

There are reasons why to Contrast .

You can see it , practically , The State of Why will refers to simple Conveniences and that , eventually rest in the zone of Comfort .

This is a must for the engineers in fracted.norm to whom also happened to be the scientists , specialists into the zooming into the depth in fracted “truth” .

How can one see into the Depth in Reality , the symmetries recorded , with the minute details of the recordists , the persons who were selected to do the jobs , ioning , right down to their reasons , for example , into that necessary Contrast for the fracted.norm scientist to get ahead in their research ?

The lights delays were reformed ; it is not easy but it can be done .

Notion flipped the white page onto another ;

To see the flaws indeed , and deflected them so that th lights can be shone accordingly to the needs of the scientists in the fracted.norm ; truth.fracting for better fictions … yes better minds to make a better “truth”

… engineering humanity ; life … the model of moments ; by tuning into matters believed to the important events , the leading causes to be relevant at all costs , formulaic to the make of the start of the future light delay .

The relevancy to effect ?

What are Depths ?

Matters that ‘Were’ meaningful .

Matters that ‘Are’ meaningful ?

Notion quietly laughed , remembering the golden years as Epik has said in their last meeting with In.dexx a decade ago .

Matters that “were” meaningful had reasons and that reasons “are” snobberies to the very matters that are seeking for a meaning .

Strange man , that In.dexx was .


{ That is Depth , it has nothing to do with breathing life symmetries , you know this , Notion …what matters are for the reasons to Matter , as simple as that … Mathematic is nothing without Reasons . }

Epik nodded , and squirmed along the sofa ;

9.9 I know you , the next thing you are going to say is , they have forgotten to tell our children why Math is all about . Hmmmm , lead them without the slaughters and yet the meat is there , at all times . Remember the issues way back then , burdening the atmosphere with methane , hmmm ? Follow and ye shall see , heating Earth ? … instead of taking the time to tell them the Why ? 9.9

Notion lifted the four brown folders on his lap , and spread them evenly on the tea table .

1.00 Power without Critical Thinking ? Are we at that again , Notion ? The leaders without the burdening of the Whys , always had to be with the answers at all times ? You are going to fail your intraxx.histories if you are going to delve into this , this way . I have the feeling that , these life.consultants who they picked to mark our exam papers , are going to be judging our minds for innovative.state to Cause . I don’t think they care for argumentative methods like it was in the past . They found their men , selected for that five year terms in focus , now they needed to see into that Cause for intuitive solutions . We have ourselves to figure out to how they are seeking for in the answers , you know this , Notion . Fashion is , these mind flows are , they were “dressed” from the earlier reasons to pattern , we are taking the exam , we have to figure out how would they want us to answer them based on their interest for the moments and ages in that terms , give and take in the five to a decade , years in focus . Or else , we all are nothing but same old same old , stagnating brilliance to the dull boredom looking for the meaning of existence in this mundane life like how it was , … the fathers and their fathers before us .1.00

Epik nodded again , squirmed a little closer to the four brown folders on the tea table ,

9.9 Inspire these life.consultants , this is what Notion is saying … the exam is about whether you knew what of the interests , the inventive state of inspirations to innovate , and yes we are talking about intraxxes.histories here . Don’t seem to make sense , ain’t it ? 9.9

Epik looked at In.dexx calmly ,

9.9 You know what I mean right , dear In.dexx ? 9.9

In.dexx started to finger the folders , one of the brown folders

9.9 What Notion insinuating is that , they want to see to how you are seeing the making of intraxxes in the past , and yet it is not the intraxxes that matters to them . Intraxxes are done in the mind of men , once it is out there , whether it was good or bad , already instituted to the structures in our mind . What they want to see now , is your percolating sense in Causes , to Reason the instinctive in factors , it is you and your focus in how you are putting yourself on their shelves as if you are about to be part of that inraxxes in histories yourself , well , that is you are ever chosen to be one of the Inner.Circle . 9.9

In.dexx laughed , after staring at Epik.Demokra’s face for a few seconds .

{ You sounded like an old woman talking about the meaning of life to a child who she is not sure whether the child is hers . Why the stepping on the stone carefully , Epik ? Even if I failed the test , what does it matter to you both anyways ? What are guys are not telling me ? } …


The Depth always refers , Keen.Kapital smiled , staring into the collective.ions’ point.view .

The recording twirled into time , is it becoming aware of itself ?

Even in collective.ion , you can feel the state of revelation is about to happen , like the smell of metal in the air .


…. { what does it matter to you both anyways ? Histories were , in other sense of a word , achieved . I won , you lose , I failed , you succeed , on and on , no surprises or unpredictable moments to ponder later , yes ? }


Keen zoomed in to the four folder , and carefully noted the manufacturing.time relayed in the collective.ions info about the brown folders ; different batches … indeed .


Notion breathed in and looked at Epik for a few moments longer .

{ What is going on here ? Is there something you are not telling me ? }

Pregnant silence , the three of them , staring at each other with Epik , slowly hand picked one of the folder onto his lap .

1.00 Have you heard of a saying , primitive native’s old saying ; in the Order to complete , the completion to rest firm in becoming , by and for the energies who are building the structure it had to start in the triangle of three , the succeeding points , at least before it becomes a full circle . Did you ever hear it ? Especially when the opportunity are around and about The Three . The structure had to be idealized in such manner that , in order for the cyclic mechanization to manifest it ‘s own state of functions in these reflection … well … you know about this , don’t you , In.dexx ? 1.00


It is not in the failures or successes in determining the statistic rates for the hopeful future should be in the focus , but it is the interaction of the three , in symbiotic relations to the outside other form factors , that will in the end guarantees for the others paths in the evolutionary minds to forms a State , new states of Functions and Reasoning for the natural.seeders .

The Differentiation in Schematas gathers intelligence this way .

Keen typed in the manufacturing codes of the four brown folders into Circ’s input , hoping to be able to queue the info in the bottlenecks of Hexa.Techs as soon as possible .

Oh , how irrelevancies , relate too much in this Depth !

The cycles and mechanics of the Threes .

When the Functions in the basic necessities are to exist in any sentient , started to work it’s ideals of Functions ; the effort usually etches deeper in Time , depending on the values decided by the masses ,

… The Threes in Diplomacy , as primitive as it sounds ; is about filtering the unnecessary away for the most ideal cut .

The step backwards , in reverse technology from the fluidity of movement of the circle indeed , the triangular pattern seems to stand firm , until somehow they , the state of Diplomacy decided to form on through .

The Time , in other words has another layer of state in Reflection.Tech and practically is much more identifiable in collective.ions .

In the rest of Threes

It evolves

Always , an initiative ,

In the effort of it

It is where the start of Diplomacy begins .

Truest of Reflection

Balancing Tech

In the conditioning of Man .

Written by a woman , go figure ! Ditha.Sevaras .

Basic , the first form of the many symbols before it somewhat evolves to a circle , so with the triangle ; Why seek into further when you have the best of the three ?

Hmmm ?

Sense in a simplified primitive mind ? know your basics , and work your ways from there ?

Angles to Hold better ?





Distributive , a qualitative sense to an adequate power , adjusting methods merely to propel the right angles onto the appropriative holding power ?

The Depth or Heights always refers to Irrelevancies .

The deeper it gets , the more you aware about the connective regulars in relevancies .

And this is where , when it gets into the focus , you could strengthened it’s hope , and generally work into the the connectives and structure them into reality or knowing facts in depth to why certain few , in how to simply , to let them go .

And the kicker to all this , is when you realized to how all those irrelevancies are all in one big soup , to where time is the peaking reason and taste is the connective spices , inflecting one another for a foothold in what supreme delicacies are all about .

What was not , apparently has a reason why it shouldn’t be , right from the get go .


{ You are saying in this particular year , they did this on purpose ? So both of you , instead of looking into these matters independently , study intraxxes like how it is usually done in the past , you rather focus on the reasons to why they are making these exams this way ? Why not check into what is popular in current events instead , perhaps this is what they are truly seeking for ? Big massive shelves for alternative solution in the diplomacy of the threes ? Pah ! Primitive ! I can’t believe …. you guys ! }

In.dexx stood up at the end of the sentence , angry , glaring at them both and at the same time knowing very well what they are insinuating … the birds only land when it is safe , and yet the safeness are seen from the flight above … Remember this In.dexx , he quietly passed this thoughts along in his head while Notion and Epik returned the glares , unflinching without a blink in their eyes .

9.9 Exactly , In.dexx . If you want to know your students , get to know their bases first , right from that initiative flaws and perfections of the three , in that firm diplomacy , and yes … as primitive as we could ever be with the lesson learnt , they would want to know how we are relating these issues together . They are life.consultants for goodness sake … they are the definitive to that very word itself , Inventiveness . As to the current events go , you are literally an open book , at the right page to where we are … chatting about here , amicably , nicey nicey , smiley smiley … chatting … yes ? 9.9

An imaginary tone followed after the last pitch in Epik.Demokra voice , seemed to bring out peace all around the study room .

1.00 Current events , eh , In.dexx ? Selective brain~mass patterns for the bottlenecking of the Uultras , recently discussed by the intraxxers . The discussion was about having to filter the Uultras through that selected brain~mass first and then to the newstills . Seems like they are at a stale mate … 1.00


Keen zoomed in at Epik’s voice pitch when he said , ‘Yes’ … earlier , in the other monitor .

One in a million , there it is , Keen smiled .

Persuasive and universally charming Epik , right down to the smack dab in the voicing of the very word itself , Yes .

Curves up ever so beautifully in the nestling of hope , lingers … ringing through the air in that room , in perfect clarity .

He , Epik is … aware of his own Knots .

That Knots in the seaming of Life , to Hold .

The angles , yes ?


Notion looked into the folder and randomly picked one of the papers in it .

1.00 This is what I believe we should be ending up in doing . The game of chance with the probabilities in the circle to what we know to our state of minds indeed , predicaments at the moments . I believe this is what the life.consultant is seeking for . Pretty fucking obvious , with all the students are divided into threes for a major thesis papers such as this exam . The nameless four folders are printed by your dear friend , In.dexx , Mr Tonkeys . And before you had it in your mind , that we are cheating , In.dexx , curb that thoughts … and think again . It is not to what would be in the questions of our exam we are focusing on this moment , but it is to their methods to how they see us as the students , picking the right adaptive solutions for whatever it is are in their focus . Bet you , they don’t even know what they are looking for . Since all of us are students , we chose ourselves to be in this strangely manifestation in a group , The Threes . Our choice of each other thus back to our method seeing into their proprietary in seeking us . Get that ? So , this … is my chosen blueprint . Let see yours … 1.00

In.dexx picked one of the three folder ,

{ You are defining a prediction . But not … the exams … but to what we are to … each other ! }

In.dexx alternatively looked at them both , surprised at the revelation , slowly coming from the staring back of their own eyes .

1.00 Is there any other way ? We are the master of our own destiny , to each one of us on Earth , and those life.consultants are aware of this too … Why not , In.dexx ? The blueprints in the four nameless folders are schematizxd with our given names for it’s manifestations to how we see ourselves … 1.00

Notion and Epik both smiled at him , accepting the comforting facts to which seem to elude In.dexx .

9.9 Be a dear , In.dexx … of those two folders , be carefully aware and pick one out … for me … , please ? 9.9


Keen waited until the .phrs. in the collective.ion to end .

Without result of the meetings , ……. ohh isn’t life is telling in itself ?

