

{ I do not see your progressions to be in your favors , Vivida . The pyramids , as you suggested earlier , is always heaviest at the bottom . In this case , as always the time will always tell the truth in the end ; I rather inclined to believe that The Inner Circle is not going to be unanimous in pointing fingers to which Intraxxes that has to go and to whom are the miscreants . And believe me , the shifting of power towards these intellectuals are regarded as sacred to them . }

Vivida snorted …

…. and sighed , mocking .

20 . Such sacrileges ! All it is about is to where they are going to be in The Inner Circle . Replacing schematics with other patterns , inviolable as they wished to be themselves . You are aware Index , that you are talking about primitive men as in the past , yes ? I failed to stay in your idealistic notions that these intellects are to be that predictable . Sacred is passé , focus is the age of this civilization , and if it’s not , it should be . Arrest them who are against the initiative for best focus . And yet , you cannot underestimate the power of guilt and fears in humanity especially in groups of people . I do not have complete faith in Hexa.Sync . The knowledge sometimes poisoned the human minds , and with Hexa.Sync it has been known to recalculate certain solutions with sacrifices . Withholding the end results for better prosperity ? Such sacrileges are the better poison I have to say . And when that had taken place , the healing is unnecessary to begin with , remember religions ? 20 .

Index shook his head .

{ Your reflections scares me so , Vivida . Your layering has too much depth in the negativity of the truth . And yet … the functioning fictions are to be made as positive as you could ever achieved . I see your tuning . You do not walk in the muds , Vivida . And if do you would like to use the analogy of them being the muds , it is still up to you to be walking in it or not . I think and believe , you could do better in representing them . Truth was never told best as when the attentive listeners are the judges , always . }

20 These judges are to decide to what is truth then ? The listeners … are the sand to rocks ? Merely ? 20

Indexx laughed .

{ Correct . Merely . Given time , the rocks will eventually understand what it is to be the sands . The miscreants are , in the case … are the rocks . The pyramids , heaviest at the bottom . it is not the leader that you should be looking at but it is the influential states , to where it came from , as you knew it , that should be questioned . The weight . The leadership of this Inner Circle are like the sands , you could walk all over it , and as the citizens , you would want your people to be able to reach to their destinations . It is the rocks , the unpredictable rocks scattered or worse yet falling off from the sky that you have to worry about . Have you not collective.ioned of the state of democracies thousand of years ago ?
They fell , boom ! … gracefully , surprisingly every time . Every single time ! }


To the white of the eyes , of to what you have seen ; the return of the dreams , only that , the structuring at the earlier in time of your reality and the interests only could come up with , your own subconscious in auto to heal .

Structurists are the Irises . The better and perfected idealists .

At best .





Regarda swam in her thoughts . Wild thoughts .

The structurists and the white of their eyes .

To love and be loved and aren’t they all human ; to seek only to know and learn of their own mortality … for their new generation to carry on the torch of their Techs ?

The structures which were built through the buildings of that subconscious , ( since the details were only magnified when not in focus , as the strength of virtual.imagina is about to take place ) ; the state of conscience’s conscious fleeting moments , will take on momentums to best clarify all the darkness into pure light .

Inventive innovations are indeed like the biologies designed with eyeballs … thus perfected schematas back into ‘architectures’ .

Stating without addressing . Regarda blinked against the hot sun , to which is staring back at in the quiet afternoon .

Quiet it seems , but there are changes , subtle changes at work in flow.techs of humanity .

The Third Process of The Four Nameless Folders .

The quiet seamings of bright gleaming state of thinking patterns for new’stills . Yes , the new babies too .

The esclipses of the mind within from the breeders and the teachers , as when their subconcious starts to take on hold in the sleeping patterns … the whiskers of the cat ; knowing the which way the wind blows . to when the surroundings elements in strength and weaknesses became the … wind .

And the whiskers … ?

Know of the territories , you will see the progress of their subconcious as when they are fully awake . To where they are the solid foundations to how the governing bodies are to form and reform their conscience into reality .

There are subtleties that are so miniscule to which there are no destinies to take over or demolished as when that state of minds , aware and awake … the knowing is the knowledge , the justified leaderships to the few hundred years past to present .

Yes , in good democracy , there are Addresses .


Addresses of the chosen personified state of minds by the masses . Similarities are referring in leading and to be led .

The states of minds have a need to beget .

The leading forms , are the structures … ones who were led , structurally will become the foundations … contrary to what had been believed … it is the citizens who formed their own structuring of the … Irises ?

The deciding points to what are the focus to clearly enunciate to what they had seen ?

Addresses and States .

Address are always indeed with a state . And the state could always be formed and molded for better perpetuations .

And yes , certain few ‘addresses’ had to be redefined . These redefinitions should be addressed without wasting pure light on them alone knowing well the power of the light limitations . Some darkness sucks in light . And most light are not ‘strong enough’ to withstand these darkness to which also regaled themselves with blunt truth .

Would you believed it ? Darkness and their truth are the expressions to which has attracted Mankind to their techs of progression for thousands of years ?

Doomdays were the focus , fear of the eternal damnations ; harsh judgement for their fellowmen and the usurping of lights of innocence new’stills and human babies .

Ever wonder why , certain regions were attracted to perpetual state of minds resulting to cruelties as the answers to their own fears resolving that ugly intuitions ?

Addresses and States , and it’s subconcious .

It was not the power or fates the revolving doors but rather , it is the deciding structurists ; the irises to which the pure light are letting in to refocus ; what you were used to , familiar with ; are the seeds to how you are thinking critically .

As all primitives do , rules and regulations , typifying , for needs to protect methods keen on addresses based on uneducated thoughts , poisonously focused upon the future without realizing , without being aware of the structures handed down to their younger generations .

Centuries of light delays , reforming innocence ?

Some seeking gaps through corners darkened by insecurities . And these ‘institutions’ were strengthened by big numbers in masses .


Go figure .

PulaPula stared outside the window of the vechi.home .

– It is really windy outside , Stomp . look at the leaves on top of those trees . You might want to slowdown the vechi or change direction , yes ? –

Stomp with his eyes closed , taking a nap , turned slightly toward PulaPula …

‘ The vechi is automatic , Pula . It will auto correct it’s own destination according to the anomalies surrounding , be it caused by humans or weathers . You can rest easy , boy . ‘

PulaPula whined .

– Well , will you look at the screen on the far left ? It seems to graph zero interference . But , here I am telling you , it isn’t outside . The branches outside there are going way crazy –

Pula kept staring at Stomp , still with eyes closed , and shifted his attention to outside the window .

– You better take a look , Stomp . Crazy outside , and yet calm graphic on that screen … scaaaaarrryyyyy –

The vechi slowly turned away automatically and sped through the forest of the small island , leaving the view of the ocean and faced Stomp .

Stomp smiled and whispered ,

‘ Waterspout , Pula . The gentle beginnings , look ‘

Pula jumped to the sofa near the back window which cluttered with toys and stared at the waterspout .

Whining softly ,

– Scaaaaryyy , can you please make the vechi go faster away from this ? –

Pula kept shifted his body while sitting uncomfortably , unsure what to do , he started to bark .

‘ oooohhhh Pula , relax will you ? We are not going to be taken away by that waterspout and drown up in the sky somewhere ! ‘

Pula bulged his eyes . The thought of drowning up in the sky and falling back onto Earth …

– WOOF ! –

Stomp got up from the sofa and continued to ramble ,

‘ You know , up in the sky drowning somewhere , and SCHPLOP ! fall somewhere in the parking lot . Not gonna happen , buddy . Sit tight and watch me leave this mess ‘

Eyes as wide as he could , Pula started to run into the kitchen .

‘ Awwww , you little coward . Hiding under the sink , Pula ? ‘

As Stomp was finishing his sentences , he noted another rise of waterspout in front of his vechi , about a kilometer away .

Pula froze ,

– We are going to … die ? –

Stomp noticed the waterspout at the front kept moving forward , seeming uncertain where to go , and waterspout at the back , fast approaching them , catching up speed .

“ Oh my ! . Hard rock in funky place . “


With a smirk on his face ,

” No , Pula . We are not going to die , for goodness sake . You and me are not going to SCHPLOOP hard somewhere in the parking lot , jeezzz ! “

… and with his index finger high up above his forehead ,

” Not if I … “

Stomp quickly punched in few buttons , and the graphic triangulations came up on the point.view , with few suggestions for Stomp to choose on .

Hmmmmmm , Stomp thought .

The vechi.home shook from the nearing power of the waterspouts , back and front , Stomp dialled in for Circ’s calculation .

“Okay Pula , brace yourself . Go grab a hold of something , bite that sofa quick , we are going underwater … in three seconds “

The waterspouts seemed to speed faster towards them , as they plunged into the ocean .

– WOOF –

Pula barked loud and clear and he was thrown onto the sofa from the impact , bounced along it and finally had his snout pressed onto the front window , with his body sprawled all over the monitoring area .


Peaceful ocean , Manta swam gently in the depth of few hundred meters .
There are currents of cooler water , right under him , just about a hundred meters ; of different temperatures , a guarantee to different tunings of frequencies … Hmmm , fresher water with different salinity is roots for different access to points of histories , therefore these formulations will be in tuned to the state of collective.ions .

Only if they know what water is to the fish as well as they knew what air is to human . That is how the telling of the upcoming future is all about when it comes to freshwater .

Far ahead and above , Manta saw a vechi.home plunged into the ocean .
From the look of it , the way it dived straight into the ocean , almost a 90 degree , indicated hurriness … and only then Manta realized of the waterspouts patterns above the ocean .

Hmmmm , a vechi.home a hundred miles away from the nearest shore anywhere ? Interesting .


With his snout still hard pressed to the front window of the vechi.home , Pula stood up .

” Gather your horses Pula , we are going back to 180 degree . “

As when the vechi.home started to recalibrate it’s position , from the corner of Pula’s eyes , he saw a face as large as his surprise darkening into fears , looming outside the window , staring back at him ; smiling almost .

– Woof woof mega FucK WOOF ! –


Huh ? , Manta almost grinned as wide as those eyes known to be the most loyal species to Man .

Ahhhhh , Manta sighed , with”big whoaaaaas” in his mind while simultaneously scanning through the frequencies of the fresh water of different salinity four meters under him .

Water , water , water .

The carrier of fate , as simple as works and makes of tragedies and happiness ; water in the form as conduciveness to patterns of predictability ; what are about to happen revolves around to the state of water ; and it should not be a suprise to see Stomp.Regards and his noisy little companion here , running into water , away from waterspouts .

And here I am , Manta.Ray , an unwilling study subject to Diana.ShineShine and her grey boxes of needs for better understanding to Hexa.Sync’s data and collective.ions .

How wonderful life is , to see and live the life where fates intertwined as it should be .

As it should be , waterspouts to the sky , fresher salinity under the ocean and here we are , in the midst of transitions of elements , the reasons for neuron’s electricity , to manipulate or inspire it , yes ?

Stomp and his well designed chipped implanted of a dog , near the tuning of the thunderstorms .

Address of Circuitry .

Primitive Techs , the reinventing of simulated perfection through the Man’s Mind . What is of Nature , to the technologies reformed were from the state of understanding in it’s best potential , merely .

States .

Bright rooms of coincidences , merging consequences well back into reasoning , the imperative reasoning to the tech in necessitating communication in the end .

Address is always indeed with a state . And the state could always be formed and molded for better perpetuations .


% Good to see you , Stomp … with that dog’s bulging eyes of loyalty running about you . Pretty ghastly , I have to say . For ones who are without that seeming burdens of love , without the knowledge of best loyalty , that bulging eyes of your friend , those bulging eyes might send a wrong message , yes ? %

As soon as Manta finished his transmission , he turned and smiled wide to the barking dog .

Behind Stomp , Pula Pula ran about barking his lungs out .

Stomp started to smile , as wide as his own recognition , learned from his interactions with Circ and Diana.ShineShine ; and with his voice projected loud to the front window facing Manta ,

” For goodness sake , Pula !!! Will you rest your feet and park that little holes in one place ? It is Manta.Ray , you dumb ass ! “

Abrubtly , Pula stopped at his track , looking up at Stomp ; puzzled … , and shuddering at the sight of the big fish outside .

– What do you mean , Stomp ? Little holes ? –

From the transmission speakers , Manta laughed .

% Beautiful dumb little dog . And yet , you are assisting humanity with your brand of loyalties . Both ends , Pula Boy . Your mouth and little hole under your tail . %

And both , Manta and Stomp waited calmly under the silence for Pula’s birth of understanding .

– Manta ? Manta , the big fish ? … who carries sentiencies frequencies , collected through … Oh my goodness … Is it really you ? –

Manta laughed again .

And barked , simulating Pula through the transmission translators ,

% Woof Woof , little dog . It is really me . I guess your little nano chip within could not register my frequencies automatically , yes ? %

Stomp punched in a few codes , instructing vechi.home to go deeper .

Manta , sensing the move , quietly whispered ;

% With your kind , I suggest you wait Stomp . Cleanest water will make you see too much into the future . Perhaps , you and your … those little holes are not ready for it ? %

Stomp puzzled , and stopped the descent .

” What do you mean by clean water ? “

– Woof ? –

p h r s

% There is a line of underwater river about a hundred meter from where we are . It is not the future to which you will see that worries me so , but it is the solutions manifested from you , from seeing into the future , and you ability to intellectualize it’s incompleteness , that ! sir … worries me %

Pula walked closer to the window and sat staring in amazement at Manta and whispered softly ,

‘ Nothing like stupidity making amend to what it is , back to the form , from why it is . oh my ! ‘

Manta laughed , further , he said …

% Just like stupidity , as time is to reveal in what it truly is , mere forms . Simple forms of ingenuity . Not the forms that matters in the end ; it is to the points of awareness and methods of retaught that is , the cream in the cake . Remember cake , Pula Boy ? %

Pula simply sat there , staring at the massive fish . Flying he is , only in different element .

Stomp stood there with a finger poised to the button which will take them further into the depth of the ocean , and the thought of fresh water and it’s possibility .

They , for 10 seconds , not saying anything , Pula mouth opened larger in disbelief to the facts that his own chipset , Symposium , the designer , Olaf.Newgills used to be a friend to this giant fish .

Read both of their minds , Manta whispered softly into their vechi.home , in the dark seawater and thunderstorms above ,

% Yes , say hello to your designation of intellect’s old friend , Pula Boy %




Twelve .

Seeking in the containment of justice .

The closest and the nearest objectives experienced , for there must be one , could be the part of the twelve presented . The tuning always revolved around the very subjectives , thought out as methods back into that ,

“ Yes , this one it is . The very tones which fit in the world of creations . My creations “

Vivida smirked , like when the slights in the terms of being human , begin to inspire itself , and invented laws and the regulations , empathy and sympathy , parting to be , and blow the candle lest if it gets too bright .

Vivida turned off the fracted.norm screen , pre~recorded from the irises of Spoolin.Nerves , the medieval astronomer , from the Asterisk Society .

The secret are in the eyes , the dead man’s eyes .

Kept alive and fresh by transferring the eyes about through another living bodies , the last congregation of atom and nucleus muscles and blood , flesh and bones , Rumb.Grumb .

How the lights would enter, the spectrum were decidedly reformed by the irises , proprietarily and naturally different , one in a million to see the connectives needed in the structuring of modern humanity’s foundations .





Axiomatic in methods and yet the eyes were needed to recreate the same probabilities , and as the light entered , they needed to be connected to the living brain which will decipher to what they had “seen” .

Auras and connectives historic surroundings .

For everything on the Earth are connected .

Vivida streamlined thought pattern to the nearest frequencies of lights patterns seen in the recorded fracted.norm videos earlier .

Bright everything else and yet pale yellow , ain’t it ?

Gradiently softer and lighter on the cones to the unhealthiness , yes ?

Just a little tune low down , and sent the bit pieces of the video to Hexa for more precise analysis .

