified these fusions of ideas and sometimes they are uncontrollably dangerous .

Blinking fluorescence light and I am curving into my little orifices , thank you Regarda . Thanks a lot , Stark slowly walked to the side avoiding the zzrrk~ing lights ; the Now as of in the future’s anomalies .

8.8 In this case , the less you know , the better it is . ‘Away’ , ‘for’ or ‘with’ made all the difference once you in that time.ahead zone , Stark . Take care , and do not make eye contacts with people around the subject of our interest, in the subway . You can’t possibly knew of the fate surrounding so don’t tempt it . 8.8

He left the office feeling odd , and yet calm to the notion , to what it seemed to be all about .

It made sense though . Perfect sense .

Could the blindness to see what’s in the coming future’s a blessing in disguise ?

He walked closer to the seats nearby , where he saw his target , Dral.Stacks , reading his BPV with his shoulder hunched over to screen .

Prophecy would have it , that this man would clarify the schematics in the bottle.neck to how data is accessed .

In other words , Hexa.Sync not only would think perfectly but also like a human being with with hopes and dignity . All flaws and perfections , could be reprogrammed , cartridged , conveniently . Slide in a new prespective , another ‘cartridge’ of thinking emotions , you can see into the methods of a tyrant , in one full swipe for Uultraa.Waves , recalculated by Hexa , and Voila ! , formula to inspire other states of efforts on how to avoid that tyranny, for instance .

This is where , when the Nothing breathes , it would have to have a reason to live .

The coverage , the scopes and the factoring in his natural designation is predictably miniscule and it won’t change the world , since Mankind is the way they are , also natural as it is , but it will change the way Hexa.Sync have it’s own turn of events eventually with his redistribution in bottle.necking schematics .

The knowing of best Minds , pales to this one precise , the one swipe info gathering and distributing Uultra~Waving precision Machine , that he is .

Electricity is the living neurons , like the Uultra unrealized before getting caught up with the Man’s probabilities .

8.8 They are bypassing the brill.techniques , Stark . Outrightly will put us in the dark , once they managed to figure out how to take the elements of personality in paradox , out of the focus in this schematics . 8.8

0.1 Predictability scares you , Regarda ? Or is it your function for Mankind will be lessen miserably once this is out in the open ? 0.1

Regarda sighed ,

8.8 The kind of greed you people have on knowledge , I know that we Uultra will be alright . But that’s beside a point , Stark , you know what in the end will eventually seek into your thinking patterns ? 8.8

She lifted the handkerchief and twirled it between her fingers ,

8.8 Mundane Existence . 8.8

… and wiped her eyeliner under her eyes carefully , looking at Stark , looking back at her with eyes wide opened .

8.8 Yes , off center mindsets beget that way . When the mundane finds a reason , oh the Element who sees , listened with clogged ears . Ever wonder of unsynchronized patterns in large organizations working as one unit ? 8.8

Stark started to wonder , she might be off center herself ; this overgrown asexual with sinewy mass framing her long bones structures with ridiculous overflowing dresses , boring colors to tone down her oddities ; off center bright sidewinding whites colours is talking about mundaneness to me ?

Regarda saw the flickers in his eyes .

Flashes through like scanners in the dark , copying his own conscience into believing whatever necessary to endure her presence .

0.1 Ergo , this man has to lose his sanity ? 0.1

8.8 No , controlled . We don’t want his schematics , in the long run , it’s bad for you people in every way . The paradox will become clearer and you can’t handle such magnitudes since technically you are not built for such massive data at one parallel instigations . Mundaneness and being imprecise at all the times is not something I like to see in your coming future . The upkeep is dangerous , and a waste of time . 8.8

0.1 Make friends with him in a period of six minutes in the first jump and electronically jammed his BPV’s serial numbers . How do you propose for me to do that ? Shove it up to his conscience that it is not good whatever he is thinking of doing in the next , say , two years from now ? 0.1

Dramatic , romantic but thank goodness for the good Elements , an educated one at that , is more than what she could hoped for .