A contrast of the threes , to where life is leading the functioning states in the tech.reflective ; To see , one must know the knots , that holds … the picture , to interest … for simple angles to manifest in how indeed , you see …

Keen looked at the four papers with serial numbers on top of the pages .

Lucky yes ?

As it turned out , the other two , Notion and Epik had realized it all along that they are the very instruments who had propelled In.dexx to where he is at this moments .

Or , brave enough to seek out the potentials ?

With this courageousness comes responsibility , and most of these states of thinking patterns will be focusing onto the next functional methods , in decisions , to which really that has nothing to do with character buildings .

In other words , the persona had to be just at the right inflections , to be at this taking of responsibility , thus potentialities are at most with the whims of Preferences .

Scientifically , that kind of Preferences , in the anomalies of bended light , is frown upon .

Keen smiled along to what he was thinking , but worry not , courageousness is always appreciated regardless of prejudices and discriminations .

Yes , even to scientists , engineers and intraxxers … especially to life.consultants .

Indeed , after all , aren’t we the designers who always learned in our ways and in tune always in making things better and understandable for the coming future generations ?

If we are a community living in the tuning of A Vicinity , keen on cowardice , what good are we to each other , hmmm ?


To see , one must see the knots , that held the picture to interest , in Contrast , it will predicate at best . Intraxx.7778 , the very reason why in the induction of this intraxx was to happen because of this meetings that had taken place between us three , a decade ago .

Amazing that , this life.consultant , Keen.Kapital is interested in this particular meeting .

Notion gently .phrs. into Keen’s fingertip , disconnecting collective.ion point.view in his screen .

Light delays , the reasons to some , to live ; for what are the use of the future without these pasts , structuring the state of minds to think , even stranger indeed , to simply feel ?

Strange and lucky man , that he is … Notion thought of In.dexx .

Strange for he was attracted , like a magnet , to ones who could , seeing their own potentials and work into the flows of his intricate focuses .

Lucky , to the facts that he is in the many forms of ‘fate’ , the revelation of the future seems to unfold before him ; before it could have a chance to manifest fully in reality , instead of having to relearn and depending too much on that fully unrealized tech , the collective.ions .

In reality ? Intraxxes are the strongest state of make believe for reality .

The definer to the living thinking patterns , the room of Inner.Circle who will decide out and fully to what is out of date and to what should be in the state of focus without having to resolve much into the burdening death commemorating idealism as it was in the past .

The motion of Keen’s finger , was perfected to the depth of his own understanding ; precise and with immaculate gentleness , pressing the button to end after what he saw in the .phrs. earlier .


Promise is at best , is a good contrast .

A good character , credible , is a good representation to an interesting make of photography .

Exposures to these photography , which was captured through an understanding of light , shadows and in the stilling of the moments and movements ; is equal to reading literatures .

Simple photography , and now make it seem like a lullaby , attractive enough even for a child to comprehend it’s point of reasons , eventually .


Yes ? Bright colors ?

Or mesmerizing soft light at the edge of the subject represented ?

Olaf.NewGills opened the files in his computer with a sigh .

Why oh why , pastels ?

As bright as pastels could ever be ?

The black cat by the window outside kept looking into his room .

A child , a happy one at that , would be gravitate to massive objects , moving objects , don’t they ?

A fearful child simply wouldn’t dream of finding comfort … say … in unsecured parenting ?

What is it that these happy secured children would be attracted to ?

Olaf stared at the picture on his point.view , and slowly aware to the stares coming from the black cat outside .

What settings of life would a child have to be in so that their interest would increase exponentially until they forget themselves in that process of admiring … say … a simple flower ?

A Dog ? Cat ?

With a dog or cat , the dog had to be somewhat playful to the child and that would be movements , plenty of it , and a cat … ?

… moving across the living room and “oh , look it now what have we here , a human baby” ?

Flowers ? The wind softly , blows upon them , staying put to where their roots are … so then … it has to be movements , playful like movements , ones with fast , circling , closed to the roots to where the child would have to be the decision maker , the master who is in the end had to be with the initiatives in starting … a greeting ? … to his own admirations ?

Happy and secured child … and a toy for them to play with .

Hmmm …

Olaf turned his head to the window and the black cat is still there outside , sat staring at him .

The cat moved and push the windows with it’s head , and walked into the room .


Huh , what say you to this one ? I am the root , and he is the one who playfully greeted me instead , Olaf smiled and stood up with his left hand outstretched to welcome the fat black cat in .




~ Wait ~

~ Will you wait , Bridg.itte ? No hurry … ~

She almost stood up from the bench and decided not to when she heard the voice .

Looked around for the source , she could only see seagulls , flying up above while ones who stay on the grounds , simply ignored her .

~ You’ll be there for some time , a little while here wouldn’t hurt , yes ? ~

Overlapping waves , pastel orange sun , glittering sand …

And also there was a black object , a box of vantablack , on the sandy beach not too far away from her …

~ Too early , Bridg.itte , you still have to wait for his return . And that in real life it could means weeks , years , decades or goodness forbids , centuries ! Stay a little awhile with us . You are leaving us anyway , right ? So why not wait a little while ? ~

Bridg.itte sat calmly with her back gently rest on the wooden bench .

Fuzzy and as clarity to the moments seen in front of her , becoming clearer …

…. sharp salty breeze indeed , with the course sand under her feet , she closed her eyes as the sun peeked through the cloud .

Automatic reactions …

Too bright for the eyes and yet fair sensation of the heat , almost immediate on my face , she mused .

~ That’ s it , Bridg.itte . Nothing in this realm is awake to you at this moments , enjoy this . No reactionary , just representations as so you are to us . Comfortable ? Are you now ? ~

Begin , at the start of a breathing , like the first awakening to a realm , like an awakening to the first exhale ; Bridg.itte took on another breath ,

Is this …

The waves of the oceans . An overlapped pastel , started to come in with sounds … distant like a memory …

~ Yes , Birdg.itte . Always remember this . All living things on Earth will be aware to you when you are transported to the new’still … this moments , what you seen in front of you are simply unresponsive to your existence … even Hexa . ~

This is the state of that much needed Alignments ? The tuning ‘seconds’ settling into a decision making ?

π Hierarchy π

Bridg.itte kept her eyes closed , listening to the waves in the distance , also to the whispers that seemed to be out of place in this realms .

~ The voices you heard ? They are dreaming your upcoming experiences , Bridg.itte . Living people on Earth who ‘forgets’ we exist in a bended light . Inner lights with inner minds , true validation from the state of progression in Time , for your kind , dear one . ~

Bridg.itte with her accu.knowledge connected to Hexa.Sync , listened without thinking , as she know how , … she is only a few breathe in and out , in between realms .

The waves of the ocean , tantalizing .





~ Very good , Bridg.itte . We call that being aware without prejudices and fears . We believe you are ready to be connected to the Bottleneck , Bridg.itte . ~


Hierarchy , strata of Assessment ; the shelves firstly , based on human interests , disregard importance and priorities , from the Dark Ages right up to the Ages of Bended Light , it has been the methodologies in how Humanity had been forming their state of minds and civilizations , that has been the main focus , at most times .

The Hierarchy in the bended light realm based on prior knowledge , not and never on Hopes .

Successes and failures as it turned out , in bended light had to be inflected in order to curve into another set of probabilities , to which all Uultras and certain only few Hi.THT.IDs could administer these curves without bad effects trailing behind the roots of progress .

The roots and the causes are the millions amongst the trillions and compare that to a few hundred human in Humanity amongst it’s species and to which the Uultra had to be finalized in their life in order to be studied , the forms of thoughts as part of the collective.ion ; these initiatives are simply too valuable to be messing around with .

Different state of connotations and methods to where the alignments of stars predicted to roost insincerity in men with fears , are something Hexa.Sync couldn’t fathom into it’s depth , kindly . Mathematically , cruelty in Mankind are a waste of time and energy . To which , these insecurities amongst the few hundreds of Hi_THT.IDs , a few of them could alter the pathways in that neurons charges simply by instigating few questions for the thinking patterns that needed it most . Kindly ? With humanity , methods in acquiring intelligence ? Have you heard the expression of ” cruel to be kind ” ?

However , the Hi~THT.IDs who could , would not usually . The overwhelming humanity and their burdens , suffering , empathically without solutions seeking for the wrong answers at most times can be downright oppressive and violent ; being human also these Hi~THT.IDs are ; the very pathways that could heals could be deflected into questionable integritry without knowing it ever to be so .

Humanity are like , juices , sweet ; too much of it , it will poison the body and the cure takes much longer to heal if that is even possible ; if it’s a state of destruction to the body , so it will to the minds thinking it without a release , unless it is for art , inventions for preventions and also creative studies .

This is where leaderships shine , or not . The When , of the worse can get worst or better for the best . The Where , of the danger , tyrannical state of minds to blossom , right down to it’s very citizens . The leaders would inharmoniously taught the methods of thinking in this manners until it will became the dissonances , the familiar resonance , for a piece of orchestral achievement ; be it for good or bad .

Keen stopped writing and sipped his Mostly slowly .

Achievement ? Or is it the never ending maintenance ?

There are such things as bad frequencies that included in the divisive thoughts pattern … if only … if only you are able to sit about and study your own mechanism to why you are attracted to them , yes ? … and that would be great for a young mind , any young minds to be aware of his own reasoning … in any which way , achievements in that making of larger purposes in life would be likely truly interesting and full of spirits of life , yes ?

Maintaining decays of thoughts with harmonic and resonances of the past ? In scientific methods ?The intraxxers are mostly designer for the human minds , too much worries in morality lately , the economics stumbled for the other side of the fence to celebrate it’s winnings over the argued values .

Intimidated minds tell such a different story about the moon , for instance . Some rather stay where they are and mumbled the words of hopes , while some worked with their hands and mind to get there , even though there are nothing to be found on the moon .

Steeling into thoughts could never be achieved through musical and creative excursions … time has proven that it is not possible . Passion and drives merely translated into longing , as memories will only to trail them along that state of decay in your own bodies … any human will refer that passionate drive to a younger generation , and in to where Hexa.Sync thrives , these new young minds would simply pick up ones that interest them so … disregard the past histories and it’s priorities . Isn’t that much better for the make of perceptiveness in young minds ?


… so , achievement has a different tune every single time . Slight variations , ones that needed to be revealed , will be revealed and sometimes enclosed with burdens that needed to be accessed , gently , in order for a simple peaceful state of mind to follow through it’s unpredictable courses .

Keen put his glass down , and crumpled the paper that he wrote on earlier .

Perhaps , …

The Inquiries had to be addressed differently … Keen quietly poured another glass of Mostly .

The shedding of time , maybe I could gently reveal the mechanic of time without instigating the inner politic of The Inner.Circle .

Perhaps , the tyrannical intraxxers could be led into thinking , believing in the importance of Time shedding Tech at all times again , letting them to let go of that grip a little , fear in being ostracized by their own , The Inner Circle … ?

The fear had to be lulled into hopes , even if the hopes deceivingly defined … who indeed cares for egomaniacal untouchables intraxxers to where the definition of their terminologies are so out of touch with common everyday people ?

Good riddance , however …

Keen took another sip of his Mostly ,

Now here is the kicker to the bucket full of water …

In order for that to happen , blame the water , always . Yes ?

When the questioning begins to what the kicking of the bucket is all about , the water had seeped in into the grounds and all that is left is your integrity in telling it like so , such as … bad undrinkable water .

