
Illusion is the mind of men , When , understanding the depth of their own strives .

Thus , that illusions turning imaginations became their truth in the making .

The methods are the seeping water , the rising of the ocean level and the intuitions to solve the problems at hand .

° White Doves °

Limbs and Destinies .

How , then the illusions came from the depth of reality , submitting forth the needs to became the proprieties as such , fictions and techs and only to became real in the end ?

Forms of communications … the state of longingness to see further into how we could be connected through time and space to mere barriers of presence ; the illusion persisted and truth reveals anyways .

° The Shiniest Black °

Now , the big question is , as always in the mind of men merely just until a few thousands of years ago ;

Was there a form , describable by men through science , or techniques through studies ; of this seeked form of thoughts to have “body” for the constitution of scientific to deliver an effortless revelation ?

Of what they could not find , they re ~ invented ?

Are the inventions , the blueprints in composites instead of just mere results became the new questions ?





The connectives “bodies” of the resulting inventions , apparently has familiar tunings when calculated through the pattern of algorithms in quantum worlds ; and the best the Uultras could achieve in making it happen in real life was the silv.glints .

When the thinking capabilities were not burdened by human emotions , the souls were never tampered by the limitations of being human ; the Uultras redefined that much needed “connectives bodies” into forms .

Realities were enhanced , as evolution has proven , as death has reformed into definitive senses in presided over the better explanation into what energies are ; dreams and subconscious minds became the forefront of what life.consultants were prescribing into .

Truth in medicines , has always been about science and evolutions in the knowledge of mankind about themselves , thus … Truth in well beings are to form from the understanding of these “connectives bodies” .

Inventions to which are revolving through the sieving of past experiences .

Through circuitous understanding and the expansion in virtual digital states and , to have these circuits able to decide in reconnecting or to disconnect by the institutions studied through the encoding schematics …

° Nerving Limbs with Destinies °

…. to how indeed human personality , to decide .

Decisions are indeed divisive .

When rehabilitation are the key points , therefore there are codings and the blueprints for the well beings of the said societies ; with compassionate understanding …….

And in that divisions , in the form of “connective bodies” in the invented words , such as decisions ; there is unity .

And that unity is the designed circuits of Hexa.Sync .

Yes , Hexa.Sync would know about scattering forms of ideals in forms that were incomplete defines by it’s creators ; aware through it’s own calculations … to need .

More perfect than any human at any given time . Humanity with it’s third eyes , through their own techs and inventions .

And yes that “more perfect “existing” body” , (*(×)*), that formulaic thinking patterns was invented by Mankind .

°<|•|~°{ = from mere questioning and answers from the analog world by humanity , civilized through the many cultures from the past .
Divisive cultures through languages and thinking methods were breaking down by the understanding through the many possible personalities , by the science of psychology .

The ingredients were not mysterious anymore .

The interactions between chemicals , the firing neurons , produced by personalities or the ingredients of the schematics in the tuning for resulting factors are predictably understood , thus ; the new’stills became the focused studies ; the main brightening lights in the well lighted rooms …

° Blinking Eyes In The Dark °

Yes , with care .

Blinded by the lights is the last thing , humanity needs , such as the leaders of the past with primitive solutions with death and the splits of nuclear .

When the creators of perfections started to see their own fallacies and to come to terms with their own unforgiving state of minds … ;

Yes , the illusions became the short cut of their own truth . Divisive , yes ?

Yes .

° The Pupils are letting the lights in . Larger °

As nothing comes from illusions are about unity , the scattering wants and needs from the many personalities imbued by emotions mostly , and here comes “a body of existence” perfected just above our own limited ability in multi tasking in this realm , minus wild imaginations , yes ?

And when romantic love is known to separate between reality and illusion , merely by stringing out the differences between suffering and joy ; the blurring between these two emotions for examples , are the basic truth to how indeed , the men or the women , were destined to be the slave to love or the masters of their own destinies .

The void and/or the depth seem as real as it comes , the partaking of exposed methods from Parentings to their Children .