8.8 Make friends with him , and jammed his signals , input output . And you happened to be a friendly bystander . State to initiate , my dear Stark . Smiles with the acknowledgement to yourself to the so called unfortunate incidents , losing data and all ; so he will reprogram again . Your learned intuitions from here , will clarify into his efforts . Your comforting smiles , friendship , with the honesty in wanting to get to know each other will guide his beams of light within , and in turn of that uplifting happiness you provided, he will redesign that bottle.necking schematics that we all need , yes ? Got it ? Focus on him alone , Stark . Remember that . 8.8







 Vithiyananda.T.Leafs , the product name brightly scanned itself as Mrs Vollum.Ngap!Up looked at it from her table . 

Now , talk about perfect timing .

New packaging , these products had nano~chips embedded in the corner of the product’s boxes …

The schema was , to have all the products that are meant to expire and last longer than 2 years , in every three month , refillable content included , to scan itself on the product’s front box , scan timing determined by the preference of the consumers , so that BeLink.Intrax could have it’s statistic easily .

Reasonably priced , considering , the scanning also includes your health reports to your preferred medical company . 

The scan was going in reverse , and Mrs Vollum.Ngap!Up looked at the product closer than she had to … 

Hmmm , the last scan did mention her blood sugar has too many Still.Life salt product at this given phase in time . 

No danger to that , but , for some reason , knowledge to how indeed your body is digesting products to the decimals , is less than enlightening to her . 

Her two sons were bickering in the front yard ….

Two shade darker than the usual in taste ?

How funny it is , the taste always refer itself to the vividness of visuals in the representation .

The dark was vivid ?

Vivid because it was a comparison to what’s were surrounding it .

Pastel is whom she loves to believe , to what indeed she is . 

Finding balance between these vivid representation of food should not be  a struggle to her , it should be heavenly sent , indeed , she mused with a smile at the corner of her mouth .

Perhaps it’s time to retrieve information of the last ‘ tech.withdrawal ‘ and look at the big percentages in to who’s > is > what’s > in the designing of taste was preferred here .

Again , once that is achieved , she couldn’t be a reliable source anymore , high rank programmer of Hexa.Sync or not , she will be tainted because of the very knowledge .

Zone 2 has past history to where only this end of lifetime could healed it . 

The new births , or off the float.box schematics , with the introduction of perhaps new components , in for example , Twist.Curve latest product  to the taste buds of the ‘ new guys ‘ and eliminating the older Still.Life in production line , could very well bring in the new competitive understanding , and the needed contribution for Hexa.Sync updates .

A good ten thousand of souls , to have these curva.tions for the rest of their life , beginning to end , and data input in the chips of their head for that rise of taste , the priceless Tregas , the studies could very well be the head start and leading of all of these Zonings , integrating innovations back into the o’kean . 

And why this is important ?

The Towards City for the lack of better words , is a ground center for questionable techs . 

Big statistics , short term techs … a breeding ground for crimes .

Main center for new products ,  re-hashing updates in haste , poor customer services is more than a guarantee , making sure the actual part in getting it done right , at the very least … legit in paper . 

The waves and the moves are great studies presentation in the constant moving changing world , but she was not going to sit around and letting Hexa.Sync predicative be swayed by this magnitude for the future decade’s best . 

Illu.Schema will be extraneously bogged by functions of the unnecessary. 
Sure it gets the curves and the top sees to what’s next , but the percentages has to revolve around the tech that provides and retrieve data at the very least in her opinions , like that of Vithiyananda.T.Leafs … 

Itself but not only for itself . 





The kind of competitiveness that revolve to evolve and changing towards what is the vital importance … and that is .. not for the oneness of Hexa.Sync , but for the focuses of the techs and it’s latest possibilities .

Purest intentions best comes from naivete ?

To have that credibility , she ‘ can’t ‘ have the knowledge , reliably simple as that . 

The strongest variations with data collected by o’kean , she strongly believed , has to sway the Zone 2 , at the very least in the twenty years to come . Marked for collective.ion useful inventiveness in the software design of o’kean , to which it’s almost impossible in this day and age to re create with Hexa.Sync by supervising every move .