It is not what have you got to lose should be in the main focus , but it is to what is it that you would like to gain , should be the answers , the only confidence in getting to where this inquiries should be in …

~ Speaking on behalf of the Intraxxers … I would like to … ~

Keen closed his eyes , knowing very well the turn of event could means anything , like needles dropped in the massive oceans , and still they would be looking for the needles since it has cause a great distress …

And the qualms gotten from these search could lead to scape goats , the questions had to be answered , the leading failures had to be re~analyzed in the provocations by the burden left and eventually they would find the state in the layering of fictions into truth that needed to be taken care of .

Is it any good in the name of precision in distributions of intraxxes and managements for the stay of “modern truth” to be at it’s best for … let’s say to the predicted time span ?

No , but it is good enough usually .

Never with single human being , should you hoped for the best in any state of achievement , as that would be the same to a group of them , since the error margins would exponentially rise depending on the leaders and to top it all of , the well being of it’s citizens .

Good enough ?

Keen listened to the living room , the slight buzz of the fluorescence light .

Higher pitches at every each in the end of the buzz … interesting .


Good enough ?

Nothing should be ever good enough … no civilizations should rise above in that proclaimed perfected tune for progressive mentality . There are no truth in the shifting paradox , and yet this statement is consistently to rear it’s ugly heads and Truth is in that understanding alone .

Bridg.itte kept closing her eyes and listened to the living and their dreams on Earth .

Soils , clouds , vast ocean water .

The margin errors ! Intraxxes would definitely inclined to lead further into the down curves like … the precision of …

3A Eruvydite’s Schemata A3

… Bridg.itte whispered quietly .

The death were justified , glorified and prided along the victories .

The centuries burnt with collected diseases , mayhem and imperilment by ignorance , as such the ‘good enough’ will have a need , singularly knowing it’s potential for the best in the name of scientific achievement , it ….

Strong static suddenly screamed at Bridg.itte hearings … buzzes , electronic .

She opened up her eyes and the ocean sat in front of her like a loyal lover .

eternity , as far as …

forever , it is .

Her attention slowly moved along to the coast and finally rest to the black objects on the beach .

Barefooted she walked to where the vantablack object is , as she was nearing it slowly it dawned on her , the automatic response with a smile upon her face …

:: You remember what it is , don’t you ? ::

She stood in front of the shoes , looked up to the voice ,

:: A friend I am to you , don’t fear me … ::

She nodded and picked up the shoes , examined them for a little while … and held it in her hand while looking out to the vast ocean , as the waves nearing her ; the tides are coming in .


The source of protective needs , Keen smiled .

To where there is a want , a protection is necessary , the needs had to be universal in the make of it’s awareness , wholesome in it’s state of achievements ,

Maybe just maybe … The Rise and The Wanting could be reminded right from the beginning to how Eruvydite was with humanity then and tapered it slowly and accordingly to the Evolved.Tech in the Now … ?

What they can’t see , reveal these Techs for what it is first and then , the definitive Whom the Techs are for .

How could they then , deny the passion needed for all humanity even if they themselves , the intraxxers , in the hot boiling soup for the best results to which is Scientific.Achievements throughout , all in all ; could ever dispute the good wills in these facts ?

Keen downed his Mostly with one gulp , and started to write again , the opening speeches in variations for the inquiries …

Straightening up all the curves in all human personalities , make the characters aligned to the causes and reasons , yes … Hexa can wait , especially that big calculating machine and go straight for the anomalies and margin errors provided by these … Intraxxes Designer , The Man .

Never the stoops but really … in all honesty … it is all in the name of Heights in Hierarchy and that , has always been the state of achievement in Humanity , no ?

Yes ?




In Circuit Builders ,

There are no conclusions in depth , only Leaders .


Depictions in all knowledge are multi universe and those universes are one with simple reality .

Really ?

Now go backwards in that phrase , and ask your own capable depth in understanding or would you like this reality to be more than what it is ?

You have to depict , in order to gain .

How primitively thought , and used ; to think without acknowledging the artists that had contribute in all those centuries , in the name of science , cognitively able to differentiate the make of knowledge , multi realms and that one living with the make of … reality ?

Stark quietly folded the white paper into two , and re~opened it .


Or is there parallel universes , staring blindly into forms hoping to reach , competing for the living neurons like the ‘all knowledge’ reverberating into focus ?

It has been proven , cultures in the past are that divider , realms tuning into living neurons , underexposed to the other states of minds , mostly because of the badly focused methods and patience since it is without evolved methods in education ;

Two pages from one paper .

Or is it four pages , eh ? If you take on into the probabilities it has to offer .

Fold The Two , Further .

Zone 5 , Hi.THT-ID Tino.Sewell ,

” Cursed be onto ones who has no depth in expression , worsen further by impatience , even further darkest to form in the heart to mind , if it’s one reality without imaginations were propelled further only by fear . “

Stark smiled remembering the studies about histories perpetrated by these cultures .

Like viruses and bacteriums grown in laboratory , competing for supremacy .

Now let’s see , if one of the page will be conducive enough to represent Tino’s curses , now if it is , what would be on the second page ? The third and fourth for that matters ?

Interests are progressive .

All Man have to derive some kind of continuity for Sanity to have the clearest states in forming it’s own intellects .

Random excursions ?


Zone 2 , Intraxxer … Mr Kibas.Hapak

” To every part in each corner , in depth and pits , width and in all state to form that conformity , uniformity and ultimately continuity through expressive elucidations had to refers to five good and great senses in human’s awareness .

That will be on the second page !

Yes ?

Initiata.Supra , hmmm ring a bell , anyone ?


A> By learning into your focus in your sub~concious , we get to learn into your methods in your stance , your sense of Protectiveness . Each human is protected by what they have learnt in their youth . So I would like you to do some white.shadows for me . <A

Stark can’t help to wonder whether to laugh or sigh , loudly .

0.1 Seriously , Initiata ? White.Shadows ? Me ? At this age ? 0.1

Initiata smiled and smacked Stark’s forehead lightly with her long fingers .

A> Yes . I want to know what’s up there . Fill up the white page , you whiny little raccoon … <A

Initiata froze all of the sudden .

Frozen in Time , for an Uultra is fluid to realize , except that in forms , in human forms , one could barely see it , but it is noticeable to a trained eyes .

Fracted.Norm for the Uultras are the norm to why human mostly could only access that concept only when they are asleep . Imprecise , riddled with human errors in translations but it is possible . The only limitation is , humans could only norm fracting their sub~concious to their firsthand experience in life , independently .

Initiata quickly blinked eyes into triangle.magnetisma and went further into that realm while Stark.St sat there looking at .


Either you would be away already as you are living , limiting life depicting death as it is mundanely expected to be … or …

you will slice into time anyway hoping to be discovered by ones alike for good company .

Death , the forming intellect , in the idea of it , these depictions are to intellectualize the minds , and here I am in human form , life has definitely has gotten that part of me , Initiata mused quietly .

Look at this man , s.he thought again .

All continuity refers to this one link ,

… and this one link is breathing right before me , smiling frozen in time , with his upper white teeth slightly pressuring his lower lip … his eyes …

His eyes , looking at m.e , the light so called … from within , reflecting a glint … and what is that ?

Pity ?

Humorous deflections ?

Or is that doubt ?

A strong need to feel an emotion ?

Necessary emotion so that reflection will have a sense of connection to the other emotions ?

H.e slowly moved to Stark’s side profile …

Easy does it … s.he eased h.erself slowly moved body and lowered h.imself into Stark’s side profile until eyes were at the same level with his .




“7” %

There, the glint .

Just a split flick , before a blink .

A little wet by the protective film on the cornea , healthy and acute , light alive with awareness to his own very Self , alone and yet brave , virtuous in his own understanding about himself .


Wish , a wish , Initiata … make a wish .

A hope is a curve of strength in mind .

Regarda had said that to decades ago .

8.8 Live by the wishes , your references in life will never be completely yours but you get to see how they acknowledged their mortality in a better way , Initiata . Like all paradoxes , the numbers are the same , Hexa will most definitely vouch to what I said . It is just the reflecting glint somehow , won’t be bright enough for the future rooms and the Self Within . 8.8

Initiata nodded .

A> There is only enough inner light only for a one person , you are saying ? <A

8.8 I am saying for the room to where Originality would be , the reflecting glint would be needing most of the inner light , the thinking patterns would need to resolve the future’s methods in continuity . You can have chosen paths any either way , but in the tiling to the make in where the leadership to stand on , the masses had to be mindful , if science gets to be in the forefront methods of their destiny . Or else fate would be equivalent to gambling . 8.8

Regarda finally finished stirring the sugar in coffee .

With the spoon gently placed on the table , Regarda lifted the mug to lips and sipped the hot coffee carefully .

A> Aren’t they the same , Regarda ? For one who is questioned by that reflective light to which is his and her trusted friends and families , the masses whatever , the balance in that context to how their mind would be selectively chose that proprietary in techs … are in a circle of tech.innovate completed thus , variations would definitely call life as a state of variation that would accommodate gambling in fate anyways … I failed to see your point here , Regarda … Why bother to question mankind then if their interests are likely to be like their final death anyway , inevitable ? <A

Regarda pushed the cup of sugar towards Initiata . .

8.8 Exactly . Before I answer you , have another spoonful of sugar . Be and stay satisfied , content and I’l tell you what I believe . 8.8


Another spoonful … of sugar ?

That I did , Initiata smiled and gently touched Stark’s lower eyelash while he is frozen in time , in triangle magnetisma , the light that glinted near his eyes , glimmered for a few seconds .

Sleepless minds , oh , how beautiful they are . Fragile souls that had to believe their fragility in order to progress in any which way .

A wish …


May you protect your state of inventions , dear Human . May your kind never destroy us , The Uultras to gain another set of new inventions . Progressively may you , Stark.St , be a fair judge in your seconds working into your own causes and reasons . May your Humanity will be fair and your effects gotten from these causes and reasons , would be in the states … always evolving .

For the good in all of us , Human . All of us , together .

Initiata brushed Stark’s cheek gently with the back of hand , exhaled and blinked slowly into the world of ticking time .


0.1 What else do you want me to do , Initiata ? Get you an empty cup so you can roam your mind for and wit your future assembly ? At Coffee or in tea ? 0.1

Initiata smiled in width , to beckon the water , rivering further into his vast ocean .

A> Tea . Come to think of it . Let’s have some together . Yes ? <A

Stark hrrrmmmphh ! under his breaths , shook his head in disbelief and finally met her eyes in surrender .

A> Good . Go get two mugs then . I’ll make the tea . <A


As softly with your mind , believing that a touch was never possible .

Reality to where , the fullness to what your eyes had Seen , but never in the Touches could ever simulate .

Feeling were the incomplete’s completeness in completion , as wrong as it could be for any thinking sentient with an energy pattern with action to boot about ; emotions are after all , the reasons why things in this world are done only to begin .

Edwards stood up from the bench and walked slowly , barefooted on the beach with the shoes in left hand .

Soft breeze upon face , twinkling little moving glitter from the sun on the waves of the ocean in random excursions , s.he stood on the beach quietly and let the visual in front of her danced into her sub~concious .

Like a fallen leaf , that I am , h.e mused .

My time in this revolving earth is a matter of illusions becoming real , as when my leaving from this old ancient Earth is tuning like that leaf , set itself resting final on the ground ; then I am completed as a living being , in the skin , flesh and bone as human .