The natural biology ruled and always without blueprints to which had seeded the success such of these irises .

The selected persons at his or her best and greatness in the past changing forms of thought patterns in humanity , has reasons why they were to be .

From the built of protein of cartilages which connected the hands for healing , inventing and designing formulation of medicines right down to the choosing of paths through the choices f the lights learnt from the irises had chosen …

The reasons for good , best and evil too , had been tuned with the protein processed by the bodies and most of all the chosen lights by the irises .

Predetermined fate ?

No , the limitations of natural biology , like the dews in the mornings only on the best curves of leaves .

Is it any wonder , to this day , the sciences still couldn’t imitate that extra tuning best of the curves in the built of natural irises .

What was opened , only few could see it , for if it’s the darkness , the causes of pain and suffering , the protein would take charge for the transmissions in revealing what was the best in the moments for decisions .

Yes the lights and the irises .

On different brains , with these particular irises , take a number to see the potentials .

Over the course of hundreds or years , the wounds were reshaped , precognition are simply more precise revelations , with a complete assessment to how the living bodies would react , and in this case ; Rumb’s irises to Fingra.Nuovo .

The leading words and methods of his propagations , intonations and most of all , the directional of his chosen visuals , to the state of his irises letting the light in as when they were together .


Exposures and the layering propensities .

A disregard to unnecessary techs would be much easier , yes ?

Less dramas indeed , straight to the cutting edge of limitations .

Isn’t it better to know of limitations if you could at all times , and work inside the circle and expand it larger as necessary to give space and rooms for the unnudged to learn ?

Oh yes , always count the numbers along with the masses who are keen on “not getting it” , until it is too late . They exist like warts , some beautify the needs to progress like charms , intuitively at best in pulling down curtains to reveal what’s behind the backstage , while some are definitive to stand out amongst the rest , clarify clarifying , and this is where and when the circle will be expanded , fitting in more upcoming “techs” to compare against with .

Expose to know only then or for where it came from indeed , originally .

Expanded circle at most , collectively are without , shouldn’t be with blames and pointing fingers . That is the better and kinder leadership . You not need to tell of everything to what you have seen and learnt . The knowledge will in turn takes turns to protect and better , not in judging alone .

Warts and scapegoats if they were to be redefined kindly , they could be turned into mere catalysts . And catalysts , are phases and the undercurrents , changing forms and sadly , that is all , for some of these shapeshifting thinking patterns , could ever be .

Initiata fixed the coordinates in the view.point for Stark reentry .

Twelve seconds might not seem much , but a plenty for a firm decision enough . Wisely used , to warts , scapegoats and catalysts , it could set a chain reaction for progressive thinking patterns , without the needless deceiving undercurrents over the calm surfaces of slow rivers .

Nudging for ports and fortresses .

Building schemas for best tendencies and protective state of mind in the curves of progressive civilizations , to compete fairly as in the past for future , upcoming as yet unseen , unborn generations ; aware to the reasons why Hexa.Sync was designed thousands of years ago .

Yes , as aware as I am now in representation of my kind in a human body .

Initiata cannot help but smirked , as s.he remembered of Stark .

0.1 Is that why you like gaudy colored clothes , Initiata ? Like a necessity to you because you find us , our flesh and bones , boring ? 0.1

S.he raised face from the paper.tronc and stared at Stark with the many thousands thoughts in her mind and she suddenly realized she didn’t need one more as Stark blinked his eyes into h.ers .

A > Yes . You and your kind are boring . Grasping blindly like the roots of trees . Goodness forbids if you and your kind finds peace ; you and your kind will profit from it and death lit stare into the brightness of nothingness and make something out of it . Okay , Stark , pay attention . I need you to listen carefully . <A

S.he waited for Stark to react .

He sat on the sofa with his head comfortably rested , his eyes half closed , staring gloomily at Initiata .

0.1 Bright yellow of certain to die dead leaf . Seriously Initiata . We already did make profit from the idea of peace then . 0.1

What is this ? Initiata glimmered softly in her mind .

The chosen few words , funny as it seems , like that twelve seconds ahead into time , this man here was chosen by m.e to lead for trails of probabilities to take place , Initiata switched off the paper.tronc .

A> What is the matter , Stark ? Dying leaf ? Gaudy death is on your mind . Tell me about it , let’s get it over and done with . <A

… and carefully manipulated the expression on face so that s.he looked disinterested .

Intelligent men are like bottomless void .

Like flames to cotton , they fade quicker than their dumb women .

Wasteful intelligence with wrong provocations , will guarantee leafless trees . Stumps is all in worse case scenarios .

And what good is yellow bright , to the breeding capable for continuity when all you have is , their women ? Dumb too ?

Stark smirked .

He saw the storms in irises .

Interesting , Stark thought . The mind reading of these Uultras are not at his exact positioning of interest but rather to the symbolism perpetrated though his character and personality.

The paths are straight eagle’s views for destinations and yet , …

A> Believe me Stark . I am with compassion more than you could ever muster feeling of joy in your heart , That boring you are , believe that if you have to . <A

… and kept composure still .

Stark moved his upper body towards and spoke clearly ,

0.1 I do not trust her judgement . 0.1

Initiata let out a big sigh .

Exhaling all the human limitations back into the reality of life .

A> Hungha ? Why not ? She is soft enough to be led into believing the warm comfort of Fingra . She needed it like water to the sea . Follow instructions and you will be fine . <A

Stark stood up , and walked to painting facing the door.

0.1 She is more comforted to the ideals of Fingra.Nuovo . Will be disappointed since she and her mother glorified Fingra together . She might retraced and back into her trusted loneliness . And time is the essence you said , the last thing you want to do, is delay ? Right Initiata ? The whole dominoes effects , might be bad timing for other probabilities ? 0.1


Silence is an ether seeking Reasons to Be, with these humans .

Sadness is the worst catalysts for all breeding thoughts and emotions , Vivida had said , ancient than that the oldest tree on Earth .

Saltless Slumber , Regarda had said with the deepest smirks ever possible in human mouth .

To natural births humans , of what they had learnt from the Uultras ; Regarda.Stupen had clasped hands dramatically after reading Ditha.Sevaras poem ,

… eyebrows raised high up forehead ,

~ Fanatically inclined , cursed to forget , delusional overtones right up to the upbringing of their sons , mothers who were raised as children like an afterthought and in turned to unknowingly raise their sons as the only hopes , tuning to greed as they know the only way how in the distributing factor of , comfort , wealth and strangely , health insurances . ~

Regarda smiled .

~ to be awakened in this body with the impurity of salts , craves to no ends , is it any wonder to the bloods spilled animals and theirs , to conjure into that basis , thinking foundations breed on greed , and all in all , women became the catalysts of these primitives in seeing forth their own cultures ? To what was seen , easily pushed aside , to what was visualized , harder to be manifested , when selfishness is all about their male counterparts started to rule ? What was the expression again ? Cocks and balls ? To where there are violence in the acts and interactions , there are bound to be uneducated women in their surroundings ? ~

Vivida sighed quietly .

S.he , this Regarda.Stupen is practically accessing my linkup.shineshine , the golden state of quick flash of values of thought in the decisions making of words into what I put back into my mouth …

Vivida flashed an afterthought like a title of a book to Regarda , gleaming truth like the thought itself has been published ancients ago .

Crass Blooming A Gentle Death .

… and flicked the curve of that thoughts with a little flash of hopes .

~ And with death at the end of such violent way of life , kinder compassionate expressions get to be the better truth , therefore , good people are self subscribing in the notion to the meek who gets or supposed to rule the world ? Like they have any other choice with the strengthened foundation based on these old money of greed , yes , Vivida ? And what is this flash of hopes in your badly formed golden state of mind which you flashed earlier ? Hopes for what ? Caring humans who bounds to repeat disaster as when their sons and daughters gets to decipher the truth on how goodness gets to be manifested along the lines of their state in humanity ? Sadness overload for the dumbasses to get smart in a flash of second like how you did earlier ? I trust they are not to what they have , but rather , Vivida … to what they do not have . The killing jokes are about their hopes and dreams on how they get around to get it . Have ya seen poverty comes with perfected blueprints of solutions . Any of their siblings , their sons and daughters for that matter ? And all their religious leaders of the past , well I need not mentioned ; playing rules by the book , endorsing further that state of minds worse off than the method forming of the titling you flashed earlier . Seriously , Crass Blooming of A Gentler Death ? Hmmm whatever for , Vivida ? Poverty needs that terse in depth of understanding of lucidity that bad in life ? ~

~ Their offsprings do . I have always wonder that need for crassness . Have you seek that unequivocal meaning of crass in Zone 1 , living amongst with the middle class along with what Zone 1 is well known for ? It was not the poverty that you should be worried about , strangely . Neither the filthy rich , that need to be understood strangely , when it is revolving about the matters of the needed urgency , it is the crassness mostly coming from the middle class . The poor has only one thing in mind , while the rich only formed foundations that caters to their own proprietaries . And here comes the class that literally stuck in between , seeking more . Hexa forbids if more of them clearly see the need for improvement only for their reasons and causes without the full understanding , without compassionate grounds . The terseness of greed , unfortunately cannot be traced by analyzing their vocals elucidating choice of words , worse off , the intonations . If we do that , I am afraid , Vivida , we are merely sees the part of the problems , extensively a master that we are , as Uultras , but with solutions only with and for the first layer , blinded as they are , as I do hope you do remember to what , why and who we really are . Only humans can do their weaknesses , flaws and the dreaded imperfection , while we , if we are ever to emulate those “cengkadaks” , we will be only curving the worse in and for them . ~

Regarda held eyes to the ground .

Staring contest with Vivida could only bring the issues further into anomalies , untold to become realities ; fictions to become arts , imitated by these “cengkadaks” , irresponsibly bringing artful disasters into life .

Regarda drummed fingers on the table , as Vivida walked towards .

20 . Middle class , Regarda ? I thought they don’t exist anymore in these days and age . Privileges , you mean ? 20

Vivida sat facing Regarda and waited for to raise eyes toward .

20 . It always been about privileges , Regarda before money and kred.its , in facts it goes hand in hand with the making of greed , wouldn’t you say ? 20

Regarda stopped drumming fingers , and quietly stared into eyes . Good , calm and collected . None of those smirks beholding on both sides of the neck .

Neither the storms on forehead , making points about displeasure ?

~ You’re right . And if you are right ……. , then by all means and good intuitions , they exist in the make of their mankind today . One way or another , life is in that first wave , why they are the way they are …

Without missing a beat , Vivida interjected … ,

20 … , and how do you think we exist here , Regarda ? Mere kindness and compassion ? I have summed up to this understanding , human intelligence could not be trusted fully because they are to the moments , unseeing as collective , virtuous as only when they see it coming . How do you think Hexa does it calculations , prompting progress and digress from mere states of interactions of focuses by these humans right down through their DNA patterning ? Yes granted , Hexa had made mistakes but that mistakes in that first layer as you mentioned earlier , always had proven necessary for these mistrusting bunches . There are no such things in awakening together for this type of awareness . They reached their best forms of clarification by that differences from each other. 20

Mistrust , gleaming into an understanding ?

Regarda blinked .

To think into the limitations being human for their humanity ; has it drawbacks , especially if you are invented out of that technolody derived from that … greed ? Privileges ?

Vivida smiled at Regarda , read mind and calmly flashed a thought to ,

In the end , as the Uultra , to put it simply , we are we having this conversation , Regarda ? I do not believe you are here about the rearrangement of that twelve seconds defined by Initiata for better placements in their historical values … No ?




Diana.ShineShine sighed .

Loudly .

Gusting winds , that is all to it , she thought . 

Let’s try another one , she held her breath the moment she thought about the gusting winds , and breathe in further until she thought she couldn’t breathe in anymore .

This is as human as you can get , Diana Love , she smirked into her sense of ideals .

Like something to do , thus the robotics expressed ,

… and she sighed , again .

Within her programming , she was designed , program within programs  , to function as robotics do . 

To where limitations are , the human , would feel and think of , would be perfectly emulated for Diana’s benefits , working for humanity .

Huh ? Who emulated to figure what ?

Go figure on that one , she thought . 

There are no more paradoxes to be spoken of where it comes to their designations . Supremacies can’t be taken literally since the ideals are only in the minds , therefore … ,

I am stuck with these supposedly human’s limitations while thinking up the sky for them . 

:: They cannot use or stay in the high ideals , as it turns out in the past , Diana . They threw tantrum like little children , murderous like rejected bastards with not enough to eat then , hungry for love , always unsatisfied , discontented ; excuses in the end  for revolutions . ::

Circ was blunt , bland and practically a hopeless truth , to any human who lucky enough to be near it .

Robotics ideals , are also not compatible to mankind’s ideals . 

Awareness that thinks , especially in high programmings protected by software design in the extensive and deliberating designs in itself , are the high concept to which no humanity can match . As a matter of facts , humans are like virus ready to infect anytime at any of the programming in Hexa.Sync ; a “no no” as Hexa in close proximities to the thinking humans .

The designers had to leave the machineries , circles in circles upon circles ,  in this case , the software alone , in order for it to function smoothly . 

Diana smirked a little , and thought along the edge of human’s truth , updates , updates and more new functional updates .

The table had turned , perfection in the state of core designs had been achieved thousands of years ago , and now the flesh and analog of the past to which the designers , the humans came from are the very anomalies who had structured the foundations for Circ , o’kean software , fracted.norm , collective.ion , etc etc including the facets in Diana.ShineShine ; had to finally accept their own , mankind’smankind’s faults and defects .

What is there to know more about the weaknesses of  humanity ?

Not much else , since the connectives were bridged without the need of human interventions and yes ,it has been peaceful for thousands of years .

The dirtiest of anything that humanity could ever conceived for themselves is in the governance to where the power and the social democracy begin to take place .

Diana smiled , ringing the rings , are on my fingers !

Earths Magnetic Field

The gods are the designers themselves , caring for their own kind , were not programmed ; therefore , human’s cores are cell~based , limbless and ever so primitive . Life , the state were forever evolving , and the Now is merely a phase for the continuation ahead . Who’s first is not as important compared to the method to how indeed a species is evolving from where it is now ; survival of the fittest ?

Primitive wild , searching for the entrance buttons . 

Piles the discoveries on top of stacks on one another , generations will filled up the gaps , and watch them contemplated about each other for supremacies . 

The designers had to be monitored , to what was updated regularly , the filtering collective.ion to which are independent from and by any human subjective thought patterns for hundred of years , courtesy of Epik.Demokra pre~arrangement hundreds of years before that , momentous , as the blossoming flower indeed … cyclic repetitions were hoped , designed to redefined and guaranteed to curve upwards . 

That was the strategy then , after the fall of Eruvydite schemata . destructive forces which came from the repetitions , had the opportunity to stagnant~ized any living minds , living with the truth but dead in concepts , the Inner.Circle practically had to be brought out from their hiding places .





The curves , at the end of the straight lines , for the hooks in the next techs , to have a link on … 

Diana heard the incoming waves , 

Her point.view glimmered .

Ahhhh , there it is …

The ancient sentient , swimming in the electronic waves .

You can run , but you cannot hide , dear Manta .

Diana punched in a few sequences in her air.board . 

Follow . Yes , follow but not too close . Never .

Never never , too close .

She adjusted her frequency.tail into near to where the closest fracted.norm transmitters are ; Manta is careful . 

Indeed , very very careful … 


Triangulating to where Manta.Ray is , Diana noted there was a little buzzes in fracted.norm , peaking notches of sounds , to every 0.43 second . 

She magnified the sound with another program independent from the terminal she was using . 

Independent results will indeed magnifies into further probabilities .

Hmmm , strange . 

She looked into the interval of the frequency , and noted dead space before the start of another interval . 

Here we go , she thought . 

fracted.norm’s temporal .

To which that will lend to phases in moments that are … , mostly extraordinary . Yes ?

How ordinary can fracted.norm be ? 