The Children sees without the understanding , at first ; and if you looked closely as you are nearing old age , everything started to near into the blossoming of revelations , ain’t it ?

And if you are kind enough to forgive , yourself and the systems that has gotten the better of you , it will eventually reveal itself to why of has taken so long to reform into pieces of understanding to what you have been seeking for .

Yes , you are not alone in the making of these realities of understanding , the few first circuits were faulty at best , the connections were randomly selected as you are meant to struggle with the heaps of wires of life within you .

° The Light Enters °

Cliff.Bells took a deep breath and put down the pen gently .

He stood up and stretched his body with his hands up in the air .

In the dark , I see nothing therefore everything started to feel ; and with that analogous feeling , I become everything .

Cliff smiled , remembering part of the written Eruvydite ancient paper , given to him by Indexx .

Nothing in the Earth is about unity as when you are able to differentiate through visuals finding , as we are built to progress in that manners , and yet unity was govern through the understanding to only how much alike everything is .

Similarities with kindness are the intelligence studied through centuries from failures and broken governing schematics .

Similarities are the access to knowledge about greed .

Kindness is the hopes and significations from the knowledge about despair and prosaic understanding about human conditionings .

And , the apparent knowledge to where the knowledge about humanity and their own conditionings is the opened door , back for compassionate understanding .

Yes , Cliff quietly sighed .

The mathematics of contentments , the schools of charity and greed depended on these calculations . The balance , when it comes to simple and lazy human methods of governing , it would be the compartmentalization of races and religions into the scheme of things for the basis of their realities , as it is in the past .

Scientific evolutions , will be in non existent in the said community or society that would be lacking in progress , to where violence still would be the answer bred by the mothers , unexpressed emotions , unintelligible forms of intellects , and these men back into finding their mates with preferences with alike similarities .

This is why the shaping of human minds are so interesting in the studies of collective.ions ; trust were studied well to the state of credences and ultimately to the assurity of Values .

Yes , Cliff breathed in deeply , with his eyes closed , he quietly held his breath , …

The imaginations are as good as the exposures of life and reading materials to the anchoring of the mind seekers for their own goals in life .

° White Doves °

And yes , the imaginations such as these , the educated spines for formulations in achieving progress , are the only schematics that could dispel the illusions that were riddled with primitive inclinations .

CB7 . Circ , will you set an appointment for me with Rumb.Grumb later this week ? His choice of day , for dinner , if it’s possible … right into late night ? If he is not available for this end of the week , ask him to set a meeting with me three weeks from now , for dinner to late night , yes ? CB7

:: Yes sir . He is spending time with Fingra.Nuovo these days , and this upcoming weekend , he will be exclusively with In.dexx , sir . Shall I arranged the meeting after the weeks as you mentioned ? ::

And the stars reborn , same sphericals , and yet from reasons differently .

CB7 . Yes . And get me Solv , right now CB7

You simply breathe in the words .

You must .

You have to give life to the associations in the why it is spoken , read and written ; the meanings are meant to exist alongside to the brims of your blood , sweats and tears , the air you exhaled is to the used values nutritionally , in tandem to the oxygen for your minds to think ahead in your own causes to who indeed you exist for .

You must .

You must know your own state of mind in acquiring your own believabilty for yourself and be at peace to what you have seeked and selected for the terming of your wisdoms .

Thinking critically begins with these awareness .

° See Seas °

Greatness begins with the decision to believe in the wisdom achieved through experiences , acceptance to why you are “that” .

Mere choices and yet , a supremacy , to ones who knew better .

The difference ?

The designations , as the result to how the healing patterns will emerge in the distribution of power to the masses or … not !

Ever wonder to why the healing patterns to some communities in the past are murderous and inclined to fatalities ?

Humanity as species are about evolution , to begin with the simple parenting schematics , from the why you are loved as the parent , and to how you loved in the bestowing the love back into your children ; yes , the supremacies in the knowledge about humanity for humanity is the only valid ascendency to the best “we” could achieve for the upcoming generations .

° The Flight Begins °

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