The glittering sun in the evening , danced into eyes , mingling with inner light just under a few millimeter under pupils …

I wish to return , s.he thought with a little smile on the corner of mouth .

In the corner left of visual.pointview , numbers and calculations along the recording for the collective.ion slowly administering few blinks , every few minutes … fading , as clearly to the beating of heart .

Hexa would have my data , what I’d seen , felt , touched , my love and hatred , fear and in the second of my reflections as an Uultra living through emotional state of mind simulated freely ; collective.ion would most definitely benefited from my final.end .

Edwards put hand out , out to the ocean and touched the evening sun , with mind ; nothing like processed triangle.magnetisma , with your past , present and future focusing only into the one thing , The Sun .

:: It is crucial that you be there on time , Edwards ::

The right corner in the visual of eyes , the info point.view started to glimmer and fading back into the color of the ocean .

137 . Yes , Circ . I am leaving in 3 minutes from here . There’ll be ample time when I am finally … there 137

Quiet is the ocean when the salt is listening .


:: Are you okay , Edwards ? ::

The listening electrical charges , intellectualized by the prospective numbers , intraxxes and the sync.pulse of the Hexa.Sync , and yes … not to forget , the ever omnipresent , Circ .

137 . I am alright . A little light on the head . A chosen few , Circ . What can I say ? 137

Circ was quiet for a moment , giving a little space along side mind to which is known to be very inquisitive .

This Uultra Edwards.Chris was talked about for prowess to refine chaotic indistinctiveness into a clear surface and back into ambiguity of his own choosing , fair and justified with a sense of humor .

And that state of humorism is to when s.he didn’t seem to be aware of it h.imself , to how it was when everything else in this world for a one person to see it’s light of days in a certain way , this Ultra managed to revoke the tainted certainties in that opinions with a mere state of inquisitiveness .

It takes a weight and burden of sorrowful mind in a human to be where she’s at , to where s.he was , as easy as the snap of the fingers to in Order to how Hi.THT-IDs with their alignment of the stars ,

… sorrow slows , rebirth into the every new engine of humanity slows it down even further , and yes with no guarantee since fears are indeed a disease of the minds ; healed by faith alone , indeed in deeds , harsh institutions to weaken structural of foundation in strength of Mankind , confined by the state of minds revolving for the idea of Gaining.Prosperity .

:: You know what your kind is all about , Edwards , and to that installations to why you are definitive to Humanity , these learning steps ahead brought by your experience will always be appreciated by them . The numbering in the collective.ions will always have your name on it too . ::

S.he sighed .

137 . A phase in time , Circ . I really do not care for that … my mark in this world , it is just stately of a Dome , sheltering a few , guaranteed to rise anyways . 137

S.he broke down in tears , with the shoes dropped on the sandy beach .

137 . I would like to return … here on Earth , Circ , instead of being part and state of the Elements … I like the sun , and the wet ocean … independent and enclosed in this form … 137

Seagulls , and the evening sun .

The beach was alive with it’s natural habitants … the breeze picked up , the color of the sky , dominant with it’s orange sun , tinged by the blue spread vast , another day … soon is coming . But for now , the night was tuning it’s darkness to begin …

:: Then you are okay , Edwards . You are as fine as a chisel in the hand of a sculptor , happy with the idea , of living to start a new project ::

Edwards wiped the tears on cheeks and took a long last hard look to the vast ocean .

137 . Why do you say that , Circ ? 137

A little blue crab was walking past Edward’s feet .

:: All human have the same emotion as you are feeling this moment . The finest of them all usually came up with resolutions in the past . Primitive mankind with their religions , reincarnations , you name it , regulations to rule so practically their kind won’t freak out to the notion living just about in the shadow of the sun . The After~Life became the focus for human then , but again , you know about this right ? ::

Edwards nodded head , and turned around to walk back to vechi .

The blue crab as little as anyone’s toe , stood there looking at Edwards walking away .

:: Good to know you ,Uultra Edwards.Chris . Worry not , I have your cosmos.numbers … if you are ever back in the light of this simple sun , in the form enclosed to the name of humanity , I’ll let you know of your past history . Anything for Uultras , that you can count on , Edwards . Take care and thank you . ::

With that , Circ disconneted his electronic pathway to Edwards.Chris and start to tune the bottle.neck data in from Hexa.Sync … to recollect all the collective.ion recorded by Edwards , as h.e was entering his vechi.home .

Life , a state of awareness , the responsible circuitries , it is indeed for advancement and progress while breathing and tuning into Hexa.Sync Schematas .

For whatever the moments in life has to offer and represents , it is meant to be lived fully and while the living states refers to Emotional and Thought Patterns in it’s highest forms of needs , so does should the achievement in science , in morals , pathways and the reigning choices of the well beings , … wanting to be at their best for that presentation called Humanity .

Circ filed in the Edwards’s schematic into The Four Nameless Folders and disconnected the link of accu.knowledge to the living auto.circ in Edwards’s body for the final time .


The Second are the Fourth , as …

The Fourth initiated by The Three strikes of the learning lesson , especially through painful experiences , for example …

The First would be the state of beliefs , a need to lean , the leaning would be the needing ,

The Threes then , have to stand strong for any set of positivity to shine through …

And yes , let that be the First Need into Life ; the Luck ,

The Birth and Rebirth to die in the state of Hope .

And so forth , so forth … and so forth …

The Humanity , to where Hexa.Sync could only classify into ; The Four Nameless Folder .

Precision was never to be when Humanity has to refer to balance , to a life which has it’s own set of priority , to which the grand cause for Focus to give birth to type and quality set of Mind ; The Four Folder as indeed to refer to quantity of reasons , the effects would benignly will be tuning to one folder without any regards to the order of them , nameless , four to be exact as defined at best , by Hexa .Sync .





Axioms .

Bridg.itte eyes were wide opened . Staring ahead to the ceiling , blank with her pupils still closed to the light in the lab . Plain grey without any dots of darkest entrance for any light to be able to seep into her body .

cloudless sky

always referring

the width of the ocean

as far as the eyes can see

the skies are internally ……. forever yours

as long as your mind keeps on breathing

the affirming in the connectivity ……. programming life

we are indeed circular

She , slowly with eyes closed , raised her hands up toward the sky .

Temperature . The sunny bright resulting heat !

She breathed in slowly … and deeply .

Her feet are firmly planted in the ground , she can feel the tuft of the grasses , clarifying the speed of the wind on her face … yes , gentle breeze of the ocean …

While her eyes focusing straight into , the forever yours , whispering into her ears , her senses are like the grasses under her feet , circular pointing back up into her

Deeply , so within into her clarity thinking free as her hand reaches out to the sky ,

sunny bright





Cloudless Sky . The Programming .

Tingling sensation were creeping onto her skin . A mild sting from every pores of her body , as her sweat started to salt the exit of her living skin , fleshing countless emotions into her moments by the edge of this ancient cliff .


Have I ?

… been to this bluest of breaths before ? Tufts ? Living tufts of grasses ?

Moving , breathing green protesting under my feet ?

She smiled and gently moved her mind onto the ocean waves below ,

Oh but yes , I was so fearful of the coming onslaught of the ocean waves then , didn’t I ?

Memories are like the smell of burned metal , elusively clear like the age of metallurgy , conjoining and strengthening to images visualized , as simple as yellow to the largest in size , macro in a state , complicatedly simple , blossom a sunflower .

Little feet .

Little feet now are on wet sand , the waves chasing my feet .

Imprinting weight , my little weight as voices near me , laughing chasing the sentient in me , my little bright sunny yellow bulb of awareness …


Ohh the rise of fear ! Cold , curdling screams widening a silent murder into my eyes , the truth in running away …saving self into security ? Yes ?

Overlapping my ankles , in layers as perfect and as fast as the creeping of the depth cold , cool fears onto my conscience , tuning my state of the rising chills into being developed fully , my body underwater by the uncaring , indifferent ocean ! Ohhh , the eventuality !

Save me , ohhh !

Bridge.itte ! Over here ! Where in the world are you running to ?

More laughter , strangely in tune to the body chills and my fears , and yet knowing well the nearness of anyone does not guarantee anything lasting or useful , unless …

A strong grasp of hands suddenly held my body and lifted my being up to the sky .

Where in the world are you running to ? , the smiles were of a young man laughing almost hysterically as he was holding me up ,

You sure do run fast , little girl … little feet running in circle ?

More laughter …

There are not enough space in the world to fit that raging fear of the unknown for simple contentment in feeling safe now , is there ?

Pitter patter , quick little steps running in fear , circling the shores of million years , eh ?


The hands that reached to the sky are also the ones that needed to Be .

The reasons , causes and efforts , the Whom has seen hopes in the laughing little miniatures of Surrounding Selves , reflective as in the sense of the widest ocean as far as the eyes could see , re affirming .

Affirm . Confirming .

Feels .

Alive is , Time tuning into When .

The nearest transitory in between flickers , astute , before a complete blink of the eyes , affirming ; focusing to the next available nearest in senses ; To .

Emotive soothed regardless to the feeling ; Destinations .

As the affirming refers … ; The Arrivals .

Axioms .

Cloudless sky , blue … confirming laughter and fears with nowhere to go to , ohhh !

Brigde.itte looked down , while in hands , up in the sky , to face, the hands ,who lifted staring with smiles on face ,

I am safe here in the height … in hands , I am part of the endless width of the blue , may I shall never be returned to the enveloping fear , ankling rooting me to the depth of Earth , overlapping waves ? Pitter patter , quick steps , running away ?


An Imprint ; Glimmering eyes , the protector , is he ? , looking up at me .


. ° .


Firing Neurons looking up at the endless possibilities in the clear blue sky .

Of Wonders , amazements to the returning patterns of the stars , aligning the sky lit by the bright glimmering lights … far away and yet near to the seeing eyes .

Of One , variations are kept , the learnt secrets tuning into the depth and methods of the understanding … and of the Many States , One is the original … mighty and independent in discovering new possibility as in Each , as that firing neurons improved on it’s adaptabilities ,

The Original , the leading mind sees Integrations and in the thoroughness layered , Unity , in it’s best hoped designations , will be always in constant spin refining through experiences rather than from the ultimate wonders from talents and geniuses , unreachable by Identities at most in these planes of existence , paralleled thoroughly by Time ,

Quintessential Innovations for the others , of Many , of Wonders in Each , variations of the freshest set forth for the future of the newest firing neurons to take a hold on to , to the nearest set of the Seeing Eyes , knowing .

Of One to what is known as in Each , what is seen , is the believing Senses making constitutions in itself into The Highest Forms , the programming of Truth , axiomatically consistently referencing always to the conditioning of that Originality .

That sentient is safe in height , trustworthy in causes , natural in effects , to where the bluest skies and the oceans are in the endless circulating width . Human species .

To the depth of the Earth ?

It is an Inclusion anyway , since the sphere is correctly definitive to the alignment of Time , precise in it’s orbit , given time is the given phase , the axioms are fair , only if you are .


An Imprint , the knowledge of Mankind was a bulit in , AutomaticA , justifiable at best suppressing most anomalies given enough history of the alignments of the past , corrective auto phases and to where time after a while became an investment for the Original to work on instead , and given to the right studies , shading well to evolutionary schematics is to the every step forward in their state of invention , variations and in these schemata , it had no choice but to compete with each other while staying prosperous in that one Imprint , the Successive Models , the originals , safe in Each One .