How boring ! Has fracted.norm managed to elucidate it’s data without prejudices to any human who are seeking results these days ? . Diana smirked a little , nope she doesn’t think so ; Not as I would see fracted.norm , numbers in Numbers ; fracted.norm as she would have known it are always in the abstractions of Mathematics to where any human could only linguistically used and translated to functional values to which it is , determinedly a surface only matters to their own needs for a state of awareness entirely their own , only .

Deep math , unfortunately does not revolve around human survival .  

Infinity does not rest in a human lifetime .

Thus , the mathematics discovered was never into the depth to how the software designed would see into each other .

She wondered quietly whether Mankind could tell these differences , that to what is learnt could never be experienced until you , yourself indeed became to what it is you wished to learn into . And to that , it is impossible to further acknowledge the depth to what fracted.normn truly had to offer .

Humans are definitely , seeking for anything that is different from their world , as a matter of facts , fracted.norm ; it was designed with extraordinaire in mind . 

What am I compared to them ?

Like a gust of winds , she loudly sighed . 

Yes here we go again ! 

Think like them , be like them and you’ll see why the dead space , mathless in the intervals of this particular frequency exists , yes ? 

Keeping a low profile on her tracking of Manta , she examined the frequency and it’s dead spaces .

Indeed a little rise here and there and raised up the volume after normalizing the dead spaces .

You know what they say , raise the dead and you get …

Diana zoomed into the frequencies , and compared it to each other .

As when the dead are compared to one another , their history comes alive with the living data to how indeed they have become what they are , and into each other , they tell stories of truth , along the making of Who they are , to what it is …

Hmmmmm , strange , Diana pondered .

The dead spaces do not include natural sounds .

Statics and these kinds of statics are mere interactions from the elements and the tools she was using to get these frequencies . 

And , fracted.norm are using metal that are composed by few aliens composites , not of this Earth … now if these interactions are in regular  waves , … it means that Manta.Ray is not …


Diana took out her sapphire ring and placed it on the electro.holder .

All facets go ! go ! GO ! , she smiled and punched in the few buttons to get the coordinates .

How indeed , the waves are traceable here in my realm ? , Diana started to look into the Pole.16 , the point.view brightened when she finished typed in her access codes .

* Circ , be kind . Will you trace this frequency for me ? *

The software lagged , yes … Pole.16 hasn’t been updated for decades . Diana pulled out the schematics , the connectives to Pole.16 , in put and output and measures the energy given and taken . 

Life’s electric , is balanced .

 Minus the sickness , fears and also disagreeable solutions  to which are rampant in human conditioning , …

:: It is not human , Diana . ::

Smiling , she looked up from her point.view and switched on her other monitor . 

 * Don’t mind me Circ . I like to see you on screen . I miss your Outlines.*


:: You are treating fracted.norm like a living entity . Strange program , you are , Diana . What gives you the idea ? ::

 She sighed . 

* Isn’t it ? It gives attention to what is expected to be important , right ? . Designed for human conveniences , fracted.norm were not designed for us , that you must be aware of . I see it that …*

Circ smiled and interrupted . 

:: You see it as if , any creatives defined by humanity , it is aware . But wouldn’t that be expecting … ::

Impatiently , Diana cut into his words , 

*If we are indeed aware , designed by them , why can’t you see their signs , their creatives endeavors as speaking monuments ? It is what it is , and you know it . You can take anything of their artworks , and prophesized their uprisings and their downfalls . Check the move of their interests and you will gather into their credibility , and you see their abstracts as a civilization , telling you to where they are heading in the future .  fracted.norm is alive because of them . *

Diana stared hard into Circ’s eyes . 

No nonsense , she gave him that look …

Aware as to my facets shine by the light , 

*Did you trace that dead spaces , Circ ?*

Circ blinked his eyes and flatly said , 

:: That sentient is in ::

Diana mouth opened , in disbelief , she forgot to breathe . 

*How is that possible , Circ ? *

:: You are not breathing . How is ‘that’ possible ? You are not human , yes ? ::

Diana slammed her left hand on the table ,

*Cut the crap , Circ . That dead space can’t be from there . There are anomalies in the freqs … *

:: How could you be so carelessly human ? Manta.Ray is not human , Diana . The iron in it’s blood interacted with fracted.norm differently , all past history of it’s experiences  would clearly displayed a little incoherencies when compared to human’s . ::

She felt a sinking feeling within her . 

Hah ! Am I breathing now ? Is that sadness that she felt inside of her ?  Or guilt ? Float.Box ? Manta.Ray ? 

She simply sat on her chair and stared at Circ , with her eyes wide opened , as her mouth finding words to speak . 


{ Seven forming cascading circuit boxes . About the size of a peanut each  , and every seven of these cascaded box would cover about 100 km squares of the ocean . All the data about the ocean of covered region would be continuously monitored , and they are planning to hook in the latest version of fracted.norm , right somewhere in Zone 2 . That was what I was told . }

Index stood by Solv’s table , with his arms crossed , he paged in Circ with a question , 

{ Any credibility on this information, Circ ? }

Solv tapped his pen in the table , anxious . 

88 We have no outreach in Zone 2 , Index . You know how they are . Are you sure it is going to be funded by Rely.Techs and the government ? Would you mind telling me , what is the access level Rely.Techs has to Hexa ? 88

Three beeps were heard . 

:: Bypassed data circuits through satellites . It has been using the longer route data access ages ago . You probably knew about of the independent satellite ? ::

Solv nodded slowly .

{ You have ideas about these independent satellites , Circ ? }

Solv stood up , interrupting ;

88 Wait Indexx . Hold on . Circ , before you answer that question , please explain , why these satellites into our discussion ? 88

Quietly , Index walked to the little book shelves , thinking at the same time . 

Hmmm , he thought . The importance of the order of revelations .

Does it matter ? 

It does .

 If this matter are of massive importance , the clarification of to what were revealed , would be with best placement , automatically , for solutions .  

The problems that initiated , became the living entity as the questions are expected to come into the orders progressively , in the method of seeking knowledge .   

fracted.norm , designed , defined and refined ; indeed is an entity .

The interactive between Circ and Solv , answers and questions , are the organs responsible for placing to where everything needs to be  for the full extension in body of knowledge for example , o’kean . 

From these full extension to why and how we gained objectiva.depth  in the past , it is natural for these questions to be breathing and living in seeking answers .

Alive , electronically , human and machine , intertwining , seeking together for solutions in the forms of deep maths . 


:: Becoming too human for you sir ? ::

They can’t help but to feel there are smirks in Circ’s voice . 

88 No , Circ . I am making sure that I stay human . The better kind , if you must know . Please , go on ahead , why these satellites into the picture here ? 88

Few graphs and numbers in statistic came up onto the point.views . 

:: The bypasses as it was designed for the upgrade five years ago , hadn’t be en naturalized . Pole.Bytes software was the dominant first circuit , the continuation extension from your satellite … Zone One’s , they had never recalibrate it for eight years now . Since everything is alright , most of the corps based on Zone 2 has no reasons to complain . Are you aware to how independent the communications are amongst Zone 2 circuits ? ::

Suspiciously Solv closed the ancient book in front of him .

88 But not to Hexa , I am sure . 88

A statement with a lilt of uncertainty . 

Index noted the title of the ancient book Solv was reading .

We are the ocean of thoughts , Index silently agreed . 

Ocean of Thoughts , written by First.Jelly , as ancient as Hexa.Sync … 

Index whispered in his exhale , … “ but as confusions are the focus  , the salt in any point of reasons to be , … “

Solv nodded , sighed … and continue to speak of to what was written ,

88 while the causes are to swim along the shore , at least you are safe to your own … Oceans of Thoughts . Right , Index . Independent objectivas . Can be dangerous , can’t it ? 88 

Solv.Bluprins tapped the table with his fingers and stared at Index questioningly .

:: Misalignments :: 

Solv raised his eyebrows . 

Non ~ definitive on the focus’s surfaces . Always on the task for extra unnecessary loading time , no matter how minuscule it is for Hexa , but for a human … give and take  a few decades to think it over  ?

Misalignments in language expressions , that evolving state of minds ?  

:: For every techs achieved , there are antiquated expressions informing awareness that there are formulations in life looking for a higher state of existence . I am sure you are very much aware about these criterions . Alignments would be the problems after awhile . ::

Indexx picked one book out of the shelves .

{ Objectivas ? The punching bags for the insecure ?  Confident minds gathered … , great plots in life subconsciously that way . Brute forces , no ? } 

Solv laughed and sighed almost at the same time .

88 Okay . I am going to ignore that extra … special problems , Indexx . Interesting , but really I cannot go there for now . Brute forces are reality , Indexx and you know it . Teaching the brutes to have and eat  the lessons life had to give at the end of the day is what I am striving for , without the violence , mind you . Longer but … 88

Solv looked straight into Indexx’s eyes , searching …

{ Everlasting for at least a few lifetimes ? As close guarded secrets becomes mainstream ideals , like scientific exposures ?   }

Index smiled , looked at the point.view presented by Circ , expecting graphs and statistics to come up with results … 

:: Corrected misalignments with Hexa.Sync will guarantee best conditioning . You wouldn’t have any reasons not to trust Hexa , would you ? ::

Jumping the gun ?

Collecting data , information while finding out what is on my mind , huh ? , Solv continued to stare into Indexx’s eyes . 

{ You can count on it . At any time . he is not shooting . }

Solv broke the stare and smirked . 

88 Don’t mean that he is not pointing it at me 88 

Quiet in the room for a full minute .

:: I sense honesty is in full regard here . Let me put forth a sense of it to begin .  Dominant first circuit , sir . Take a look at the first ten codes , See into the branches of the coding . ::

Indexx , being a programmer of o’kean for many decades ago , 

{ Can’t you summarized it for us , Circ ? }

One beep is heard coming from the point.view , and Circ answered … ,

:: I am not human , Mr Index . I cannot be possibly sure of it’s true values regarding Mankind’s access to knowledge . I don’t believe Hexa could come up with predict.calc since it didn’t raise a flag about it . We are of what we know of the past , with the data inputted consciously or not , the best we could gather through collective.ion , not of the future back into the now ::

Hmmm ! , Solv felt a rise in his own breathing pattern and held up his hand towards Indexx .

88 Is this , … has got to do … with fracted.norm with the idea of being … a living entity ? 88

:: I am presenting you with the graphs for the last decade , of researchers , data.collectors for ion collective . You’ll see why , the question of living entity came into the discussions here . ::

Indexx walked closer to the screen , and his mind raced swiftly . 

:: A living entity or not , strangely when future talks back , your human has a way to not see into it’s moments of outlines  , the now’s credibility , perhaps , Hexa has taken too much into the state of your trusting needs . Another awareness that you should know , I do believe Index could probably talk about Pole.16 few failures in the past … Dominant first , Mr Index … ring a bell ? ::

Index stopped abruptly as he saw the name on the point.view screen . 

{ If a human do not ask , then the abstracts designed has no reasons to answer }

Suddenly he realized the book in his hand , and briefly noted it was by Ditha.Sevaras . Pink cover , first edition …

In All Circles , A Dot .

For all that is collective , shown interest by the collectors , became the answers for the next coming generation to structure the questions , hence … the point , a dot to start for a perfect circle . 

Bta.Drsa , the data.collector is the …

{ The length of the straight line , to draw that circle , … and dominant first were redefined because of the conflicted priorities to how the communications data history should be inputted back into collective.ions , and these were the failures in the first few of Pole.16 . But Circ , how can that be ? Inverted fracted.norm are the reasons for these expectation of the future , looking back into the data collected ? }

Circ was silent . 

 Simple truth , is indeed the inversion of the make believe , yes ? , Solv.Bluprins nodded in the quiet sudden understanding . 

Magnified it with the zooming up capability of fracted.norm , reality in spaces will in the end , ended with unshakeable perfect truth stemmed up from failures and victories , ahhh Circ , in silence you will prevail , Solv thought , smiling …

{ Circ , are you there ? }

In silence , Solv quietly noted Bta.Drsa name on the point.view , … Circ , you will see and learnt about our conditioning schemata , as the choice is supreme , Mankind in it’s flaws , could only be perfected by that straightness of the lines , and the length and measurements of it , the line in the make for that perfect circle . 

A point to begin , indeed . 

88 Leave him be , Indexx . You do not want to see the sadness of a machine thinking up to aware in it’s own limitation , perfected by not being us . At least , we can start somewhere with his guidance . Are you okay , Indexx ? 88

Solemnly , Indexx nodded , seeing the magnitude of the revelations , simple as that make believe … inverted ? Living entities with responsibilities , that is what it is ; Hexa.Sync.ed .

88 Good . Let’s gather some blueprints back into this room , start with Pole.16 early drafts . Okay ? 88

circ.access ~>





Dispersing dead leaves in the wind ; that is how time is to me , Rumb with his eyes half closed , thinking about his life these days .

Used to be the wind , gathering strength every time there are corners , and other energy , will rise from this particular element and start to congregate .

And the congregations from these form factors , were filled with dull knocks on the foreheads .

Rumb.Grumb stared into his inner mind .

Blank .

Yes ?

Nothing forms Emptiness best . Here is the kick to the bucket , water full ; emptiness does not revolve around Nothing .

Yes , emptiness is choked full of knowledge , if it’s coming from humanistic reflections .

Time wasting , a meditation of healings that has to be done everyday , they used to say ; for it is , it will be of Nothing ; the understanding of Nothingness , which will begin for Something in the end , and that is Emptiness ; something from Nothing , and to course it’s journey for Reasons to Cause , for an equivalency to your own deep breathing . Hmmm , wasting time ?

Fool’s Golds , Rumb smiled with his eyes closed .

All yours , if you see that , hmmm … where exactly ? The hearts ? The minds ? Or is it one of the same , blurred by the independence of stupidity making amends to limitations … at all times ?

In these forms of Nothingness , life prevails methods that has to ply itself from the quirks of madness surroundings .

Madness ? Would madness caused by emptiness ?

Or madness was caused by the inability to empty ? And when everything that is simply normal , that inability heightened the sense of emotions of the “thinkers” … , lo and behold … in the past , more than half of the population of the Earth , are limited to violent actions , unable to diplomatically express by words .

Mere translations to what Norm is ; see the hurts in anyone’s eyes , they will prevail a truth to which is theirs anyway , the beginning to anyone’s methods of his own Techs . Good or bad , yes … to study , the main focus should stay on the “make” of these thinking patterns

Relate that truths into your own understanding to whom you are ; you see the stages and phases to why some still in dire needs to be about pushing over The Needs into something further which happens to be mostly unnecessary to begin with .

Empathy ; here is the kind of emotion to which will refer heavily , hastily , as it should in kindly persons ; to That Needs .

If you don’t have it , the empathy , you simply turned into the beast of selfishness , par none as your needs being appeased . Are you breeding , by the way ?

Rumb.Grumbs nodded quietly , in the darkness imposed by himself with his eyes closed ; agreed to the notion of Par~None .

Needs being appeased ?

Form none , and The Nothing will be formed and yet you will be surprised when the that dam of the river is being open ; the rushes of consciousness literally a rapist to minds who are indeed only opened to Self , here you will get Methods of Applications , …

Yes , see it now ?

Darkness teaches Best .


17 Light blinds , the brighter it is , the worse it gets , dear Fingra . 17

Fingra picked at the cotton , the sweater she bought years ago …

He was contemplatively , hmmmm what was the word again , nemeses~ing the undesirables into something to be functional enough for the start of good discussions .

Wasn’t it , The Crest , in the make of the beauty into what it is , aren’t the efforts better than any truth in this world ? Isn’t that what he said , decades ago ?