 She fingered the tea leaves . Took the smallest one out and placed them gently in her porcelain cup . 

O’kean is based on facts alone , the humanity from it should be with the purest of intentions . Naive ? Hmmmm …

The boys were screaming in tongue .

The dogs , were barking in unison , the only possible intellect they have developed through out the years here .  Unlike the young man’s Pula.Pula .

She touched lightly at the side of the cup , after pouring in the water . The button which were hidden in the painting of the flower on the side of the cup , gave an electronic blip . 

Inventiveness , these days that came from the predictiveness of immaculate companies’ software such as Virtual.Imagina and Blu.Brills and not to mention CCCS , are not hard to achieve , with the right observations .

The orders of needs are progressively still inked from the same needs. 

The game of that One Full Hundred Percent through out Hexa.Sync calculative in decision makings , still define humanity in the utmost placing that sits us in the top of the food chain , also in our well being and precision to evolve in the future . 

The water boiled , the leaf curled in the cup  … and she micro-pinched the salt . 

Twist.Curve ?

This new product gave by Magnus.Simpar earlier , gleamed , softly beeping , beginning it’s first scan .




Magnus.Simpar sat quietly in his vechi . 

Softly his hand caressed the buttons across the display on the dashboard .

The Hexa.Sync update key . Zone 5 .

Why this particular Zone ?

Mrs Vollum.Ngap!Up seemed glazed , when asked , not budging to his insistence , talked about chemically treated future spices designations instead .

What would drive a woman of this stature , took the original update key  , leaving the copy  behind  , for years and all of the sudden handed it back to him , with not so much a remorse ?

The updating schematic is standard .

But what is so special with this zone ?

Forest , ocean based , crazy tectonics and not to mention … volcanic activity . 
He can’t help but feeling , what you see and learned about this Zone  , is not all as it seems .

Simply put .

There was no sinister ‘planning’ or odd behaviour he felt from this woman . As a matter of fact , he felt there was a jist of regret coming from her as she handed the grey box to him .

She was sighing , didn’t she ? 

She looked down to where the curry stains were , didn’t she ?

She stared at his face with her non-chip implanted brain , accessing his every moves , didn’t she ?

Mrs Vollum.Ngap!Up  held him the highest regard , but she didn’t really ‘sit’ with him , anywhere as the matter of facts , thus this calls for a different approach if he really wanted to know what is truly going on  with her . 

Hmmmm , Magnus pondered .

What did she said before he made a move for the door ?

& Extension from this key , leads somewhere else  , Magnus . &

& Closer look . &

& Perhaps you come back to see me some day with the new Expressive.s , and lighter shade of curry stains and vivid.extra curving taste responsive , yes ? &



= Towards City , Manta.Ray . I am heading early , get me all the necessaries . Don’t tell anyone , have my klik.konnect disconnected , cut my references from Diana.ShineShine , shut my collective.ion , ok ? =

Magnus punched in the button , gently and breathed in deeply .

% Ok . Top.River Hotel is fine ? Twist.Curve executives are staying there at the moment . I figured you would want to meet … %

= Get me there on alias …  tell no one … = 

Yes , no one should know I even exist nor even interested in this ordeal . 

Twist.Curve Corp ? 

That company was responsible for the acquisition of hundreds of companies in Zone 5 .

Manta.Ray , the giant beasts living inter-connectives , the mind reader …. what is seen , is not all . What was heard , is not to happen necessarily . 

Habit would and should have it , not to ask questions directly with the One.Ness of Manta.Ray . 

Indebted  to human species , but never a servant , this species is .

Collective mind of Manta.Ray has indeed it’s own reasoning . It’s species , perhaps sees matters differently ?

Magnus held the grey box tightly in his right palm , wondered again to the causes and reasons to why is it now , that the key are returned to him , after all this time …

The engine started and slowly the vehicle took it’s height up to the sky for the Towards City .