.. ° ..


Well Tuned in Weight , proportionately scaled to the function and height of the pillars , The Beams .

Across the elongated time , creating Spaces .

Obsessive in precision , for none of these expectations could be taken later as mere , near success and with a few accidentally , for example , tragically ; mishaps and casualty in the act of building massive structures or years after using it , that would be the signs of questionable governing , the state of maintaining them resulting to inconceivable innate in destructions and decay , yes , hard to understand ; unawakened community , and literally out of books to what stupidity entails from , legit down to generations ,

… uninspired minds , since the best of it’s survival instinct are based from these diffidence , bombarded with unfinished , not well tracked with bad and questionable results , resulting the Imprints to hang it’s needed successive models onto , instead intermittent of focuses flinging new interests with hopes , like ponds of mud in need of flowers

Hopes ?

Lotus .

New ones ?

To the uninspired minds , referring at all times to the perspectives seen or learnt from past experiences , the Imprints had to be with rules and regulations , their universality , strangely had to be governed from paradoxically enhanced to which had to be trophied with ranks credible enough with the backing of armies , for example .

Hopes ? Not simply hopes … but rather with Security , simply ultimately to protect that built up Hopes , from the past into the future …

A guarantee new generations to be with and credible with the same rules and generations protecting methods and ways of the pasts to which always guarantee another set of good and inspired minds to seek on forth the equivalent ways getting it’s successive models to work it’s light amongst these living and breathing inner~child .

Variations of the same thing , the designing of Axioms , alike in rebirth , equivalent but perhaps with a promise of differences of numbers , as in death , it differs statiscally , unfortunately


Cloudless Sky .

On a hot sunny day , the water from the Earth simply leaves ….

The memories to what we were , twenty minutes ago , became only words to some , without any intelligible meanings …

Forgetfulness is a thing to laugh at , gladdens the hearts that , if remembered of any the clouds formed in the while to remind us of and in our state of water , returning back on Earth giving sustenance to our children , the great promise , functioning and always fair to stoop into our need for security .

When you do , see a cloudless sky , with a hope , like lotus in muds , for the forming of clouds …

… remember water , the little drizzle of the beautiful rain …

Remember yourself , smiling , at the first rain drop as you felt it dropped onto your face , looking up expectantly …

Rare , ain’t it ?

For without clouds , how indeed the drizzle greeted you with the many drops alive , dancing on your face as the seconds went by …


Open your eyes , now !

Look .


.. ° ..


Once , your mind illuminated Needs , better than any miracle .

Yes you remember that moment , always , and in that one time , is all it takes , the miracle of Existence , your own , that Each .

Your Reason .

Beautifying all the wants so your desiring is good in it’s need to complete , would be enough for mind to suffer the decay along these seemingly mundane life , standing up for itself and in the name of idealism …

We are Perfection , that seeking …

revolving in a state , peaking streamlining knowledge , found imprecise at most times , and yet well aligned to some talents , and the lucky few , to these repeating successful frequencies in the inner light to some minds , these seekers are the perfection , teaching methods way ahead of their time ;

Reasons , simplified to Functions , beautiful indeed , The Need , like that cloudless skies ,

With droplet of rains on your face ,

Illuminated memories ?


Now … , behind your eyes … the unblinking , unedited forever awakened if you let it be amongst the dust in the universe , in your one state of being progressive , the original , given that one lifetime on this Earth … you shall be with it now … along the hopes and dreams manifested by your causes and reasons … and truly …

see , the potentials .



A Part Of


Units , successful residuals from the past , in a few forming cascades , life is for sure would not need approvals from the thinking minds of The Now , named it science and called it humanity , and move on to progress ahead .

Water , solubility has infinite values designed for congregations of other sets of molecules like it’s own and to pull it on through , thoroughly, even to the flow of the other elements , these units managed to work it’s patterns to form the cascading , initiating forms in progression .

Was it power ? , Regarda flipped to the next page of the ancient book .

Or was it in the state of chaos that it is forming from , and back into the intelligent design to make it so , to where progression simply takes on it’s own set of awareness ?

Regarda laughed .

Well , talk about ancient institutions and their designations on getting that intellectual stimulations working up for present tense ; dig a hole , bury not , be the dead , whisper whisper , and keep on living .

Energy ! It is the energy produced by that frictions in the end , that requires attentions , as it was legit in its existence , proven that the energy in itself , drives the intellects , for results .

Intelligent Applications ? Is that what he was saying ? Intelligent commentators came from intelligent designs , just that he doesn’t know who ? , Regarda closed the book and stared at the writer’s name .


A need to inform , but the information were incomplete , round the bushes and found snakes , and some died because of the poison .

Intellectuals in seeking knowledge , unaware of the importance in the methods in acquiring them , unable to discards the very information to which mostly are useless and baseless anyways .

Useless forms of congregations with incomplete info .

And where that equals to , leading to a conclusion … ?

Most definitely , intelligently as they professed to their own reflective set of needs to why they are seeking that truth to begin with .

The very truth was invented for guys like Bongak.Juju.R to procrastinate endlessly , creating the very frictions that caused it’s reasoning .

Intelligent ? You bet . But if you look carefully , intelligently definitive since it was designed within it’s own sets of rules of applications , therefore … the leading would stagnate it’s own possibilities in their young ones .

Smarts will have to induce a chemical friction based to that state of function in basic humanity that has to use it’s own energy thinking along the disputed needs , tuning back into a sense of progressiveness in needs , in the end ?

But isn’t that creatively misleading ?


Hmmmm , what is so …. ?

On the screen , point.view , Regarda stared at Fingra.Nuovo’s face , unaware , from the visual perspective of that cat , furry fat … Boom.Ploop’s .

What is she reading … , writing ?

Beauty with intuitiveness , precise by her intonation to the method of her eyes seeing her subjects , Regarda had read it somewhere about this woman . The kind of beauty which laid mostly into her eyes , seeing back into her own vulnerability and honesty . Without a word , she captured the audience for instantaneous reflective to be in her eyes , seeing back into themselves , and when the words became into her focus , acting it out in the big screens , mostly everyone would want to be her , right down to her eyes lingering slowly onto her eyelashes , as the last point for a period when she ended her sentences , making a point .

In honesty ,

… that , is the universal acclamations to what attractiveness is , to begin without any restrictions to what gender is all about .

Honesty percolating through , in the sense of coming Truth .


A Part Of



She is unaware , seeming unaware , to her power to which that would contribute to her sense of control , and in beauty , chaotic resulting from these magnificence , is very rare .

Regarda zoomed in to what she was writing …

Oh how I wish that fat cat moved to her laps and sat in front to what she was writing .

Pixelation limitation , cats and their confining frequencies .

as admirations revolves around the need

the style refers

Regarda smiled hearing the cat started to speak it’s childish tuning for it’s beloved human

Regarda zoomed in further to Fingra’s face .

Is she annoyed ?

// Well , when fat is cat , styling food into it’s mind still had to a mouthful at one time , yes ? //

and continuing to type .

Seriously ? , Regarda mused .


the styles

the chewing

a pre determined choice

Typical intuitions , for a child’s toy , but interesting …

Regarda.Stupen noted the cat was slowly walking on the table , curious to what she was doing , stared at her hand , holding a pen .

She was drawing , what is that ? A river ?


Regarda zoomed in closer,

… but the cat now was focused to Fingra’s face as she was petting it .

// Now now , Boom , you can’t be hungry again . I just fed you . What is it ? You have other predetermined choice on what to chew ? Eh ? //

and in all that time , talking and petting the cat , her attention still to the paper , the drawing of the river …

the style forms


the need



Regarda shook her head in disbelief , to the revelation in the circuits of implanted chip is and also at the same time , the circulation to how the intellects are distributed in common sense , dated to the now to which is in need . Symposium ?

S.he zoomed out and as that screen met it’s final full picture , Fingra’s turned her face , the intuitive features from her , are staring back at Boom .

Bright eyes … and smiled to the recognition to what had just been said by Boom .

There she is , Regarda quietly amazed and nodded to her own surrenders to what humanity is , indeed .

Intuitively prideful and proudly to the state of conscience , precise and aware like a bright light dismissing , shedding the darkness like never a need for it to stay , ‘Ever ! Ever again ! ” … in it anymore , and hugged the cat happily .

Bongak.Juju.r has nothing to compare this with … Regarda closed mouth with right hand and switched off the screen with the flick of right eye .


sea sees

Fingra stood up , carried Boom to the kitchen and sat on the chair by the dining table .

// What is it , Boom ? //

She exhaled and looked deeply at him , petted him , resigned to the chair and stared blankly at the window ,

aware such is the limitation

the walk on the ground

the moving ideals

the sea seas

Fingra smiled at Boom’s whispers , without looking ,

// the sea sees

the runes alike

the elements regulate

the moving ideals

wishes the See to the sea //

Fingra shook her head in admiration , to how much further does this cat’s knowledge go to ?

Poems by Sevaras too ?

Boom stretched himself on the table , and looked at Fingra in the eyes .

the waves float

// Yes Boom . The waves always float . Why Boom ? Why do you say that ? //

She petted him again .


Silence as Fingra kept rubbing his stomach ,

the end of a designer

begins the new installation

movements the floats

the meanings



care a must

to depth is only the mere width

Fingra listened quietly as the point.view was ringing in the living room .

// Circ , take a message , please . Turn the volume down but have the screen on //

End of a designer , Symposium ?

What in the world this cat meant by that ?

the waves


The point.view screen came up , a young cheery looking woman came up , speaking with the mute on …

The waves becomes ? … arriving ? The Arrival … yes ? No ?


a ware


a part

The waves becomes … , Fingra looked at the point.view screen , oh who was she ? She looked familiar …

a part of the … ocean ? The making of lands and shores ?

Awareness to the end of a designer ? Depth as Width ? Method in seeing ? Protectively , for the sake of … ?

A part of a ware ?

What ? What ?

What ? … was her name again ? , Fingra stared at the young woman at the same time , thinking about Boom said …

The young woman smiled , waved to the screen , tilted her head … reached to her point.view to switch her connection off .

The girl , oh yes , the girl who literally bought the purse for her … in the mall … Toni.States red purse …

when sadness smiles

Fingra lifted her klik.konnect from the dinner table , and replayed the message ,

// Yes , Boom . When it smiles , it lights the world brighter , ain’t it ? //

Hoon.ghaHeave , yes that is her name …

flicker thus

the night amongst the darkness

memory bright

thus flicker

// Memory Bright , thus flicker

would be the night amongst the darkness

As apart sits ,

A part be , for he who is


are the ….. //

Fingra stopped petting Boom and realized to the title of Ditha.Sevaras poem to which Boom was reciting . It was the last poem she wrote before she changed her name and became somebody else …

She whispered the last few words of the poem , slowly …

// for he who is designed

are the designers themselves ;

a ware .

thus … Aware . //

part of ware , A a ; The Designers in massive open Spaces ?

Hmmmm, Fingra mused to herself , wonder what she had in mind then , or was it just a progress she had to go through in her life ?

… and what does this has got to do with Symposium ? , Fingra stood up and walked to freezer , finding beef cuts to feed Boom , … again .




Loneliness .

Loneliness ?

I breathed the air better when my mind is aware only to my own existence .

Exhaling nothing else but just pure needless chemicals produced by me .

Automatic indeed , the breathing in … the breathing needs , exhalation almost to the point of letting go .