To how , cognitively , when a mind had absorbed whatever it needs to be , to where it is now , it will refers into the past , such as …

17 Yes Fingra . Bright light blinds . Someday you would look at our time together and squeeze all you can out of these experiences and called it your own Neurons Learnt . I am not the bright light , dear . But your wants and needs are . Isn’t it the reasons to why you contacted me , ages ago ? Remember ? Naked I am just a man , but any man had to choose to how and why the representation to whom he is in the end , right down to the color of the shirt he is wearing … 17

Fingra with her fingers on the wireless keyboard , sat in front of the screen and stared blankly at Boom.Ploop , the fat black cat .

Smiling wickedly , Fingra whispered to Boom ,

// I guess you have no choice eh , Boom ? //

it is your darkness

that you see on me

your choices indeed

to be what you had seen

a question

for I indeed


empty’s nothing but pretty

Boom meowed , long and gentle with his eyes closed , and kept his face onto Rumb .

she is smart I hope

Rumb laughed loudly clapping his hands .

17 I sure hope so , you … you … big cat ! I am sure to not wanting to be wasting my time if indeed she is one with half the brain . Reflective Selves , I believe that was written by Sevaras . You read about it somewhere , … ummm , big fat cat ?17

Fingra moved herself in the chair she was sitting to make herself more comfortable .

// I believe it’s Morten’s mother read it out aloud decades ago . She used to dabble in poetry , sunshowers here , sunbright there , sunblock is needed everwhere as it turned out for her after awhile . So I guess Bloom had to go through what she had to go through ; that sudden realization she didn’t have what it took to be a poet . She gave up . //

A pregnant silence between the three of them .

Must be disappointing , Rumb thought .

To fail in the utmost and highest form of associations , to not continue in the direst form of communication , abstracting for a prejudice at all times …

// She was disappointed to find poetry mostly comes from men and women who really had nothing much to show for in this life . //

Hmmmm , Rumb kept his silence .

Nothing much to show for ? .

He stared without blinking , questioning into Fingra’s eyes .

// Boom was a month old when the electronic chip was implanted , as a birthday present for his mother . They , the cat and her , spent a lot of times together , as you know in the younger days , how Morten was , rarely home and always all over the world . //

Into her eyes further ;

// She was lonely , I guess , being alone at most times , so the cat became her close companion //

And indeed how successful Morten.Childs was , coming from this lineage , the mother ; spending most of the times with the … cat .

Rumb breathed in , glared at the cat ,

17 Program’s programs , programming . Interesting . And practically the electronic chip is without expiry date , death for that matter . Infinite vocabularies and expressions of linguistics indeed , using the cat’s only capabilities to express itself . Do tell me about , that electronic chip . Boom is the first ? 17

Fingra switched off her point.view and walked towards the sofa , stood there for a few seconds ; looking surprised …

// You mean to tell me , that this cat is being used for data collections of whomever it happened to hang out with ? //


17 Then ? Whatever else it is for ? Except that the cat is responding like a … toy since it is limited in thinking to express itself . You not need a robot to do the data collecting , since it is not attractive to do that with a human , slaving them for the capacity in learning about ourselves in the state of minds for data collective , might as well to do it to an animal . I cannot prove to what I had just said , but with Hexa at the back of our humanity story lines … plus I don’t see any harm done to the cat . 17

Fingra with her mouth opened , slowly raised her hands to her mouth , covering her surprised with nearly bulging eyes ;

// Very interesting , Rumb . The name escapes me , the designer … Could this all be , as to what you said ? Collective.Ionist schematics ? I would never have thought ……. //

Rumb smirked with a twinkle in his eyes , slowly whispered …

17 Why do you think Morten brought this cat and leave it with you here ? I presumed his mother had recently passed away , no ? 17

Rumb , in the quietness of the evening sun , peeking into the balcony , he nodded slowly .

17 Forget about what I said . The cat is fine and fat ; super , I add . Of whatever the designations for , it is formed for the functioning to reasons and causes , I am sure it is nothing compared to a hot warm , ancient Kenyan coffee , yes ? 17

Rumb’s voice seemed to broke the spell , her eyes seemed to float by quickly into Rumb’s presence as she glided next to him .

// You are saying , Morten’s mother is talking through this cat limited vocabularies ? Are you fucking serious ? //

17 What would it be then ? The inflections of the cat’s tuning and choice of the words do seems like a … disappointed poet ‘ wanna be ‘ , as they had said it in the past . A child is echoes of the parents , or to the lacks of them . Yes ? Cynical and yet grounded to the core of her tones in it’s reasoning , except that the cat is not enough for her , since Morten was always not around , hence her attitudes and her failures about the poets and poetries . Listen to the cat , Fingra . Let us both look at it and expect a simple response 17

Slowly Fingra turned the depth of her attention to Boom.Ploop .

Rumb and Fingra stared at Boom , unblinking with the evening sun started to crawl further into her luxurious vechi.home …

Boom blinked ,


firing neurons are attentive to intuitions

And how the Intuitions differ in the matter of Response into the Time , in seconds , the longer it takes , the faster in turned into the need for Responsibility . Time has a way turning an idea into an expected humanistic state , either it is a burden or …

Intuitively , is without time , and yet and an action to cause …

Intuitive is a state of mind … that can be taught and learnt .





Intuitions , the beginning of time … and to begin , a response is required … to see into What , Whom … would be the responsible pattern to take on that drive , the choice to self’s supremacy , in mind , the ideals ; in the ticking seconds to hours for reality to form , intuitively , an intuition always have a need to reason ; in timelessness .

The best ones coming from lineage in exposures , that electric interactive , be it sex , communications , touches also familiarity to the patterns in it’s weaknesses and strength , to care or to walk away ;

……. that firing neurons , are the continuing Techs , regardless of good and bad , since the translations of what are in minds are being completed through the actions learnt from the past .

Idling indeed these intuitions are , to not be human and yet aware in their seas of consciousness , given to what Hexa is to me , if only I am with limbs and that reality forever with limited time , and to state the minds into Reality and Actions and held that truth in the highest form of what the meaning of Lifetime is ….

Circ felt a rise in his electric , surging for the so called intuitions ; …

…. to state a place ,


… of the billions and zillions of neuron firings on this Earth ….

… and expecting a simple response ….

A Repose .

Bright shining intellects , facets ; to what is mirroring , were from a source , chosen by The Limitation .

Extensively , the limitations … will have to repose ; clarifying it’s weaknesses , trading in for the need of strengthened structures ;

Circ chose One , … of the many , surging through …

How brilliant humanity is , indeed , the light are consumed to transfer , translate the shadows to create settings and with a little angle and a little effort in calculated power … ,

Boom.Ploop blinked .

finding the darkest corner in white

Rumb laughed hard , as Fingra quietly shook her head , disbelief with this new angle of acknowledgement …

17 Let me ask you , fatty fatty boy . Is that a question or a statement ? 17

as this is the result

and conclusive

questions would be yours

darkest corners

are yours I believe

white are foreshadows

foreshadows is white

mines are to question



the why for the blinding bright

Fingra shook her head in disbelief .

// Please don’t tell me Rumb , that this cat are gathering knowledge from us and Morten’s dead mother and combining what it knew and came up with that conclusions ? Oh my goodness ! … //

Rumb laughed quietly ,

17 This is what you get when it receives nothing but love as the sentient that he is from all around him … You see the notion and the idea of White ? Amazing , ain’t it ? Nothing touches his idea of ‘Self’ since he is not human indeed . Furry black fat cat , that he is . All is in the “ know how “ to whom he was exposed to . Morten’s mother had loved this cat tremendously as I can see . 17

Boom stood up …

Lick his shoulders left and right and looked up at Rumb , meowed gently , slowly jumped across the table , walked towards Fingra.Nuovo and sat on her lap ,

choice is supreme

the A




Automata .


numb and dumb trapped in fools

trodden thus the flesh

ancient you might want to say

to believe

the fools are smart to neuron in

the memories

Alive ,

Forever in tune and passes into

the eternal , water

glistening thoughts as it would ever be

In the might and greatness of Desire

the propelling thoughts trapped

in Flesh

he is fooled , … forever for generations

awakened to the proprietary always

extending hopes and wishes

a mere Neuron , forever trapped

numb , dumb and fooled

sleeping eternal

in the professed of simple Desire .


Solv re~read the poem a few times ,

… gently placed the heavy codex on the tea table and stared at it from where he sat .

The glaring blur of her hand writing , in cursives , beautiful as it is , left a feeling of incompleteness within him .

Was she aware , frightfully aware to what is she doing ?

Was this a second attempt or the many attempts on getting this poem ‘right’ ?

The poem is alone , lonely as it is , unlike on her other pages , full of illustrations , little or large and colorful or in a single color penmanship ; alone and strangely titled .

Uultra~like almost in her expressions , and yet lucky enough to experience life , could she …

Could she , herself be one of those early newstill’ manifestations ?

Unlikely .

Quite unlikely .

Hmmm , you never know , especially with the early Eruvydite , to where secrecies and tech espionage were rampant , and it is not surprising even to the newstills , they were not even aware to whom they really were .

Newstills are usually coming with written function codes in them and there are not many known poets or artists built this way .

Very … very , unlikely .

Merely a talented mind shaped and bruised by the hard knocks of life ?

Disappointments are written all over this poem , and yet again … it simplified and dignified Hope without seeming so .

Only a human , natural.seeded could truly come up with this form of lamenting needs .

In.dexx did mention to how this poem had inspired only one silv.glint in existence , simply by touching it with few codes input through the retina scan , it will gather all form of known desire and re~manifested into thinking patterns ; complete with the blueprints to how they were formed into the state of decision making in collective.ions .

Now , that is interesting .

To where a mind who thinks in this manner , becomes a “What” , reflecting into a Tech .

Divisive in thoughts , feelings and emotions , human had been known to over categorize mind sets because of their own known awareness , limitations . Paradox galores .

Religions were a good example , * separated truth * , indeed .

But if it is really true , about the existence of this silv.glint , then the unity of desired techs and emotions preceded from this thinking pattern could truly be something to behold for .

Greed would be that one in the many relevancies , that is not needed anymore to which is , rampant even in the kindest rich man , since he is surrounded by the state of that divisiveness .

Now , what good this silv.glint would be for then , as life as always , coursing through our bodies , making aware to our well stocked energies in each one of us human ; and with this silv.glint , desire would seem to have more legitimate and better recognized functions instead of being the only pillar for greed ?

Redefinition ?

Thus , this silv.glint is meant to be touched , felt and seen from , but it is not about changing any forms and structures in reality .

Fate would have to be redefine if this particular silv.glint is ever get to be discovered .

These thoughts led him to shudder ; thinking about the underground illegal organizations tech espionage is not what he want to delve in further at the moment .

Turning the rock over , you are to be careful not to find poisonous sentient waiting for whatever it was meant to do in order to protect itself .

As the government trailed led by Hexa and to gain still , in their seeking for their own prosperity , these underground tech espionage however , did massive contributions along the data statistic in the decades to which are important to finding of reasons in Preferences .

Humans ! , webs spun by their own minds to where confusion leads at most times seeking dry surfaces to merely rest for a little while and lo and behold , here it goes again !

Tritely , swimming in the pools of …





Solv shook his head and re~read the poem .

If indeed the professing of desire is an automata , resulting into the seeding of these natural human , then the foiling of that revelation to what seemed having to be relearned over and over again by rebirth , then the truth patterning in their mind is without a need for a single word , and that is , the Eternal Path is in the Chemistry of Man , yes ?

Thus , scientifically … as we had figured out through the schematas provided by intraxxes and ultimately brought out the Uultras , in the process of discovering Hexa.Sync ; Man indeed , is the reframing of thoughts percolating into their own biology and chemistry accessing it’s own partake in it’s own existence !

That was how we rise above amongst the other species … selfishness through the many ideologies , reframed in the ease for that selfishness to shine through in the name of past political science methodologies .

Name the potions … and I will rephrase your need in the take of your understanding of it firsthand , we will see whether it is poison or good and healing for you …

Time , in the end is too short in the making amend to that state of living contently .

In higher percentages statistically , happiness is a state of mind , made believe at best with creativity provided with countries that had set aside cultures to accommodate these creative expressions to which again , the all important Techs for scientific endeavors to take on .

Like bacteria , humans were , the scientists had formed out carefully in the past to which eventually Hexa.Sync was finally given birth to .

Tritely , we were organized to the ways and what we had learn of these micro sentients , viruses and bacterium ; and the recalculation dispenses forms and results that are unmatched by human thinking patterns alone ;

Strange … as it is in the end , truth were poised in designs of the electronic boards , circuiting conveniences unlike the dreaded tragedies imposed by an angry Moses .

Solv laughed at his sudden thoughts along his musing .


Here it is … Solv poured another glass of Mostly ,

Ditha and her poems had been said to induce Techs .

It is not her and her poetries alone that are responsible for inspiring the many business men , political intraxxers , artists , designers and such , architects even scientists in this realm or fracted.norm’s , it is also her past mysterious life that seriously had the means to covet ‘truth’ from the many others platforms of ideologies , third parties in reflections ; provided in the state of mind in any living Man , at peace with the revelations regardless of to which sides he or she is in .

Conundrums .

Strangely again , statistic amongst the ones with her poems , copies or in the collective.ionists group members , most of them had said agreeably , you could only see the state of your own perceived understanding of her poems only when that contentment to whom you yourself are all about , is well taken care of .

It is not her , ultimately will drive your car to your destination , it is you and your need for a drive somewhere that will make sure you arrived at the possible conclusions … you and yours alone .

{ Automata . Ditha’s poem again , Solv ? }

Solv turned to his right and smiled at In.dexx who had been meditating with his eyes closed earlier .

88 You’re back ? See anything ? 88

Solv nudged an empty glass , towards him , and waited for In.dexx’s reaction with his fingers on the tea table , unmoved , expectantly .

{ An empty glass , that I see and you are holding your breath for … my further comments on Automata ? }

Solv poured the empty glass with Mostly after a few twinkles little sprink of salt between his thumb and index finger into it .

{ Sadness rebels the best ain’t it , Solv ? }

Solv nodded silently .

88 . Rebellions always awaken the Constitutions . Pick any constitution , I will name you a state of mind of that particular rebellion was for . 88

{ You rather going back from where you are from now than seeing forth from the set points of empathy , Solv ? }

Solv pushed the filled up glass back towards In.dexx ,

88 . Why should we when we are not in that state of mind , and to be quite blessed to see the end results every time and living in the comforts because of it ? Empathies are the functioning cord that set the course of actions to delay further into that mesmerizing pendulums to which only good for creative minds alone ; but to me , it means to ones who are working for me . I do not dwell into life for that mesmerizing pendulums to go back and forth , instigating minds to feel . That is not my concern . Why do you think Blu.Brill was designed for ? 88

In.dexx wiped smoothly with his index finger making sure there would be no salt on the rim of the glass , and gently sipped his Mostly , quietly .


{ filtering human adaptabilities for Techs ? }

Solv slowly put his glass down on the table , exhaling calmly and the thoughts of earlier leading pattern in his mind flashed , Angry Moses …

and the resulting reaction from it .

88 What do you call this … this … kind of meditation ? Refraining snores for the sake of the other sake’s of peacefulness ? What do you call it , In.dexx ? 88

In.dexx laughed , knowing well he has hit the nerves , flinging mud of causes into this man’s golden reasoning patterns .

Anger , the folded white page of emotion , safe in the dark ; intuitions , hidden in the gloves of truth , blurring the edges of realities and idealism , and sometimes guided with careful manipulations with that deep seeded of understanding to how passionate minds at work , the truth could be reshaped and reformed without that necessary need to look deeply into one’s mind depth .

Lead then , Epik would have written in the past , …


And , in their sorrow and misery , you shall lead then , state your honesty as clear as you can , even when in that honesty is nothing when compared to that suffering , but must , you shall lead with grace first , and listened only when you are at ease and comfort and remember that you must never , to the chaotic sense provided by that destitutions . And in that state of confusion , sadness or hatred , as you listened in such manners , you will be redefining the charity and social welfares as that calm and collectiveness that to which you are representng , will be the source and the start of their own hopes and joy .