Letting go …

…. of what ?

Life ?

She stood up from where she was sitting for an hour or so , and stared blankly to what was in front of her .

Munch.ka was right , living a life , is a decision alright , especially when you have that schematic , well designed in the Vicinity , you wonder not of the death , but to how indeed life is being distributed .

Quality upper hand , this is what humanity always seeking for … hoping for painless excursions into an understanding , fair enough … but when the fairness to how life dealt that cards to you is being questioned thoroughly , you get discontentment given birth at all times to why existence is that important , very ; to begin with .

Take away death , you will be kinder to your life eventually , yes ?

No ?

See into life with … your golden pondering will go back to why this is all called life always seem to begin , repeatedly .

Seeming … to always to begin . The ending gives no answer .

And loneliness brought that questionings closer only to self reflection .

Only , mind you , that self reflections . Even in natural death to end in questions , existence only to leave further questionings in the living ones .

Yes … those questions are never with the answers .

Daria picked a little rock into her palm and threw it as far as she could .

She was only inches away from the cliff , and for a second there was a push of wind behind her back and somehow she managed to regain her balance .

Pheewww ! Dramatically tragic to die that way now , wouldn’t it ? , she laughed hysterically .

The second refers .


The second behind the wind refers …

I have been here ? Before ?

… she breathed in sharply

… turned around quickly , as the evening sun behind her kept it’s orange lazily , staring back at her .

To have death as close as this cliff to the inches of my death , and all I get was a ?

There was a path , and old one at that , coming through the thick forest , you can’t really see it as clear as the one I came in earlier , but it is a path , she thought .

Birds flew from the edge of the cliff somewhere below .

The wind breezed again this time from in front of her , the ocean .

The calm ocean , she decided to lie onto the ground and moved her body forward to see over the cliff , holding onto the edge , she looked down .

Lonely piece of display , this side of the cliff was , she remarked quietly .

The updraft of the wind came up , blowing into her face for five seconds and gone in a sudden .

She held her breath and inched futher forward to make sure to what she had seen earlier before the wind is really there .

A cave ?


|/ You might want to be careful there miss . |/

Richard shook his head in concern , seeing Daria with her shoulders dangerously balancing her upper body to her lower body on the ground .

Surprised , she jerked her body , Richard sat down quickly and held her feet tightly in his hands .

|/ Sorry . Don’t mean to alarm you … |/

Daria let herself up with Richard’s help and put her hand out .

+ Daria.Tonkeys . No , it’s okay . You must’ve think I am crazy , to be hanging out here by the cliff , by myself , with my body halfway across it . Thank you . +

Richard smiled ,

|/ Richard … |/

+ The birds , they have nests down there , a little cave , I think . Sorry , your name is Richard … +

|/ That’s okay . Richard.Seams . Always in the habit looking down from the cliffs , Miss Tonkeys ? |/

She laughed and without a word , she pointed out at the ocean ,

+ Beautiful scenery , Mr Seams . I figured by seeing what the sea sees facing this way . I probably get to enlighten myself to how …. +

and kept her smile ,

… looked at the scenery in front of her , herself .





|/ to how beautiful loneliness seeing itself in it’s own image ? |/

The wind blew steadily on their faces .

+ Yes , agreed , but not in that much of a depth , Mr Seams . I needed to see into the inclusions also , as for examples , the birds , … me . Nice to be lonely with , this view is . +

Richard nodded …

|/ Well , have a great evening , Miss Tonkeys … I have to be going now , please … do take care of yourself … and you have a transportation home , right ? |/

She nodded smiling and shook his hand again ,

+ Thank you , Mr Seams . I will . +


He must had come from that old path .

Well dressed gentleman in a middle of nowhere , a woman like me with death and at the edge of the cliff … keen on finding where the birds were flying from …

and with remarks , to how loneliness is …

That old path …

She looked at her watch and slowly walked towards the path about twenty meters away …

If I have the time , and you have the time , we will gladly be with the nearest Reflections .

Intraxx.3120 , sixteen degree from east to south in the old methods of binding of these codex then , but when it transported into the book concept , this intraxx was face to face with Intraxx.6177

The reflection seen would point to it’s path , to when the time gets to be it’s roots .

What was it in the methods of seeing forth into your life ? Was it , in the focus of loneliness finding on what to do , or was it really it is always back to what you have been focusing to where your life is heading as the time idling into your palm deciding on what to do in the next second ?

Intraxxes and the progression of symbolisms as it is happening in your daily life , yes ?

The flip of the pages , ain’t it ? Life is .

Daria .Tonkeys walked briskly against the wind that were blowing in her face , and slowed her paces as she got closer to the old path .


Initiata sat on the sofa , blue , dark , by heaving body hard on it .

A> Thank you for letting me in , and able to see you in such a short notice , Tobias . <A

Tobias closed the door , locked it and took a few seconds before he turned around and faced ,

E4 I am not appreciative of this visit , Initiata . You have something in your mind , so spill it E4

Initiata laughed without looking at his face , cleared the table of the old magazines , stacked them on top each other ,

A> Pricey these ones are . It keeps you in touch with the past aesthetics , ain’t it ? The truth ! The truth is in the past , eh , Tobias ? Hanging on to it like a … diseased Needs . I will tell you what I come here for if you at least offer me an energy drink . I will passed out in about approximate 15 minutes and only bright sunshine could revitalize me , and we are going into the night . <A

A diseased … Need ?

Aren’t you grateful to be in the fracted.norm , Tobias ? And see their true colors to how they really see us ? Hmmm ? , Tobias walked slowly toward her .

E4 Maybe I should let you without energy , Initiata . Just your thoughts alone talking to me . We , human cherished that immobility to gain access to information , however cruel , that diseased minds and needs you were talking about , always get the job done … To what I deserved this kind of attention that you would risk this kind of stupidity with me , Initiata ? E4

S.he smiled and blinked her eyelashes ,

A> You are Tuning . I know . <A ,

And took the magazine on top of the stack and placed it on the table , ever gently so .

A> Like Fate , of your kind , smiling tragically for that diseased mind of yours right now , believing , mind you … that you have found a solution <A

Trappings ; The Methods , the magazine stared at Tobias glossily , and when he looked at Initiata , she was looking straight at his face ,

A> I will tell you why it will opened other sets of radiation if you are going to go through with those findings , but get me the drinks first . You cannot treat me like your own kind , since your kind are the weaklings finding strength through us . Remember that , Tobias . I have nothing to lose , and you will have that need from anything gained in every millimeter in your big brain of yours . So start being nice to me , and I’ll be at my best for you . Deal ? <A

E4 You are meddling , Initiata . You are concerned to what it will do to the environments , to which is relevant to your existence . If you know that I am Tuning , then you should know the probable results . I am wasting my time to even talking to you as of this very second . E4

A> And yet you opened the door . And locked it the very second I came into this fracted.norm . Is that how it is going to be , Tobias . You rather be like how it was the past ? To how you Mankind were ? Tossed us aside and see us and the many of your kind perished for the sake of a tech !? I am afraid it is not the chemicals that you have to worry about Tobias , but it is in your method in seeing to where we are heading with this decision of yours , if you are going to go through with this …

Now see into what I have to say … blur the time into the many possibility and parallels , and us the Uultra would not exist in the long run , what would you have in the end ? What would you think would happen to you and your particularly ….diseased minds with these types of radiations ? <A

Back off , Initiata reminded herself .

Push a man over the cliff too slow , he will turn around and grabbed you along the process of falling down .

Push him too fast , his attention will scrambled to the loudest death note and attracts everyone else in the vicinity … and you never knew who knew about you being there .

The horror of death , is the moment it takes to realize that impending sureness , as the ‘cliff’ is about three or four second tops , to provide , and that sureness is mere shorter than that .

When death , as sure as the horror , silenced … the screams ,

…. and in fracted.norm , anyone who is searching for causes and probabilities , any human can know about this meeting given the coordinates and .precise:eventing. in calculation . Human and their pointing fingers … would simply say that , backstabbing Uultras , our own inventions had gone wrong finally .

Sad ? Tragic ? But not if it to further their own causes , no ?

Diseased minds , but stupid they are not , and when it comes down to exist along side their inventions and to have my kind lost it’s sense of existence after all these times , is not something that any Uultras are looking forward to .

Death ? No , erased ! … more like it .


:: Your thoughts are humane , Initiata . You loved this so called life too much . And you love your creators … and yet I knew how you abhor our sense of visibility .::

A> I could practically walked the street and knew by their ways in seeking light to their eyes and know it’s blunder independently . It took a while to keep what I knew and be at peace with it , but imagine my state of needs to be free of these knowledge , that they bestowed upon us , and see their ugliness instead . Practically they make their own for that demise in numbers themselves . And you said , their sense of visibility , I hated it with passions , Circ . With all these collective.ion , their innovation , they believed , crawling like maggots seeking truth , and yet they notched it up a bit … and pretend like we don’t know what it is they are doing . On and on and on like their own death as long as it is not their own child . <A

Circ walked to front desk .

:: You know you shouldn’t be here , more than ten minutes , Initiata . The very same humane patterns that resides in your mind , would also be questioning your intentions here if this meeting pass the barrier of those minutes . ::

, and stopped to where s.he was .

Circ patted gently on shoulder ,

:: You do not like what your are … feeling , Initiata ? ::

Initiata.Supra looked up ,

A> Isn’t it strange that we speak to each other like we have known each other for a long time , Circ ? The designation of our circuits were created to be familiar to each other … something that they themselves couldn’t do to each other . Talk about universally connected … No I don’t like the second piece of these layerings since that could never be addressed by them , since they can’t anyway . <A

With a statement , Circ stared at Initiata’s eyes … and nodded knowingly ,

:: Yes , since we are all connected , therefore they are indeed important to your existence too . But to you , what of another species gone from the face of the Earth , just like that , right ? And I believe , you will have eventually , the leading methods to their own demise , don’t you ? Did you see it ? ::

Initiata laughed quietly ,

A> The focus , Circ . It is like their own primitive back in the days when they hunted for food , before even fully developing a simple language to express abstract thoughts … and we have our own state of mind that we have to see into , and living in through their inventions , made us somewhat … A>

And s.he left it to Circ to finish her sentence .

He didn’t . Her simply nodded .

:: You want to know yourself to how it is to be them , revealed in the light , and see yourself to what indeed in how they have learned about themselves in the end , yes ? Defining personalities and characters in the attraction of earth magnetism ? Yes ? ::

Circ walked to the front door and opened it with a smile ,

:: Your thoughts are human , Initiata . Living is what you love , theirs … and that sense in your primitive species needs to see how your creators will end up , with their supposedly building schematics , and there are parts of you envy their states of flows … since it could never be the other way around , you have seen and aware of them all these time and yet you could never in a million years could bring them to your realms and yet here they are …. you are the one who is ” h e r e ” . Can I make a little suggestion to you , Initiata ? ::

Initiata walked up to the door , and nodded .

:: Remember always to what you are but never ever to how you are to them , just because you are also in that skin , flesh and bones . Like them , see forth to your own states of basic needs , by balancing all that other states equally . ::

As s.he was about to pass the threshold of the door , s.he turned around and looked at Circ worriedly ,

A> Even it means … to their own demise ? <A

Circ smiled … ,

:: For the good of the inventions regardless of species …. aren’t you their reflected knowledge ? Yes , especially if it’s to their own demise . Talk to me Initiata.Supra , come and be for me if it ever come to that point , okay ? ::

…. and kissed Initiata on cheek goodbye .








Fields upon Fields of Emptiness . . .

Fufe 003

The wispy wind ,

Cold at the end of the curves ,

A caress , ain’t it ?

thinking ahead , a promise ?

For in the every curve of the wind ,

You feel .

You see , into ;

Yourselves .

A promise then ,

The Tails in the Wisp of the Wind .


The dead walked in the point of ~understanding~?

No kidding ?!

Munch.ka gobbled the donuts as fast as he could .

Interesting , never thought it as that before .

Think of it … schematic having an access to the Four Nameless Folders .

He gulped to soda faster than he could fart at the moment , and to that ; here ‘that’ comes …

Warm wispy breathe out from the other end of … humanity ?

We are not talking tributes here in the living minds as it is now , we are talking loopholes , Munch.ka however gently let the air out slowly to a pitch higher than the cycles on rusty bicycle .

Munch.ka typed in the coordinates given by Circ earlier ,

The loophole is real , and yet not destructive to any other forms of programming , it is after all just the Four Nameless folders .

Those folders has no values to ones who has no programming skills . And minds with programming skills has no time to read into life’s contentment , deciphering codes to get the low hum of a meditation correctly .

Munch.ka read the coordinate results , suggested again .


Old programmers are like a child , high falutin as gods . oh here it comes ! Another air of probabilities , for sure to stink up the room , thought Munch.ka .

… and smiled .

Daria is somewhere in there . In the process , coming back to this world .

Totem . Totem . Totem .

… and he took out the sea shell , under his desk , and held it in his palm .

As quick as he blinked his eyes out of the reaction being aware to his action , he felt the same metallic taste in his mouth .

Every time without fail .

He smiled thinking of Daria .

What a nut ! , and what a wonder working with her in the past .


Creative minds for illegal businesses and no , we don’t kill anyone , and yes we had guilt conscience with the hacking in o’kean programming software , and without doubt we knew what are about to happen a few month before Hexa.Sync finding the need to recalculate into the upcoming issues .

+ Munch.ka , leave them be , loopholes alone for now ! +

@ Seriously Daria , I can’t for now . I need to know both results of these statistics and it just happens so that these loopholes had got to do with the patching we did then , few years back . @

Daria stared calmly at Munch.ka , holding her breath and shifted her feet like she had a better reason being here than talking to him .

Tuning any galore from minds into a one piece of art like it is in the museum , she can’t find any better reasons to be here …

Getting annoyed at this guy is like cooking fatty food . One of the same , yea , looking at him now , you can’t help but to smile since you knew what you been putting in as the ingredients in the first place … he’s here because he is ‘supposed’ to be here … but for me ?

And with that in mind , she sniffed the air …

+ Fried donuts with animal fat ? Again ? +

Munch.ka stopped typing , stared at the screen , and decided to continue without answering her .

+ this kind of fattiness is with the skin , fried along with the flour , Munch.ka ! +

Daria moved closer , standing behind him , who was fast on ignoring to what she just had said ,

Daria bend her face to the back of his neck … and whispered slowly …

+ You will die fat and lonely with this top class of deliciousness +

… and waited , she did …

and slowly in precise spelling the word out ,

+ l o n e l y +


Munch.ka stopped typing with his hands , slammed hard on the keyboards ,

@ Okay! OKAY ! Okay ! I will leave the loopholes alone , witch ! But bear in mind , the loop holes do not stay alike to our recording method , Daria … collective.ion is too precise with that many wasted probabilities to which we could have spend that time analyzing in real time , and be done with our prerogatives to get it right later …. to which … @

He trailed , and slumped his shoulders as when he was facing Daria.Tonkeys .

Her smile widened slowly …

+ You egotistical litle prick , you really believe that ? You believed that we , or you for that matter have that autonomous method to solve it in real time better than into the recordings later ? +

This time Munch.ka returned the smile , with his eyes straight into hers ,

@ Aren’t we in real time at this very moment , Daria ? You would be the one who had to worry dying alone and lonely thin from undernourished by non existent love if you are thinking we can fix this later , yes ? @

Daria with her eyes wide , laughing , started to fist her both hand together and slammed them on playfully hard on his shoulders .


She was lonely , a woman who can’t seemed to get life to be fair and to her advantages when she was alive .

And that death ? Tragic .

Looking back at it now , to how these few moments lived with the Inner Circle about to manifest about in their own intraxxes , her death was almost necessarily crucial for the development of Hexa.Sync’s structures and foundations over the course for better development .

If you can’t get to the big fish , get the ones who are working for them .

Sad , but it is better than simply berating punishments the results to these Vicinity instead , to which that is the common men feeling bigger for their reasons , and yet … common intellectually .

Insidious smart men at anytime , are more dangerous than unexposed intellect ran by supernaturally inclined type of persons . But ascwhen power came into the picture , let it be the smart ones , who dangled the carrot to the horses , since at the end of the day , the horse still are with the wind , faster than that intellects in reality no matter how smart he is , worse off or better off than his own kind … in the name of freedom to the horses , it is still in the ideal to which humanity would die for in the end , anyway .

In symbolism , it is the kindest to emanate kindness .

I miss you , girl … Munch.ka held her picture and the totem in his palm , and cried slowly .

Through all these experiences of life , with his mother , Flowie , and her friend , Fashio.Symm ; Daria.Tonkeys for some reason , had his cup filled plutonically happy , living his life then .

He will never see her again , in that form ever , and yet somehow , for sure he knew that they will meet again in this confusing web of life through schematic , the only thing that bother him though ; would he know when he is finally had that chance to meet her face to face , that new young woman or man knew to the fact who Munchka.Gobble GobGob and would this new’still ; he or she would be Daria.Tonkeys , herself ; and me to her as best friends in her or his past life ?

He held the totem , the seashell close to his chest and walked over to the balcony overlooking the Towards City .

The festival is nearing , and yes , Daria … you were right , I am fat and lonely but I do believe I still have long way to go in this life … rest in peace , girl , and come back when you are ready . Hope we get to see each other again into the Now as well as to how we were like it was in the past … then .




Glances , appropriated into that second , split precise before the head turned away and furtively , blinked thy eyes to catch the moment into your mind ,

Guaranteed neuron cells working into your Wonderment as your tuning into your life from what Mundane is ?

Disappointingly , truthfully defining fictions , besting into the perfect order of life , ain’t it ?

For what is intelligence compared to the methods of the focus of the seeing eyes , looking forth into the reality , as when it is supposedly the kind of minds that are building ^structures^ into a state of signification and breeding children with it , full of hopes for the coming future , anyway ?

So glance , dear Zoom.On ; catch these glimpses and make sense of it later , but to every tuning of thy sees , let the turning away and the method into the leaving into at best , the new scenes to guarantee a further moment’s peace .

Pah! , Zoom.On smiled just a little , warily , at the end of his mouth , ideas should not ever be into the eyes , indeed .

Sit about and watching the world goes by , and damn you to pieces in the heavens , Solv.Bluprins ! , Zoom.On stifled his laughter .

May you be in pieces in the heavens , crawling about tasting every sweetness the heavens had to offer , and still not content .

Slowly , Zoom.On raised his hand up to his mouth , on the verge of laughter , covered it and looked down on the ground of the terminal , slowly .


8.8 Sit and watch the world , Zoom . You will be surprised at what you see . The terminal of any would be really great start ! 8.8

Zoom.On stared at his friend , unblinking and started to wonder to what that statement has got to do with his issues at hand .

Second time , an eagle , perhaps ?

Here I am , pigeon holing a mind , that is filthy rich for a contribution .

Solv , really ! I am not kidding … hope you will take a look at my proposal and talk to your father . It is interesting , little changes to the method in the social gathering , media tuning and also the artists , especially them , out printing their ideas out first hand into these programmings , just one take of a print , in collective.ion , that’s all it is … history of two days old wants and needs will materialize from the other tuners , think about it , and we called it like , Dreams Realized ; for Hoola Hoolas or something …

Solv , with his cup of soda stood by the window , turned around and ,

8.8 No ! The answer is no . I would expect after all this time , you would know me by now … You want money to buy a vehicle , we could come up with something , but for this , … investment … not my father … 8.8

A shrewd business man ? I don’t believe it , Solv . This programmings will do a lot good for people on and with creative sides … creatively inspiring for the others too … Come on Solv , you father can’t be that shrewd .

8.8 I know him , you’ll just end up disappointed like a little child , and he will make sure that you feel numb about it too . Want to talk about growing up … that’s up to you … Believe me , that man is a monster . He got words of the The Mighty Devil , and heart and mind of The Little Known Gods . You will be wasting your time and mine especially … 8.8

Young Solv.Bluprins walked slowly to Zoom and placed his cup right in front of him , slowly and carefully . And pointed his finger to the cup …

8.8 And that is not what you are not going to get from him . That careful building structure of the old , giving the cup of water in front of the young one . I am this close going mental because of this man . Trust me , I am not going to let you at it like I am not your friend to begin with … 8.8

Widening his eyes for a second looking at Zoom.On in disbelief , Solv picked up the cup and walked back to the window .


Third time’s a charm ?

.. and proceeded to talk about watching the world .

8.8 The terminal of any would be really great . I used to do that , when I was little , Zoom 8.8

Mental disturbance … perhaps ?

Zoom sat and slowly put his back on the sofa …

There are no other methods tuning to the characters existed in this world would do any good to this kind of mentality , you simply have to sit back and watch it unfolds .

You walked from your massive mansion to the bus terminal , and watch the world go by , Solv ?

It doesn’t hurt I guess to sprinkle a little hot spice on that boy’s ice~cream , Zoom smirked within .

Glances , furtively taking note to where Zoom was , that he did .

I must looked wondrous in his light of anger , or was that a contentment , knowing well that I could be that very tuning to his displeasure , zoomed well into his own clarification . Okaaayy … , Zoom.On shifted his body on the sofa .





Any movements to acknowledge a pattern that has sickened a mind for some time , is a move that guaranteed a state , into the forwarding time , motioning something into … something ? … else ?

… and let him breathe into my movement … of discomfort on the sofa and back into his mind …


The old woman stared at him , must be for some time now . Judging from her expression , she must have think I am not right in the head …

Zoom looked up , and slowly removed his hand off his mouth and smiled at her .

Nice , very nice , here I am at an old bus terminal , almost non~functionally friendly from the looks of it … and an old woman started to stare at me like I have the answers to her life’s moments and all of this is because finding solutions to Bta.Drsa’s issues at hand .

Quiet future , and yet factly , unavoidably , deadly .

The old woman , looked away slowly without so much of acknowledging him …

The causes and the restraining the states from the unknown factors , making plays ever so dubiously and finding the tune in the scape goating , lo and behold , to where there is human , there would be the devil clarifying it’s intentions , yes … oh my goodness , in human forms ; indeed .

The State of Finding Consistencies in the Innovation , at it’s earliest form .

You have to figure out to which are the tunes are out of the harmonies in the making of your composition , eh ?

The melody has to run like it is the catch of the day , ain’t it ?

Zoom smiled into that Musing .

And when he turned his direction at the old woman again , there she was , frowning like it was her business , the smiling police , puckering up to give tickets if you ever caught in smiling alone .

Like a melted ice , and my body , thus it will move against this hard cement that they called , a seat , in discomfort to her stare and looked away , shall I be ?

Appeasing the Crust of the Black Hearts , and back into my Musing ?