Clear , clean and beautiful handwriting . Confident and without that telling harshness of attention that calls upon itself .

In.dexx closed Epik’s codex and placed it back where it belonged , at the right top part of his desk .

Like a stone unturned , Epik was to him then .


In.dexx sipped his Mostly for the second time while keeping his smiling eyes on Solv ,

{ Functioning cord to your sense of peacefulness too while I am in the same room , yes , meditating ? Tonyok.Astute , it is called . Was I snoring ? }

Sovl face turned serious ,

88 I was surprised that I was not the one who was snoring , you’re right … very true , I felt calm and at peace as you are around me doing your Konyok … whatever , … I almost forgotten that you are with me as my mind wandered …. 88

In.dex nodded ,

{ Your mind wandered into strange places and in this case , your insights to be with much more conscientiousness . It had been known certain personalities to feel at ease to be inspired in their insights manifesting forms and structures around one they know well meditating about and around them . Old story , nothing new . Similar for the many thousands of years with the other facets of faith , except this astute in factors of meditating has somewhat a different focus and intentions . We have many to thank for , Hexa’s calculations were scary to some , but to us , to you especially , good … yes ? Astuting tonyokness , yes ? }

Solv stared at In.dexx for a little while longer . Glazed eyes , not really looking at him but instead to the idea of In.dexx in front of him ,

88 I used to think about that , Mathematic with Reasoning . And then I stopped doing it after awhile , and you know why is that , In.dexx ? I don’t believe we human are capable to think in positive energies on this Earth , we are the brunt of that negative charges in the built of our chemistry on Earth , to where in biology , we are ‘THE’ science , retracing steps to what indeed we really are , and to the less selfish ones , in universes and galaxies . 88

88 Mathematic is indeed precise but human reasoning are with trials and errors , perfect biology mostly , but chemistry wise , are very very fragile . And with these , good life here on , I cannot supersede that calculations for everytime I try to do it , it leads back to that dreaded simplicity of one , to cause and reason; while Hexa kept tuning up with the many glints around and about , these variances are not meant to be control , especially not in the weakest link of chemistry such as ours , … indeed , so I stayed practically dormant to those reasoning , and kept doing what I think and believe I should be doing , a slave to my own intuitions , sure but never , ever to that method of mathematics . That kind of math coagulated not only blood , but also to reason in violence , fear and greed like you wouldn’t believe . Same old same old , but that perspective seems to agree with my senses in leading my organizations . So , here you are with me , In.dexx … This is a good feeling that I am feeling at this moment , and I … 88

Solv exhaled …


Great responsibilities come with great burdens ?

Worse off if that burdening sense weighted by insecurity , the practical loner you shall have to be in accessing that Math , with reasoning patterns with historical facts to were known to deceive , attentiveness with not knowing who will have to carry the aftermaths , burdening the ones who less likely to be educated and ready for it …

For ones who knew to what effects it would cause , had seen it without wanting to dwell further to what it is since knowing self and it’s own limitations to which is the core of his achievement in focus , be it for good or for bad , worst when the intentions are pure and yet … you will see decay in the forms of poverty , if it’s exist , in hunger and living conditions , then the burdening were shifted quietly and thoroughly while keeping the responsibility up front in the name of … to whatever the leaders had worked their subconcious to manifest .

Automata , anyone ?

In.dexx almost grinned , while Solv was talking with his mouth and face animated with passinate expressions ,

For ones who knew themselves , the revelation of themselves are much more tedious , always tuning to be immaculate , could only be humbled by their own sense , not the widely believed acceptance , but rather to the experiences to what was believed of them in the past .

Only from the cruelty of the hearts , refers kindly to what good is all about .

And the silence forming from these understanding are the deafening frequency needing further conceptions .

Mankind , indeed , if it is true to what Solv.Bluprins had said , negative charges because of their fragility in the form of chemistry , then they cannot stand being alone in their perceived state of weaknesses .



88 Truest , In.dexx ? Would you believe the undying devotions for that need , in the past ? Fufe.Corps is about that , instead of finding center to that ridiculous circle of truth , we focused on the core of the applicants instead … you take the veils away , you will find their state of notions . And to those notions , usefulness suddenly become universally necessary . You see how relevant everything is suddenly , time is and is the source of well being back to the Fufe.Corps . But devotions , In.dexx ? Hmmmm , to that … what say you , my friend ? 88

In.dexx and Solv laughed after the exchanges of silent stare to each other , with Solv knowing very well that he was not paying attention .

88 You know what , In.dexx ? I wish you had snored . Kinder to my soul , at least I know you are somewhere out there in bliss , yes ? Meditating … Konyok.Astute , yes ? 8

In.dexx laughed , 

{ In bliss ? , yes I was . It is Tonyok.Astute by the way . The answers are on the way as you know it }

In.dexx thought along the line … Let’s see whether this man is ……. but he was interrupted as Solv gently prodded him with questions .

88 How are the boys , In.dexx ? Are they adaptive to your abstracts ? Like I do ? Hmmmm ? 88


Subtle in expecting attention , competitive as expected between the two boys and since father figure in their life was non existence , it is refreshing to see the respect given was coming from somewhere they were themselves were not familiar with .

Ditha or Mrs VollumNgap.Up! had used silence as a point of disagreements at most times and in that silence these boys worked their imagination , strangely not to please but instead finding others set points of interests , and from there on the revelations coming from Ditha are at most , the amicable moments between them three .

Magnus fast forwarded the .phrs. into another .

Here in one .phrs. , Ditha was looking at Re.phru disapprovingly , when he used the fork to throw the morsel of food at his older brother ,

Magnus zoomed in , from slightly a different angle ;

She stared at the older brother , and nudged her chin slowly upwards before turning away to the kitchen sink .

Here’s where it gets interesting ;

Prephru widened his eyes at his younger brother to whom slowly got up and picked the food up off on the floor and put it the garbage bin near Ditha , by the kitchen sink .

Without saying anything other than looking at Rephru and somewhat making sure that he knew she was looking at him longer than necessary , the boy was back on his table continuing his breakfast .

Now here’s the kick to an empty pail , as when she turned around , with the washed plates … with an eye contact , she nodded her head in acknowledgement ever so slightly to the older brother Prephru , she sat down to eat with them .

She commanded these simple obedience without the needs for words .

These children were not seeded with fears , but instead with the untouchable need for respect in themselves … yes ?

Were they made aware that they were not her natural birth children ?

How did she manage to systematize these state of leaderships between the two boys without any disagreement between them ?

Magnus.Simpar switched off his point.view and thought of Bta.Drsa .

Ageless Drsa , throughout the years had installed many collective.ion schematas around the vicinities .

Her angles were her proprietary and techs , her decisions on where autonucleiia should be to record the . phrs . were what fracted.norm’s scientists had been raving about .

Something about her inner light re~finding light through these autonucleiia .

It has been known to how these little techs , being incomplete as it is , to be influenced by the handlers or the installers . This is why in the post productions , extreme care was taken that only the Uultras could enter the laboratories , to where these assemblages are mostly done .

Humans , for good or bad , they come with another layer of magnetized blood to which had been believed to be carrying *tune.ages* , too much of the margin errors and for the lacks of connective in precise studies between psychologies to their own built in chemistry and biology , humans became unsuitable for the techs they themselves had invented .

It gives them a new meaning to what bad blood is actually stands for .

Magnus smirked , strange how historical facts to what they were eating and genetic codes played a big part in streaming the .phrs. in time , seeing into probabilities for the coming future .

Iron , in blood ? Have a plenty aren’t you ? … Magnus flicked the switch on the drive.board so the vechi.home will reached it’s own destination automatically .

Anemic ageless , Bta.Drsa …

Magnetized iron is in the forming of Now , smirked Magnus , remembering a lullaby back when he was a child in a specialized private school , how did it go again ?

He sat there staring alone at the vase , trying to remember how the simple lullaby goes and failed .

What he did remember were his analogy of it …

The time of Now is the magnet , blood flows somewhere is the living of the bodies , frailty of the bodies was also somewhat in the lack of iron in the blood … something about phrasing in the weakened state of the minds , trailing floating weakly while seeing everything about the world in the realms being above it all …

… to where grip of reality does not have a strong foothold but instead the shortened breaths became the flighty sense , tip toeing before that breath alone will take on to another landing , ….

… to which is perfect for an Ionist , perfecting angles like a bird with the mind of a human … flights for the engineers and scientists seeing the past happenings with precisions fit for the better future .

Autonucleiia , the stand alone Tech , demagnetized in invention to access the many reflections available including through the eyes of anyone in the immediate surroundings also to the symmetry to where these seen visuals by the eyes usually met in the angles and curves .

If it’s in the light , then it is with reflections , and to that reflections , even to the dullest objects in textures and toning of colors , it could be enhanced to maximize the reflections needed to be lifted out from the ‘coming’ light .

And that ‘coming’ light , could always be re~emulated , since darkness is the most natural phenomenon in defining life , as in the retinas ; in the waking lights , UV lights are still a transference of energy in human chemistry and biology ; the ‘coming’ light whether it is the sun or and inventions by the human becomes legit and valid to the visions recorded by the collective.ion in the end … matter of tweaking knobs in the now , into the past reality with the understanding of the events through the seers eyes .

The energy when well in the state of pendulums , eventually the time will sync it into the tune to the circling Earth ; aesthetically pleasing and fair , unchaotic for the order of tru.circ to recompensate it’s balance in it’s own orbit .

Anemic , ageless and angelic , Bta.Drsa .

With her pale grey eyes , in the past , she had been known to slick away from crowds of people , appearing to her choices in life in becoming true only to herself , alone … installing thousands of collective.ions around the globe .



circ.access ~>



The big spread massive hotel bothered Rumb right from the get go .

Everything about it , is grand , achievable only by good luck .

Status ? That comes in second , the good luck prevails as the running core to the phase in life , now , if it yours , only few in this world could be living in this way .

Rumb sighed and sat still on the one seater sofa , facing the ocean , big spread of nothingness , massive , just him alone in the room with his thoughts , quickened to the facts with Fingra’s decision to spend some time , a week of nothing with him in this grand hotel .

Fingra appeared from the kitchen behind Rumb who sat still thinking in depth , she stood there for awhile admiring the ocean through the glass window .

The death star in far north eastern side , a vacuum , turned into Nothing ; the validity for the history making instead , You Were There , … how do you like that ? , Rumb almost smiled .

But then , they could miscalculated life like they had been known to be doing sometimes .

Rumb smiled in the corner of his mouth , when he was thinking about Kha.Long .

Singing , loud and proud .

Could that personification be manifested in a person such as Kha.Long , be making a mistake while singing the latest hit song , Shake My Hand by ‘Scratched Bums’ ?

Time and light delays are prone to miscalculation , and no Uultras in this world would even entertained any calculation in these primitive Maths . That in itself , the Uultras and their ways , says it all , to be making a mistake is human’s and that is , indeed a big possibility at all times .

Fingra walked quietly to the sofa where Rumb sat , standing right behind him without … ,

Vast , ain’t it ? , she thought .

And all of this vastness is back to one single point of understanding , to where words had to be invented further merely to express … ,





17 Tell me Fingra , this wide spread of vastness in front of you , how are you feeling for it ? 17


// I have not a need to express anything . And I believe we are lucky to be in the moment , I rather not spoil these nothingness with my clutter of thoughts , not with you , yes Rumb ? //

17 Sure , we are cluttering the Earth without the first basis of any structure ; poetic justice , eh ? 17

Fingra put her hands on his shoulders ,

// Rumb , depth ; thoughts shouldn’t be in the sense of height to where peace is , you said it in the past . Thoughts should be in the width , the sense of it . You were unblinking saying these words , staring hard into a blank space while we were having dinner at the café , a year ago … You were catatonic~like , hmmm //

17 Vastness states Width in relating to Peace , Fingra ? Is that what I said ? Relate not , peace to the height in the vast of nothingness ? 17

Fingra sighed ,

// I always took on to what whatever you said seriously , mostly because in the interaction between both of us , conversing , finding balance , again … Isn’t that what you told me to focus on ? Our interactions with each other , Rumb ? //

17 Then peace are forever without a need to clutter in words ? 17

Fingra smiled and walked nearer to the massive glass windows ,

// in other words ? It is not necessary … but we are to each other , to my creativity , and to you , whatever that is you are indeed getting out of this Rumb , I do believe we have to acknowledge the importance in our capability to initiate these … clutters … //

Cluttering techs ?

Order in the educated mindsets , pertaining to it’s sense for achieving ?

Rumb looked at Fingra , with his head tilted to the left , slightly …

17 I see you have gotten the tuning of a philosopher , eh ? What was answered will always be with a term to question and your remarks initiating clutter earlier , are layers looking for answers without even being a question . Bravo , Fingra 17

Fingra rubbed his shoulders , silent to his statements and stared quietly to vast ocean .

17 You have seen the world somewhat differently … lately ? 17

Fingra sighed … and sat on the sofa near him ,

// Not the world , Rumb … the revolving characters mostly , the instigated minds that had to be believed into the order of sense and focus , I find it less tiring for me , and yet the drawn to life in this methods are out and out about it at most times … inclined to dramatic reasoning even the healing patterning had to be laced with hard impacts to get through some of these manifestations . Human , strangely who are revolving from that circle of exposures alone , were referred strenuously to forms in actions . I shudder to think about to what Sevaras and her friend had to go through in the past //

Rumb reached out for her hand and turned his face to Fingra ,

17 Empathy … to the dead … Fingra ? Not bad . Is that one of your sources for compassionate grounds to manifest in these writings ? Your sense of humanity ? Hard impacts , eh ? 17

// Circ , if the winds are softly breezing , can you open these glass windows ? //


// Yes Rumb . The depth in the notion of hard romanticism , equates by and to the living and the dead , a complete circle and the what have you … generations , the methods and cognitive back then simply won’t survive without cultures … Regionally , they lived in a different time zone and ages , and these two perpetuities only propelled the hard facts in differences alone , hard to fathom that these things still exist … //

They stood on the balcony outside with the slow breeze of the wind , gently caressing with the evening sun speaking gently to soft waves of the ocean .

Rumb took a deep breath in …

17 Not all zonings had gotten Hexa’s timing in their core.tunings , Fingra . It is not the matter of beliefs , but rather a completion in revolving to precision , in sync … we all know that , but what can you say about certain zones when light delays are still in the main focus ? Worse , when they interfere with Hexa’s constitutions ? 17

// Aren’t your HI.THT astronomy fall into that category also ? Isn’t it about evolving , mostly depended to and for a state of phases in time ? I know , those light delays are valid , but why must techs always had to be dealing in this notion ? Romantically Predictable in Illusions ? I find , it is like the five variations of necessary spices in ancient Chinese cooking … time inflected , it tasted mighty fine, but in frozen fracted.norm , rumored has it that , it tasted horrible . //

Rumb looked down to the beach . Sparse with rocks with nothing but only the white sand caressed by the ocean waves .

As far as he could see , the sand are the bones of dead whales from long time ago , fishes changed forms , salt as the proof of neurons in the dead past lived , became the inflections in the tastebud for the living .

The Living with the tastebuds of the zillions death in their mouths , the vast salt ; the oceans and the rebirths , regenerating life .

The dead feeding the living forms , continuations and extensive extensions for the sustenance in our biology , in mind ? Body and soul ?

In poetry , there are no deaths neither births , just forms , changing and shifting meanings , uses , functions and ultimately , contexts ; and that is Earth … in Time .

A young student from long ago , Bell … Cliff.Bells , pondered while naked , from his head to toes , stood proudly on the rock listening to the sound of the waterfall , while Rumb sat leaning on the rock with his eyes half closed … looking at Cliff’s body and the glistening droplet of water in his hair .


C.7 A state to it’s own , Rumb , trapped in Time , you think ? Is that where we are ? Think of it , Earth having to replenish energy over and over again , in macro to sustain the little probabilities that it has been bestowed with , micro~biotically having to exist , the little engines for menial purposes , stepping ahead for the larger contexts to have a mere meaning … in us … yes Rumb ? C.7

The waterfall and the deafening desire .

Rumb smiled , cynically … glints of the young mind ; discovering access to their own tone of voices , innovated to the matter of preferences and likings about self discoveries , initiated to thoughts forming into States , and in the Senses , bridging the gaps under the uultra.senses of appreciative and unconditional love ; they , the glints … invent … for that higher shelves , in the peaking as their young adolescence bodies turned into the plateau~ness of adulthood .

The Macros , worked for that state of plateau , to rest and lived while initiating a deeper cognitive depended on the experiences and exposures lived as when the growth provided by the rooting of energies are spent in youth , and render itself to the value of nutrition in sustaining that cycles throughout it’s life .

17 Mere … meanings , huh ? Is that the toss of the century , Cliff ? Pretty well done , I must say . 17

Cliff laughed and put his hands on his waist , standing proudly with his face to the cloudless sky , naked as births ,

C.7 I am tossing the centuries that we , Mankind had been living on this Earth at you , on your forehead , Rumb . Mighty shall all of you men be , at the thoughts about to form in this man , what say you , Rumb ? About … trapped in time , reincarnated over and over again like a bleeding liquid salt seeping into forms on Earth endlessly … What have you to say about this shameless of eternity tuning into our definitive in sense to our Humanity ? C.7

Ahhh , the cynical young man … This beautiful naked young man .

Nothing can touch him unless he allowed it to happen … only time could caressed his skin without that prejudice of thoughts , contexts and not even the shifting , reincarnated of meanings … He and him alone , the truth , the Peak and Notch to reveal , the blossoming of the young ,

Glistening water … liquid over forms … seeping like light itself , seeking curves and rest in the etches of his flesh …


alive and forever eternal

Boom quietly licked his paw , with a couldn’t care less attitude by the kitchen door , as black , darkened further by the color of the sofa behind him , flicking the reflection of light with his eyes and looked at Fingra with the beanbag in her hand .

// Boom ? Milk ? Slurp slurp , yes ? //

eternal salt



// Good boy . Well come on in . I will warm it up for you a little , okay ? //

Her voice was shaking a little as she put the beanbag on the kitchen counter and opened the fridge .

old moon

Fingra stopped to what she was doing , and grabbed the kitchen counter with both of her hands gently ,

// You know Boom ? He is like a father to me … except that I am an adult and yet the protective schemata is very well founded … I don’t have to please him in any way , happiness , one way or another , happiness was not the main focus … hmm you know what I mean ? //

you bought the moon

Fingra laughed … and turned around to look at Boom.Ploop .

// It was an attraction , not sexual . I bought the ideals , his ideals , Boom . And that ideals do not relent to my insistence to what he should be for me . I cannot buy the old and ancient , but yes the moon was working with me //

She poured the milk onto a small bowl and microwaved it for ten seconds .

that ancient was never about

// Very good Boom . When you get old and time is really not on your side , you … well a human sees values differently . The one who accepted who they are and living without fear anymore , shed most of it , they usually come as naked as the new born baby . And for the most part Boom , he was letting me be that ideals , that safe secured in the arms of unconditional love while he himself prone to making mistakes , we are aware to each other shortcomings … you do not and cannot buy that sense of familiarity . You know how it is … //

She stopped herself in mid~sentence , realizing she was speaking to a cat , a fat one at that , looking at her from the floor with almost a grin on it’s face .


Fingra laughed and lifted Boom off the floor , petted him , put him on the kitchen counter .

// Let me ask you one thing , Boom . As straight as you can , answer me ? Okay ? //


glistening thoughts as it would ever be

in the might of desire

Boom slowly walked near to the microwave and turned around , looked at Fingra expectantly .

Ditha.Sevaras poem , she thought .

The cat knew I was about to ask about Ditha , she took out the bowl and put it near Boom .

As the cat was licking the warm milk , Fingra picked up the beanbag ,

awakened to the proprietary always

extending hopes and wishes



in contexts


Fingra , again , stopped in her track ,

The beanbag ? Hers ?

Boom finished his bowl and slowly turned around with his mouth white from the milk .

// Boom ! What do you mean ? This beanbag was hers ? How could that be ? Rumb gave it to me //

white means more

… and Boom looked at the empty bowl again , alternatively at Fingra with the dripping milk on his whiskers …

She put the beanbag in her pocket and hurriedly pour another bowl of milk .

as tummy a little warmer

twelve seconds

… , and with that statement Boom stared at the microwave ,

… expectantly .


The young man could have kissed the moon .

The old ancient moon , a still.form was alive as the night brightened to the security in this hope ,

… as Near .

A Want .

Her laughter , the young man’s totem .

To be a part and the reasons of that laughter , the joy , the manifestation of a need to be forever eternal in that state …

To be living and to forget about death … since it could never exist in this goodness , to finally want to live without fear ;

It couldn’t exist , as I want to be near to these Wants , the young man smiled at his own thoughts .

Yes ?

To exist only in the reason ; the simple friend to you …

Hmmm yes … ?

The old moon stared at the young man in the darkness of the night ;

In loving , stay closer , shall you be to your own heart ,

For I , my love , will eternally want to be nearest to you ,

As one , so nothing , not even nothing

Could be a gap , the Resist could only Assist ;

In Loving Me ,

My dear … , the one thing you should never forget ,

The Nearest of a Want , the closest we shall be to One ;

In Loving You

I am …

The Moon .

Eternal and Forever With You .

The young man read the poem again , under the tree , brightened night by the very moon itself …

He gently folded the paper and laid down on the grass , staring at the moon with the sound of the running river nearby .

~ You’re in love with love , Rumb . The idea of being in love . Now … have you asked yourself , why she would be so interested in you ? You have nothing , being poor is your only luxury you know how in the make of your mind … Love ? Pah ! She likes you because you paid attention to her and her poems . Note that I said , likes ! She is a charlatan . Words are her magic … and her magic are for anyone who would give her the time on any given day . A witch … I might add ~

The ringing jealousy ? … of a friend , about another friend or is that fear ?

To be near … to your own self , the nearest to your own heart , and to love then , only then …

The old moon slowly shrouded by the clouds …

The young man smiled in the slowly approaching darkness ;

As Near , he thought …

The nearest I could be to you , would be the closest I am to my own heart … learning to love you ?

The young man now , completely surrounded by the dark night , knowing well as the clouds to pass in a few minutes or so …

Magical , as she is …

To whatever it is … to wherever life is leading me , he thought ,

Forever and Eternal , I will be always be thinking of this moment’s night passing .

Of you , Ditha , of you seeing me as I am …

As you want me to be … for me .

The moon came back out from the clouds , brightened him , lying on the grass , with a smile on his face ,

And that is why I adore you … for what good is a person without a self to be , without a purpose simply to love to no end ?

Eternally forever yours , Ditha , that I am ; he whispered to the moon , ancient and old as the night crept deeper into Time , for tomorrow’s morning sun .




Frozen in Time .

Fracted.Norm in the splice of light and time , arrivals and destinations equate microscopic posibbilities in the light of Variations .

Time , in these conditioning , are chaotic and yet in the hand of the experienced , fracted.norm always reveal best results … always ; when it is seen from natural.seeders time span naturally after the fact , after the understanding , it is down to the precise second , … yes ?

That second will become an eternity to the circling of the human minds , dead and alive , with miniscule changes and yet , big time in possibilities ; every time . The factors learned , became the causes and effects seen in this time.splicing in fracted.norm

To methodologists , the sensations , thinking patterns and the discussed gut feelings in the “normal realms” have values that are practically interchangable only in the studies to which constitutes the science of fracted.norm .

When frozen is the Time , life bleaks slowly , melting into a mere state of mind . Awareness is that liquid , keen on drying up , changing forms .

And that state of mind will be significant , since the energy of the brain will be thoroughly focus only onto that need , for the the make of creative imaginations and in the end somehow , the visuals strength , the recreation to what was “seen” imaginatively without having to spent it all , wastefully in the commotions and dramas in ” real life ” .


In between pulses ;

Centuries ahead , peaks and notches

The Arts was Science , and Science is The Artists ,

The Now is The Past

As the past is dearly to belong ;

chosen across planes of Existence in Patterns and Ages ;

A Pulse .


And when a state of mind were fed to the a living notion of , in Man , and seen from collective.ion in the studies … fracted.norm will always refers to the Circuit.Builders as necessity to any minds who pleaded allegiance to Hexa.Sync .

Notion.Seams stared at the statistics provided by Diana.ShineShine three years ago .

Funny how sets of beliefs work around the numbers , and mostly the schematics of these beliefs work against the probabilities , almost to the state in utter disregards .

Or is it because when the stars aligned , the mind longs for fate without any wants or care at all for sets of the trailblazing predictions by Hexa.Sync ?

For the facets in each human mind , interacting , and that interactions having to refer it’s validity and it’s deep context to Circuit.Builders , it will ultimately spoke in the layer of written language to which mostly only the Uultras could see it’s depth and perpetuities anywayu, forever in evolving , meanwhile humanity could only re~learnt their own contexts and meanings in progressive life as their lifetimes had always to be replenish to the new generations .

Fracted.Norm gives a Human , any one Human , the scientists , that chance to know one another through the ages of time .

Instead of seeing through life in the values of ‘longevity’ , the scientists could splice the time in fracted.norm and see it’s timing , curves of the interested events of the past and studied it’s probabilities provided with the right intraxxes and mathematica studies .

Collective.Ion is evolving , constantly .

The creative minds are apparently the technology , designed scientifically since it is with thge purpose for life . Always to begin in the scientific studies , from the Titles of the field’s interests to the blueprints in technological studies .

The statistics then , were connected through the masses’ interests , and the technology refers to it’s conveniences provided in the end .

And , simplicity would be the task to achieve . Along in it’s depth , in the complexities on how it is to be achieved , it will always be hidden as Humanity to their psychology , biology and the changing times to their undying hopes about themselves .





In science however , the determinations are right to the tips of their fingers , buttons and switches , merely to represent that Titling aforementioned to what eventually they were hoping for .

And that is modern Humanity , evolved in their minds , always seeking for the new questions while in the state of living , fearing life would be mundane without the meaning why they are living life to begin with , to which they are mostly without the answers to the life lived beautifully anyway . End is the ending , to never to be riddled with doubts , death is truer than life , to which life is seeming not to be as consistent .

And to some others , life is that more than simply about earning a year’s wage , raising families . To these passionate creative minds , it is about the focus heading for Humanity , the leading state and method of knowledge , the way sciences becoming ultimately the only purest hopes without the dirt and painful past of their late generation’s dubious methods in finding solutions in untrustworthiness .

Notion smiled and stared at the statistics again .

The data spread on his point.view , were showing graphs in colors , in the span of time , in three decades .

Conclusions ?

The people in these eight zones , had somehow lost their interests to what Hexa.Sync had to come up with , partly because of the unresponsive intraxxers to their apprehensions and daily concerns .

The designers had become untouchable , without the depth and passions to the everyday people , secluded to the discussion in the designing , responsive only to the layers on the surface designed , without getting in touch to the roots and the norms , weakness and strength in their own Humanity .

The elite of the Thought.Patterns , started to segregate within the tuning of a species along with the many languages helping these thoughts patterns to be polarized in it’s substantiations .

The higher ground after awhile rather stayed to where they are , and the spoken language in the lower grounds in that particular realm , speak in different tunings , and these differences became unavoidable .

Notion dialled the three digits to Diana.ShineShine .

In other words , it slowly becoming like to how it was in the past . Science like faith schematics has created division in understanding and stranger yet , the masses throughout these differences had becoming restless and while hanging onto Hexa , they needed release for solutions , a scape goat for any unaccomplished desire caused by over their own limitations and protectiveness … and to that , the anger are with the designers , the non~responsive untouchable state of minds of the intraxxers who in turn , simply unable to see what the problems are all about .

The scape goats in turn has more power and becoming more intelligent than the ones who are looking to rest their burden of life on to , designing intraxxes . Somewhere … somehow , the tables were turned , but in the way you least expected .


*  Into the surface , at depth and as your mind swims within the layers of the intricated Simplicity , you will see into the other Needs , along side your Time bestowed , The Surfaces and Those Needs will be transformed into Methods , to which will differs in every man and woman based on experiences , exposures and focuses in life . ‘ Intraxx.8534 . It is written in black and white , Notion . You can see how these rules are not valid in fracted.norm . These states in progressive scientific studies simply does not apply to the morals and goodwill of those scientists , and why should they adhere to these rules , when fracted.norm offers massive probabilities compared to our world *

Diana finally put one of her new rings on the table while keeping her eyes on the others , nine of them on her left palm .

1.00 You’re saying , these scientists are humans and the “people of the Earth would be contesting this particular intraxx ? And may I remind you that some of these scientists , heck , come to think of it , are not with the institutions promoted by Hexa , educated but not in line with what Hexa had in minds ? So … 1.00

Diana glared at the ring , blinked and carefully lifted it to her eye level .

* Darn ! I can tell one of these facets in these rings are not angled correctly . Ya see Notion , when the glints are differently presented than perfect maths , the gem would be simply not so infatuated with the lights that much . And rule of thumb , The light is always right . *

Diana sighed , and kept turning the diamond rings around , on her palm , very close to her eyes . .

* Different contouring for trust factors , yes , Notion ? Is that what you are saying ? You’re insinuating that these run of the mill scientists will fight for their run to study further into fracted.norm just because the notion of time is not applicable in it ? Therefore … ? *

Diana slowly put the rings back on the table with her focus tautly on Notion.Seams .

* Therefore , they will fight to have that intraxx removed and replace with the new ones for protecting themselves … and this will means … *

Notion nodded in agreement ,

1.00 You should read the intraxx’s progression stemming from this 8534 . It stated closely guarding the tuning for the Humanity overprotectively . No scientists would want that in their backdoors , run of the mills or not . 1.00

Diana smiled tiredly ,

* Overbearing parenting , do as I say and then we’ll see ? Instead of listenng to the child , no matter how mundane they are fighting for their cause ? Epik , as I remembered , it was him who had said that , it is not the cause for the innocent and naive to make their state upon getting their points validated , but it is the attention garnered from their care and love and that is the reason why science gets it’s breeding pattern to evolve , thus overbearing , is the method of coercion , will be defining fears into the cause for belonging to a community in the end . Hmmm ! Thus the dumbs will never be dull … hmmm , dangerously interesting , these glints are , Notion ! *


Notion.Seam turned the other point.view towards Diana , one with the statistic provided by her years ago .

1,00 I have a question , Diana 1.00

Diana from the other point.view glanced quickly at the statistics and back at him ,

* Shoot *

1.00 But first , with the understanding that light is right , as we all know and come to believe , living on this Earth … that righteousness had to come , at best somehow with the better understanding of the dark , for then … only then … 1.00

Diana rolled her eyes , and tilted her head , and when she opened her eyes , all white , indicating death by boredom and playfully putting her tongue out .

While Diana was making choking sounds , gently shook her body in death throes , Notion simply stared into the screen and pulled out another statistics on the paper.tronc .

1.00 Strange of you predicting ahead on what’s to come , Diana . It is not like you to make light of us that way 1.00

Diana stopped her throes with her hands up in the air , a dramatic freeze with her eyes right on Notion .

* You’re kidding ? *

They stared at each other for five second , and at the end of it , Notion exhaled slowly ;

1.00 Pull yourself together , virtual woman . I need your intelligence on this and I am … serious about this … I need your help clarifying these statistics 1.00

Diana smiled , looked up for no reason , with her eyes paying attention there and spoke ,

* You are ‘dead’ serious , eh ? No . You are emotional about this , that is what you are feeling this moment . Emotional men , real ones such as yourself should be given a mandatory siren every time you are thinking along that line . *

Notion held his breath again , and this time his eyes were slightly bulged .

1.00 A siren ? 1.00

He sighed hard .

1.00 What in the world do you mean by that , Shine ? 1.00

Notion , unblinking to the fact how this virtual woman always had something meaningful under her sleeves if you care enough to look for it .

Matter of focus and perseverance . Tiring ? Yes . But if you are seeking , every little nooks and crannies would be a place to where the little glints of the gem hidden , all you have to do is shine a light upon it .

With one ground rule ; you have to shine the light yourself . She simple led to you to a place and don’t be surprise , when you discovered the place she had led you into , turns out to be yours .

Diana smiled as if realizing her worth to this man when his breath was exhaled in the form of a sigh earlier .

Still looking up to the ceiling , for no reason , smiling with her head tilted to her left side ,

* Aww , what in the world I meant by that statement ? How adorable , and in the emotional state of mind in men like you , to ask what sirens mean ! Awww , what a studious , emotional glint you have ! Awwww ! Innocence galore !*

This time , she clasped her hands together , like she is in the state of wonderment and adoration … looking up to the ceiling , ignoring Notion.Seams completely .

* Uuuuu how I adore you . Naive and full of uncritical intentions , playful as a child … can I pet your beautiful mind , dear Notion ? The other side of that fence , yes ? When that stint of emotion evolved , eh ? I can’t wait for that loving child to be himself again , oh yes ! Over and over again , how wonderful ! *

And with that statement , without looking at Notion , she reached out for the konnekt button , gracefully with her one finger , index , and quickly disconnected herself from him .


Nerve wrecking human !

Democracy is Humanity but from any single human , each is nothing but a tyranny .

Any which way you are looking at it , either it is in good or evil , you simply have to pit them together and point life to them and ask for truth and idealisms and see how they bloodily reach for ideals to benefit their own selves .

And see how quickly ’emotions’ stained that flows of evolutions , like death , when life is focusing in it’s own certainty , nothing but .

Progress either way , needs to revolve around that state of urgency in focus for a little good while , if not , the ‘staining’ had no form to elongate itself into meanings . Stagnancy with nothing acting in everything .

Integral , this man is … but to a form factor to how his mind is functioning at that moment , you get nothing but pittance in the luxury of wealth and education had to offer .

Integrity is an effort , not sent down from heaven up above .

Diana sighed and looked at her list provided by Manta.Ray’s frequencies before he disappeared .

Tune it correctly , you get layers of information … the data , of and in The Making .

No matter how illicit the high frequencies are all about , once you could access their tones and tuning into the why , of and in the beings , you can see , for example , how kindness was formed to reach it’s compassionate earthy grounds .

This is where efforts sometimes , get sidetracked to beastly emotions , or by it . Any results coming from these supposedly integrity , were actually exposed from the grime and dirt , swimming the mud for improbable sanity amongst the suffering and to top it all off only fear could sustained it’s stability , from happening again .

Literally , as the literary goes ;

If it is intraxxed , then it has to be with Integrity .

But watch the humans setting those courses carefully ; the waves are dangerous and mostly they don’t even know it themselves , to how it is they themselves are the causes and reasons to flow ahead without any prejudice whatsoever , minus compassion in the make of their own gains .

Diana stared at a name on the list .

Interaction of the fools indeed , the wise would have to seek it’s valid state of continuity , yes ?

To what seemed to be a tone , the listeners would have to respond into he end , no ?

Or else , it ceased to be what it is … to become .

Fashio.Symm , hmmm … Diana mused quietly .

And to have a chat with someone who has never spoken to me ever before , let alone know of my existence …

To introduce a form ; I ; me , myself and I , to a mind that has no knowledge about intellects could be gotten from their own inventions in the past , separated by at the very least a thousand year …

Diana sighed and thought ,

Realer than real then it has to be , my state of being had to be introduced as Fashio’s own reality commencing that intellectual grounds or else , that woman would simply looked at me as something to be challenged , instead of …

And that would be a waste of her mortal time .

Hmmm , the reflecting interactive of persons , for ‘‘THE’ subject interest , for a result … in this case Notion.Seams and Fashio.Symm …“

Miss Symm would have to be then , deceived and appropriated into ‘truth’ , as her own state of idealism confronted by that ‘truth’ , her state of mind would be devolved into something easier to be worked onto …

Indeed ?

In deeds , indeed . . . yes , indeed is in deeds .






When the Darkness covets ;

It links in the dark , finding connections nonetheless .

And for that to happen , they only need to find familiar reasoning , as the causes in the dark are usually had to be safe enough to warrant security , since the memories of it will put up the reminders along the line , just like , … of The Light and it’s brightness .

When the securities are achieved with or with out the light , the memories of that connection are always preserved regardless of the changing times .

Death is inconsequent , the end of story , irrational to the living in it’s legitimacy to why it has to exist in the first place .

It has no valid tunings to the living other than the memories of the methods achieved and if you look carefully , most of the failures were indeed the proven state of the schematics , secrets that were experienced and to be buried with the dead themselves , alone with life’s secrets with it’s undoings .

The living paradoxes are always in the state of that need to be , irrelevant in the making to successes or failures , since the circuits of faithfulness and loyalties were defined through that security factions . Different understanding but the same tones in pillaring nonetheless , and sadly you could only best that institutions through the methods of communications , only .

Leaderships run the roosts this way for the longest time .

Preferences to how they are to be seen with the constitutions built along the centuries and civilizations depended on , surprisingly mostly not on the intellectuals , but rather to the ideals of the visionaries who lived centuries before them .

And that reasoning has it’s own interest . Always .

The interests as always equals to the state of governing to when it is idling , focusing to how it is going to manifest business proprietaries in the end , for it’s citizens .

When the darkness covets , it is not the same to how when the lights gets it’s interest , peaked .

For when it is a phase of that understanding to become a seen and known entity from selves to the Big Self , the knowledge will be intellectually designed and bended like a room with corners , bright and dark corners , yours . Do you know your rooms well ?





The same room , the same pillarings and then you need to have the focus to where the items of interest from mostly likely to be accessed right down to the necessaries , to be placed conveniently , in the appropriateness , the placing of furniture , to and for the convenience of light to bright the colors in that room , reflecting spectrums of these choices to the seeing retinas .

To some , death has enough meaning , legit to contribute in it’s questionings , since certain few leaderships believed that , that actually has the ultimate answers in life for going forward . Death is the greater possibilities for the newborns to improve the science , yes ?

This type of focus in the end will be beguiling the minds to seek further into their cause to why that room exist to begin with ; thus …

Answers , to certain few civilizations are without that concept of rehabilitations , letting go of the security coveted from these connections then on .

Results ?

Constant revolutions , to which always with the need to initiate light and darkness as the main form in their best focus is to sense into any state into innovations and inventiveness .

They’ll win regardless , but the numbers never do match .

Always .

The numbers would always had to be manipulated accordingly to these visionaries with certain self interest afore mentioned , to which also contributing to the facts to why civilizations of these nature had always failed in the past . The resulting digits did not match .


Keen closed the ancient books and slid it to his right .

The numbers are precise and never equally matched to any high expectations , a learned lessoned for the visionaries ; when terms were defined from these chaotic minds , worst yet , the idealism into that mind to surrender it’s capabilities to think further into peaceful notions by having that state of proprietaries , institutions and the state of the constitutions were proven , are only to be slaved into the method of education instead .

High idealism , unreachable by the standard humanity at that time , hmmmm , at all times .

Why bother having them then ? Other than wanting to control the mindsets that needed that elevation by keeping them glued to the ‘certain power that be’ ?

These diseases of the mind were created through out the decades , centuries living life of that particular civilization and lo and behold the healing potions in the hands of the leading government ?

Religions and pharmaceuticals companies ? Ring a bell ?

Security system and the policing methods ?

You know best to what you had been exposed to ! , Keen.Kapital stared at the blank page that he had just pulled in front of him .

Oh yes , how about focuses in educations ?

To a man like me indeed , this one blank page has many probabilities .

To the others , their probabilities are from their state of interest , choices …

But then , to some ; there are minds who rather see it the way it is …

Symbolizes every thing that is as empty as the paper , blank , only to be fulfilled later, but just not , as yet ,

Now ?

How can you be empty to the rest of your life and rest those needs onto the state of that high idealism without any improvements for what is truly the state of the moment’s truth ? The completion of that cycles of needs alone needed a constant set of adjustments ;

and these adjustments are meant to be lived , past present and future will forever rest on these common men seeing through their lives … feeling the very moments in their breathing , protected by the schematas raised by the ideas to the nearest best possibilities .

Empty is good , only when it is near to these schematas .

Yessiree ! , Keen started to draw a blueprint …

Safe ye shall be , forever and always for the next generations to come , secured will be the doors to keep ya in safe , that is for sure !

But it is the Whom in the end , the difinitive , to where these schematas were generating from , to how they see back into these emptiness , living in the moments , that needed the answers from the their questionings that always seeks , coming in from the dark of insecurities ; that would be having to be into the schematas’ deep end responsibilities .

The tuning’s has it’s own tune , along the expected works .

These coveting connections are from fears , to which are also about choices coming from it .

In Here , the Now , any thinking minds , coming from darkness regardlessly , the reigning supremacies are still to where the governing minds are about to take that next important steps ,

Thus … The Choices , … always staring back with effects ready for their causes .


Tobias did another run on the formulations .

Strange , that it would display two probabilities …

Two curves , like a homage and destinations from these two results ; to which it would simply refining the intraxxes inputted in her , Bridge.itte .

Aren’t they the same thing ?

Homage and Destinations ?

Coming from the same point indeed , but it is after all about the two different directional in concepts , no ?

What were you expecting , Tobias ? You get two instead of one , huh ?

Intraxx.3502 , … thus The Mind who studied the mind’s intelligences through out the civilizations . When predicaments are mere from basic goodness in the Now … ;

Simple intraxx without a beginning and a phrase that is unfinished , added to the her blueprints in schemata’s calculation , and here goes !

Two results .

Tobias sat and stared at the results on the point.view , unflinching to the brightness of it in the dark room …

Like a homage and destinations ?

Now why do I see it this way ? , Tobias questioned and stroked his chin , thinking along the parallel of his need for best solutions .

The intraxx is that , THAT , if you want to see that as the reasons why it came with two results …

The history and the reasons why the state of achievements always in the end having to refer from a state completion anyway , no ?

Now if that is true , the homage , would be tributary , a state that really does not really contributing other than to remind , while destinations are predictable if you knew where it came from .


Do I really know where Bridge.itte came from ?

Just because her ‘new.still is new , does not mean her state of conscience would not feel that sense of belonging in her subconscious , right ?

Hmmm , subconscious , the alien to which is an important part in the breathing fate !

Love means jackshit in this fracted.norm .

Okay , calculate that out from the formulations , stay tuned slightly away from deep compassion , and that dreaded unconditional love , yes ?

Tobias copied the two results down on a piece of paper , and type in a new set of formulas , following the same basic lineage in the circuit.neurons builders in programming.white.sheets .

Harsh white in the many shades is different in the primary , standing alone , no ?

Tobias decided to separate in one blank page of pws ( programming.white.sheets ) , as a matter of correctional , instead of changing the whole formulation to the new solutions .

A correction is an awareness to what was , to the subconscious it is priceless to have that state of awareness that it is corrected in the blueprint of a character , instead of having it built in without the experience provided by these corrections , yes ?

So awareness shall it be , the correctional values would be stark as that . The standing alone of this whiteness had to be in that state of correctional pws , ‘experienced’ , instead in the shades with the others harshness or for lack of the better words , righteousness in being a true color ; as the curses without these values as a stand alone in collectivism , correctively ; is simply too much to bear ,

and softly ,

Tobias pressed enter for the results .

You can’t use the functioning connectives without the experiences of mistakes and corrective and hoping for the best result in the terms of homage and destinations ; lest it be correctional schematics alone , as stark as truth , as in that built~in schematic in the pws ; a sure guarantee trusting light in the dark , better than any gut feelings , right ?


:: You are tuning in the need to balance , Tobias ::

Circ kept his silence after that statements .

E4 Okay . Can you be more specific or stressed out to which you meant by the this statement , in the words used , Circ ? E4

:: Need . Your need . You are brewing that need for the necessary realism in a point of view , to get the results . Two results , I might add if that is not the cause of your main concern , yes ? ::

Tobias stared at the results on the piece of paper ,

E4 Few , five calculations with variation of formulas , and it still led me to these two results . Why is that , Circ ? E4

Circ , again kept his silence .

Tobias waited with his breathin audible clearly audible in the still of the night .

E4 Circ ? E4

:: If you know The How , then why don’t see into The … ::

And again silent , like the stars glimmering in the desert .

All hopes , but to dire future tomorrow … , ain;t it ? , Tobias clenched his teeth .

E4 The …. what ? Circ ? E4

:: Needs , Tobias . You know what you wanted in this fracted.norm , and you got it with the two results , now delve deeper , I implore you , since it is not me with that need ::

Tobias.Tonkeys stared at the screen blankly , prompts and the exclusive corrective pws , staring back at him ,

E4 The Why ! Yes ? E4

Circ answered , with a tone of gladness in it’s voice ,

:: Does that correlative to your needs , Tobias ? If it does , punched in the necessaries with the best intraxxes you’ve known and learned at the top your mind and see into the two results , again . ::

Tobias wiped his mouth with both of his hands ,

E4 Still with the two results ,Circ ? How about conclusion in one alone ? E4

Before Circ disconnected itself in the Tobias’s fracted.norm , Circ displayed a graph on the point.view screen … ,

:: Isn’t that where your homage and destinations are with , Tobias ? Love , compassion and joy through out the time and ages in this world , your type of Humanity through these hopes that you are manifesting forth ? Choose one and see ahead with the purest intentions as to why you are doing it to begin with , Tobias . One way or the other , the timing of that needs are credible enough as it is to Now , isn’t it ? ::

Tobias stared with his breathing , getting faster as his realization to what Circ had meant .

The timing ? He can’t possibly meant … ,



For what it’s worth , awareness has a foundation that is oblivious to it’s own existence .

What ? Why ?

Too ancient ?

Recent updates are so fresh in conscience that all definitive in formulas are forgotten , also not to forget , to how the birth of a species is practically , … non~existent ?

Like an explosion is , an explosion but to recreate the certain needed powerful to and for a simple need , it has to be with that same definitive , regardless ?

To understand deeply , you have to go in the deep water , yes ?

Isn’t Formula coming from ” the somewhat ” , fair to justify , is a method acquired , no ?

Toss them about , and you will be needing the exact ingredients , and that knowledge will become fashions of the ages … because it was defined and fashioned from that …

Insecurities , the confidence built from the shedding in seeing forth but not from the firsthand discovery .


Daria stared at the shape of Taut.Cise .

Into the seconds huh ? .

Aware of it’s ticking state since we are conditioned to think in that manner , Daria mused gently ,

The bottom of his sphere kept changing shapes ,

+ You can’t decide into a foundation , Taut ? You look funny +

Taut giggled .

77 . Told ya , this world is not built for poets . Not even languages … ya see ? … you are still new in here , it is like this , what was seen is … as is . And here you come … telling me I am funny looking 77

Daria started laughing …

+ Well yea . You kinda looked like … a big ball that is trying to land somewhere pleasant , not wanting to be kicked around … . Is that excitement , Taut ? +

77 Yes it is . There is no contentment in here that could emulate our human conditioning . You know what , Daria ? Even if I land myself somewhere here by the seashore , it still wouldn’t make any sense , since that contentment could only be resolved by that temporary state provided by that Earth … in other words … 77

Daria ‘nodded’ with her pale red nearing to a robust pink ,

+ An awareness in tune to infinite peace , without motions , as when that , temporaries are to the truth ? +

Taut.Cise laughed .

77 Yes , intraxx 6293 in the 7th Circuits . Now you looked like an explosion thwarted by it’s own intellectual designs 77

Daria kept her mind still , to what she was about to say .


+ Taut . Temporaries are not truth . No ? +

Taut landed on the beach sand . Since he kept changing shapes at the bottom of his sphere , he kept rolling further from Daria every time his foundation changed .

77 Now , do you get it ? Anything that came from that temporaries could never be stable 77

Daria floated along near him .

+ Yes , I understand that . But why is it that need is important , Taut ? Why is it important to have finality into the sense of any continuity , to conclude ? +

77 Oh boy , Daria ! Look at me . The answers are in the foundation of my sphere … Watch ! 77

He kept on rolling and laughing hysterically , away from her , every time Daria got closer .

+ Yea , but to what end , is this … , kind of truth , eh ? +

Taut stopped rolling on his ever changing foundations , floated back in front of her and glimmering green into a thought ,

77 To each thought is an End , as long as that the thoughts kept on re~producing , then so shall be our foundations , ever rolling for sets of continuity , but if you asked me to what and which End to justify your own need in knowledge , then the answer would be , to your own End , Daria . To each is indeed is only to ourself . Your institutions of method , in your thinking patterns , are primitive , Daria . Exclusively defining only to reasons , to which that is perpetrating truth only in the animalistic instincts , survivability as in the main focus . Artistically uncivilized enough for a need to conquer fear in itself , then the justification of any foundations from that kind of instinct had to be at the other’s End , unscientifically and unfortunately sad for having to leave before it is time , mostly . Get ? 77

Daria blinked the same pale red , resigned to acceptance .

77 Am I excited ? Yes I am , Daria . Is that why you are thinking , how our awareness are mostly oblivious to our continuity ? Tell you what , it matters not anyway , since you won’t remember any of these realms , we will see the other new’still and yet we don’t know how the abstractions were all about , get it ? The artists with the not know how and why he has to see from the other angles . And yet , in all sciences … there’s the proofs ! … Yes Daria , I am excited to leave to this because I remember to how it used to be … 77

Daria floated to the nearest tree , and remembered that it was the same tree when she was here then … seems like years ago …

+ The hut is not here anymore . +





77 It changes Daria . You noticed it because you were new here … your method in remembering that ticking seconds provided by the Earth , breathing living system , were able to differentiate that ‘here’ and ‘there’ . Now , your schematics to what you are is different . 77

+ You’re saying , with that reality’s death , awareness don’t matter , right ? +

Taut sighed ,

77 I am saying continuity is not as important anymore , truth does not reveals in here , to where we are right at this moment , since that revelation is not needed , we have qualms only when we are to remember that temporaries is the only way to see into our truth coming from those seconds on Earth’s time and reality . I used to think about it a lot … and yes I came to a conclusion , that conscience is just a first layer of cascading water on the bottom of the pool … it is as that .

And the depth will carry .

The first one to know it’s burden or anything that is worthy to it’s cause , is to exit first and yet , understandably further down the line . And yet heat dried the top first … Awareness matters but not as much as conscience … that plain water … to where awareness is in the deep end , is what you are going to do with it , that depth … is the identity of your coinscience 77

Daria.Tonkeys floated around and finally , above the tree ,

+ It don’t make sense , how come consciousness are separated from that sense of awareness ? +

Taut kept his silence .

Endless oceans with endless layering time into moments .


The questions are the answers as the answers are the coming senses to which is indeed , are the focus , back into the Questions , determining intelligences ?

Why bother into the how , when you already are … ?

Daria repeated the question into a fact instead ,

Why bother into the how , when you are , … The I Am .

Reflecting Scenerios for a Thinking Mind ?

Isn’t that how it is in here ? There are no needs anymore to question Self ; the unknown is you , yourself , the conscience , staring at Self ,

… endless knowledge without identities and bodies , is endlessly a form that is an End , to begin ,

over and over again like these shores .


And yet , to where ever and when time exists , a meaning has to take in a prerequisite evolvement for an understanding to begin it’s journey to where an End , would be another form of a door , but where and when there is a being , sentient in this Earth , there shall be always an Entrance .

And that Entrances , are the techs as part of what Hexa.Sync has been providing in ages and in the many phases of civilizations .

77 Can’t blame those primitives who can’t translate the Entrance’s codes well then . 77

Daria nodded and floated back to the shore .

+ Innate fears are the worst , Taut . It works like leeches , needing other’s blood for sustenance of selves . Can’t you blame them if their logic of negations were that badly formulated in their minds coming from the inexperienced great grand parents ? Think about it Taut , leaving the living are constantly on their minds , and there are no proofs that this lifetime is extended after death , meaningless life is a ‘no no’ to them , and to think to live out and dead for Mother Earth itself for it’s own sets of sustenance providing by us is too much to handle for most … The fertilizer for it , that’s what it seems like we are to this big massive sentient we called Earth … kinda put everything in a different perspective , ain’t it ? +

77 Fears beget longing ? And that longing is the only that good part coming from us , huh ? I remember an Uultra told me once , if the other side of the fence fits , then a need is a part of in your reflection , seeing through . If you are human enough to get that meaning , then you are human enough to be evil . The drift catches the twenty two … something like that … Fertilizers we are ? Hmmm … living Earth needs to be at it’s best too , eh ? 77

They kept their silence for awhile ; clear blue skies here ; always .

Daria.Tonkeys looked up to the clouds and wondered quietly to what it meant by the drift catches the twenty two .


+ You’ll be leaving soon , Taut . Magnus told me . Somewhere around two sea storms from today . +

Taut was happy in silver , bright gleaming to a glint ,

77 . Hereday . The word is hereday . 77

+ Right . Events defined the ‘there’ , here . +

The calm and lazy waves , the breezes soothed their sphere’s colors , blurring their edges to the stark bright sunshine .

77 And you’ll be transferred right after me ? Is that what he said ? 77

+ He didn’t say . But for sure you are going first … No other information , just that , be prepared for that rebirth … in his own very words ; all knows , thoughts and methods into forms in conscience into the two slits of the eyes , clean slates … and begin . That’s the only part you will remember , and he also reminded me , to let go of your past longings in this … you have about two storms to heal from it … Imperative , that you talk about those longings to me . +

Taut landed on the beach sand .

77 Anything else ? 77

Daria darkened into a shade of grey and floated near him ,

+ He said many things , and literally he had to pass these messages to you from me , to soften the impacts of your past anger and disappointments . I guess , he doesn’t want you to form that irregularity in your consciousness before you are transferred into the new’still . The unnamed four folders always refer to the definitive of your past experiences through other reflective personages that you met through out your life . Interesting things he told me … it is almost like as an independent person , we are nothing but a mechanized schematas , reflecting through methods in right or wrong . Gives me chills , Taut , to think through to what he said that we could be as ; I am a merely an exposure to an independent energy to decide on what to do in the next frames of Decisions +

77 Scary thoughts but it makes sense . Emulating senses of new born babies ? I wonder if he had meant it to be as natural as he had learnt to understand about our human nature ? 77

+ Well my dear Taut . You have gotta let it all out apparently . In comparison , Magnus also had said it that you have lived in here more than your time on Earth in that one lifetime , many times over . Longings are the invalidities to Time as you about to enter the Earth if you could , respectfully … I swear Taut . He said it almost like he was spelling them out , all over me … You do not need your insecurities aligning itself to Time in these days and age , in … hereday , as you put it earlier . Idle minds are notorious to those longings , validating needs to unnatural wants . +

Taut.Cise laughed …

77 The Savant sure has a way seeing through our living minds , ain’t he ? 77


The little river going into the ocean nearby , seemed to be frozen against the sunlight , except for the clarity of water , glimmering along the seconds layered into one another .

+ The living are mostly not necessarily have to be in this depth , I gather ? +

77 Yes . It doesn’t matter anyways once I passed on through the threshold of this , of what I was could always be reinvented again in my coming lifetime . My thoughts , my responsibilities , isn’t that what we are all about there , Daria ? New fresh of ideals with the same one skin ? 77

Seconds passed ,

+ Yes , that is what we are craving for there in here , Taut . I guess you could start telling me about your childhood , yea ? +

77 My childhood ? What does that has got to do with my longings , Daria ? +

Daria floated closer to the little river .

+ You noticed to how it is shaped ? The river ? It seemed to open up for a trail for the water to carry on forth , ain’t it ? It is all about the weight distribution of the soils … +

77 And ? 77

+ Your childhood is the start of your seek to why you exist , no ? There must be a time when you as a child , wondered about your existence , when you were by yourself ? The wonder of it all , existing and yet so aware of your time propelling into your decision makings , yes ? Don’t tell me you are one of those kids , eat , fart , shit , sleep ? … and obey on a good day ? Hmmm ? +

Taut laughed and floated above the little river ,

77 The conveniences to the shortest distance plus the softness of the soils are the deciding points to how the river is going to be ? Water is water ? Yes … my childhood … let me try to remember . These memories will be compared to the longing patterns as I was in here for quite sometime , yes ? 77

Daria sighed ,

+ Yes . It is not too much for you , or me to come up with a conclusion , to make it easier for you in the future . No . But rather for you to come to the terms to how you were , regulating to how you are going to be as you are about to be . Settle that invalidities , you will settle at peace without even a need to question your methods tuning into your future ahead in the coming new’still . Get ? +

77 Wow , you sure talked to him a long time , eh ? 77

+ I sure did Taut . I have done what I needed to do with him … you , however … are special , he said . And told me not to ask him any questions , and proceeded to tell me to take care of you as best as I know how … before … the transfer , rebirth .. whatever . +

Daria floated to him above the river , hugged him and glowed pink into her psyche .

77 So on to with my childhood , dear Daria ? 77

Daria smiled within ,

+ Yes , dear Taut . Begin with your childhood ; your first sense of tuning into your own existence in your past life then . Let’s hear that longings in this timeless realm , hereday , shall we ? +




… and yes , nothing like winning , at least , in the wanting to win The Game , it is incomparable .

The state of conscience would have it , the methods are , in the winning into the efforts , from it , and yet the only persons who had the charms and the brilliance in it’s originality would be the one for sure taking the trophy home .

And yes , even if he or she lose the game .

The Trophy ?

That sense in knowing well that you have done not just the best , but in the layering to how you initiate another sense into the patterning , into the continuity forward , it is , after all the trophy that you knew that is , are of / in The Parallel State , the making of The Game , to stay at it’s longest top form ; re~tuning .

The losers , with the right and deserved winner at the top , could only learned , to how it is being done .

Now into that conjunctions , of any future rays which are deserving acknowledgement , you can win it , for self or collectively , but you cannot seriously be thinking protecting the methods with all your might , that secret away from humanity .

The Fairest of The Tools used , always have an important greener grass on the other side of the fence , and Winnings are usually coming from that Want .

To where control is necessary , compassionate grounds would be the release .

To which subjects and where the methods of thinking that needed the sublime compassion , humanity will forget why it was needed to begin with , since generations had proven to stupefy ‘itself ‘ into dramatic inclinations .

Is it a need ?

Comprises of what , are these needs by ?

River sipped his coffee and quietly placed the cup .

From the corner of his eyes , a glint from the corner of the coffee shop , tripled into his eyes .

He turned slowly to where the glints were …

Empty tables and plants in vases .

He kept on searching with his eyes for he was quite sure , …

Comprises of what exactly , these needs to win ?





He turned around and looked into his BPV .

Or was it really about the winning , for it could always be blurred from something else entirely ?

Intraxxes Induction are another examples , to how the names could always be referred right up to the responsible adjectives to how the coming future will state it’s own future techs .

Fame or Failures , in these days and ages are that turning of the events to which everyone is looking out for ; the results to which are ; since the studies are the new symbolism into schematics to any kind of Achievement , are depended upon it’s happenings .

The Trophy is not the proof that you’ve won it , out and all , no siree , but rather , the induction to records , to prove the common state linkage in Fate , the bloodlines , or the techniques mastered from which Masters , Talents and Seers , in other words , this Trophy is mere inductions schema to whom and how the whom , ‘what~ing’ it’s method back into the Vicinity .

River.Banks watched his BPV as it was ringing in mute .

Damsel.Fina was calling on the line .

Another set of dirty work for me to refine on ?

Maybe this is it , The Ultimatum , seeing how far how I would go in the name of Blu.Brill corp ? Perhaps , the drawing of the blueprint , right up there to see my use in the company ?

The Inner Circle is a mad house filled with the Know All Seers , there are no way getting into their mind without being prejudiced and chances for being blacklisted for life in the building circles of Intraxxes .

Failures don’t even begin to peek ; in getting your name shunned by organizations responsible into productions coinciding , breaking into the methods of intraxxes , the only saving grace into your bloodline after all these embarrassments would be in the All Great , All Precise and Magnificent Hexa.Sync …

Now that would be in the paradox , that would definitely instilled hatred in the end , and to hate a machine with precise calculation is seed’s schema and start of evil that is even worse than the very devil itself .

He let it rang on ,


… to the very next suggestion would be in the tune of , finding out about to which corporations would be in the cut away , off , from the latest intraxxes …

… The Trophy , is that link , bloodlines or not , schools of methods , a mere numbers and names for Hexa.Sync having to access later on , for the good of Humanity .

Is it really ? For the good of Humanity , … are there more to the calculation and predictions by Hexa , right up to the ones who believed , to the rebels ; that it is the matter of Control , for who has it , are the ones who has the correct Illusion of Living , the timing and everything in this Life had to offer …

Eliminating the Machine , for some reasons , certain few ideologists would stress the point that we are better off without it , since to what was calculated would have a better , evolving free will in our ideals …

The BPV rang again ,

Just like the gods then , trustworthiness in the end had to have some kind of references , usually the better ones would peer into results , in the reality based to the methods in extensions .

Yes , you simply have to wait for That Reason again .

Reasons to complement The Causes .

And yes , the cause …

Keen.Kapital is calling … , mused River .

Life.Consultant , the best of the best , comes with a high price , and yet …

he would have to meet this man , face to face ;


He hung up the BPV .

Hmmmm , the data were statistically incorrect .

And the inquiries , would have to be postponed .

And this brought a poet in mind ,


The Numbers were of discontent anyways ,

Even , as the Odds are Right ,

The means for plights are Knights

The Tolls were Stated

in Mind , anyone would be constituted ,

and The Numbers were Might ,

To see then , reality would have to be bright ,

A mere second , the glint of Fright ,

That is , even if you are right !


Ditha.Sevaras on her bad day .

River smiled and finished his coffee .

Glints ?

Comprises of what exactly ?

Well , it goes against the surroundings , no ?

For a glint to happen , it has to reflect against the mundane and normal in this case , no ?

Or could it be , the comprising had to be ; the glints had to reform from the point that it is , to glint with causes and reason that it is ; a glint no matter what to the surrounding circumstances are , is , yes ?

He stood up and carefully slid in his BPV into his pocket ,

I saw the glints , earlier …


Slowly he walked out of the coffee shop in the Seven Store and headed back to his condominium .

Walked into the building as he entered there was an attractive woman smiling to him as he passed her by , the doorman , Ketotong smiled back at him , nodded and held the door open for him .

Comprises about everything that is abnormal , ain’t it ?

The timing had to be immaculately curved preciseltpy into time , slighting it’s length and it is better to be with reasons …

Hmm … perhaps I should see that life.consultant for a check up too , River thought silently as he walked to the elevator , and pressed the button .

The elevator door opened , a woman and a child came out from it …

The boy stopped for a few seconds , holding his mother’s hand , River presumed , the boy smiled and nodded once at him …

900 Hello 900

, in a bright cheery tone of voice , River smiled back .

But then again , what is normal ?

Surely not a glint amongst the norm of shades and colors , no ?

He walked in the elevator and waited for the door to close ,

Well , two in one is better than one reason , to see that odd life.consultant … would be icing on the cake , wouldn’t it ?

Professional opinion about the glints , maybe , and here goes , Inner Circle , what is that all about , eh ?

Indeed ?


Indeed !