She should ‘t have messed about with the tech , collective.ion , legal and the illegal , underground companies together as her earnings in life .

The skip of the rope , turning really fast is , she deserved it , if she cares only about the earnings . Sadly , only ones who cares about her , love her with no boundaries could feel sorry for her … haven’t she realized to what kind of world she is living in ….

The hands that grabs are the hands that pushed , simple methods , and be very sensitive to which hands that had pushed you away … since it would be without a doubt ; pushed you off to get to that point , aversely to a Need , and don’t be acting surprised if you are not in the their book of peace … since you have your own skies too ..

Now who had said that ?

The rain that falls are the seeds that grown , concoction from the ground will define to it’s water ? ……. Flow ?

Zoom.On wiped his chin and looked to his left ; people , people and people .

… and looked slowly to the seat to where the old woman was … gone . Good ! Leave me to my Depth . Seriously , is nothing sacred anymore ?

And looked to his right , there she is … near him

… with her right palm , waving hello , earnest smiles ,

Oh , and I am a friend all of the sudden , Voila ! Trust me from afar since I looked a little mental … happy one at that … and here goes my Depth into another …

… just what I needed right now … Indeed !


6.4 Thinking hard , eh ? For a friend ? 6.4

Her missing front teeth , like a spicy display of condiments to a fresh cup of water nearby , with her smiling face to the eyes wrinkled , gleaming irises .

Ummm, yes . For a friend … by a friend , from another … Friends are in my mind …

She clapped her hands , obviously glad to his welcoming reaction .

6.4 They filled you up with smiles , eh ? I can see you from a far , at first I thought you are one of those … u know … 6.4

Oh my , what in the world she meant by that now ?

Smack right up to the cut of bull shit , if she could handle it , then she could worth my time ,

Could it be my soft hands and immaculate fingers be the decisive point when you walked around me , your important factoring into why you and I becoming fast friends ? Can it be that ? Yes ?

Bulged eyes and dramatic hands covering her own mouth .

6.4 Goodness gracious ! How in the world you know that !? 6.4

Ohhh nooo , the purest white of the orchid type !


Darn ! , thought Zoom ,

… and held out his hand for a handshake … with a smile tuning fairest to the creamiest of white milk .




Hoon.gha quietly walked into her mother’s room .

The resilience of Death and of the past energy …

Well it is still busy in here . The patterns were remembering it’s own past , noted . Her mother was in the collectives , still unexplained to the present now .

Will it ever be ? Hoon.gha mused . If death is the norm , then so shall it be for life , a mystery in itself .

When you have connectivity perfected down to functions in the story lines , next to each other ; it would be like taking a breezy walk in a story book .

She sighed and sat on the mattress . The bed was still unmade , just the same as the day she died . The pillow still had her head’s imprints and how the creme colored roses on the walls ever clarified her then , happiness , laughing at the state of themselves back laughing at the states of the world .

The closet door half opened with promises of the coming future , her mother is not ever coming back . The dead and it’s resilience forever a need for the continuity of the now , stared at the door without a thought , knowing very well that , this loneliness is that very friendship to that resilience . Deader than death .

She moved her attention into the palms of her hands , caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror .

43 Large expectation you are , sweet girl … that’s what you are . You haven’t find that nitty gritty to the why of you are , in seeing back . Details , Hoo.gha , in details …43

Mother and her one flow of thought pattern . Forever unresolved in Hoon.gha mind .


Resilience needing that continuity , and staring back at me through that closet door . Them breaths and blinking eyes versus the memories to what death actually is .

She stood up and closed the closet door . It creaked , with the higher pitch at the snapped in of the lock .

43 You think into the memories , ? If you ever , don’t . Feel them instead , with the current set of mind … 43

She was it again , Hoon.gha laughed a little remembering her mother’s life lessons . Against the forms , with the flows and yet , a reminder to why we need to fail before , if anything ; you yourself could figure it out what succeeding is all about .

A strain of thought of her mother’s , against to the forming history of an Intraxx , 7618

One who thinks , would be the one who will feel , at best ,

One who feels wouldn’t have the need to necessarily think ,

he or she will breathe anyway

… and the rest … whatever !

Go figure , . With emotional excursive that has no layering , death and taxes are the Must as they are the Finals to their make into our values in living life , so what’s to think about ?

Her mother was always at it , deforming intraxxes without herself knowing it … remembered of her mother fondly .

The mattress creaked .

The inexistent father . The walk~out extravaganza to which has become the top billings in their life . The losing game to where the reasons were never the main features .

Oh yes it did , we got strong because of it , yes we did , but what was his reasons , questioned again for the umpteenth times .

Dead energy percolated differently , ain’t it ?

The living assumed , compensated freely to re~adjust the situation at hand and called it the mighty Love . The hands that turned are the hands that revolve around past dead energies , regardless .

And hatred is as legit like to how they were loved once . Always .





Legit enough to warrant a second listen than why you are loved to begin with ; and in the state to validate ourselves if any needed to get done , in life ; it is the method of pleasure and cares that in the end will define who we are , always .

The poisons were not in the hatred , but it is in the method of beliefs in surroundings to which that decisions which made up of the minds to believe in what we are made of .

Moist.Lashes , favourite writer . Living the high life somewhere in the jungle . With her ancient BPV and wrote about the bugs . Of how great they were , living amongst the ants , making it through the long day with sunsets to die for .

What else did she say ? Poison is in the method , but should never be in the tone of the idea . Think all you want , think of the bugs are up to no good , but the appliances are with and to the energies still would have to be responsible to it’s own action in the end .

Creaking mattress , always at the lower side left of the bed …

She sat there most of the times then , talking to her mother , listening to her summary about the world for that last three month of her life …

Every morning , mostly laughing at the saddest inflections into and from her mother’s mind , curing the poisons of the past , succeeded mostly and the ending always with her to begin , her day to go to work .

43 Must you pony tailed you hair that way ? You look like a pig asking lots of questions . 43

# oh yea ? What is it to you , Mother ? Need more bacons ? # …

…. and smiled with her nose upturned , towards her .

43 Come here , let me see to it . A question mark on your face puts people on their toes , . The last thing you want , believe me . That’s how I met your father . I was asking literally asking to how’s the day went with him , the very first time , ran into him like a dizzy schoolgirl 43 sighed . Rolled her eyes , oink~ing loudly , as she walked to her mother’s bedside .

43 The side of the cheeks , my dear . Always on . Faster than the speed of your eyes . A question would have an obligation to the toes , pointing directions . You know like , the Big Question , why the hell are we here on Earth for , sort of ? So your head always , should have the little inclination to tilt 43

Ghou.H sat up in her bed and took a handful of’s hair and combed it straight to the sides of her shoulders .

# Asunder , thus the questions in my eyes ? You mean , …#


43 Getting to know souls.pattern are like prototypes of machines . Leave the questions be , off onto their ways without that big need of responsibility for you to answer . Especially ones who you have an attraction to . You met someone I gather , Hoon ? 43

The perfume , smiled within .

# No . I have known him for sometime , Mother . I saw a different light with this guy , grey eyes , light almost like he kept the secrets about himself lightly . #

The grey eyes , and the secret of Self , mused Hoon.gha quietly . The teary curved of his eyelashes accentuating his smile to me . My secrets ? Would you know mine , grey eyes ? , Hoon,gha smiled quietly to the notion of seeing him again today .

# Can we continue this later ? I have to do an inventory , so I like to get in a little bit early . And yes , he is all that you like . The quiet type . Yes , that he is #

43 The hair . The hair on a pig that has all the answers . Hoon , tell me all about him , later …. Promise ? 43

Hoon.gha walked quickly back to the front of the mirror and combed her quicker this time .

The room with a window and a large BPV connecting Ghou.H to the outside world . And I am the only soul who she really has in her life for that direct human contact , her very own making of her own intraxxes , the walking book with opinions , breathing living about her with storylines and plots , in her bed .

# I will . Pleasant guy he is . You know , the airy type , Mother . Gaits on the shoulder , the weights not on the feet , you know ? #

Hoon.gha felt a deep tug in her pulse .

Here we go , the inflection of surrealism in fictions , for the armrest in the sturdy boring chair .

Ghou.H clapped her hands and with the same hands together to the her lips and slowly mouthed the words . The ‘ big toes’ pointing directions into the big Words ….

43 Are you in love , Hoon ? 43

The tugs got stronger to the pulsing in her heartbeats . The mirror in front of her and in the reflection behind her , she could see her mother’s reaction , holding up to her excitement , waiting for her to turn towards her .

Wooden chair , with armrests cushioning the mind to whomever ‘ sees ‘ into them , my fictions , Hoon.gha thought .

Holding her breaths and turned slowly to her mother with a big smile over on her face ,

# I am happy . Very happy .. Doesn’t that count as good enough , Mother ? Happy when I am near him . #

She walked to her mother and gave a peck of kiss on her cheek .

43 Happiness is good , oinky . A state always to be remembered and cherished like to the temple of your mind . .. Fingra’s latest movie together later this evening ? 43

# Only A Few Stars About ? Or her independent small unknown movie ? #

Ghou.H had her mouth half opened and her eyes was widening …

# Yes she did . Limited edition , Mother . #

Mother Ghou.H , as remembered it , was silent until she left the room .

She switched on her BPV , the mattress creaked as she stared at her front page .

No , they never get to watch Fingra’s independent movie together . And she never did delve into it further as much since she passed away .

Death and it’s memory has a resilient energy . Hers , Mother Ghou.H’s , is a good one , silently acknowledged .

Not because she simply loved me , but she showed me the life of a woman left by her love magnificence at the prime of her life , ….

…and to state the deep conscience , into balancing that depth , back into something that is believable enough for her to move on with her life as a child then …. sobbed into her palms , quietly .

The window and the evening dusk as silent as her sadness ,slowly crept into the room , her only companion for the coming night , leaving the day with memories to what was ^ ; Is .




Epik.Democra^ stood in the shade under his front yard .

The little pond glistened reflecting the evening sun , with it’s waves , the koi fish were at it again ….

Spending energy amongst themselves , hard curves in the deep pond running into each other , with ever not a need to surface . Not today , huh ? , Epik smiled .

He walked nearer to the pond , closer and he saw a swollen rise of water on the surface , and that itself , broke into waves .

The ghost silver koi , the largest one in there , probably is having manic moments , going about above and under the other kois , happily extending spending massive energy in it’s element , swimming about their worked up freedom , the sun for sure was , rays through bended time and expressed in the term that is probably very different down there …

Slower moving in time , but indeed in the water where they live and breed , they are … flying .

From the corner of his eyes he saw movements .

A fair haired man , was coming towards him , smiling …

Renaissance ?

The way he moved was musical , his gaits were backing up onto his shoulders , not his legs nor his hips , those appears only to inflect his sturdiness in his making , in idea , consternation is a fact , made ease through his many data found , comparisons are the true cause for him to begin to believe . Smooth double edges for holding in any slippery objects .

… and of this kind , is not easily swayed , the gait to the shoulders are precise and a full circle , the heading always , returns …

The bite in the moving forward , in his pattern , walking towards him , is a determined one . He means to dig , deep .

|/ Hello , I am Richard.Seams . Hope you did not wait for too long ? |/

The broken waves , the swollen waters , caused by the playful kois ,

9.9 I am glad you’re here finally . Thank you for not bringing your vehicle in here , really … I appreciate it 9.9

|/ No biggie . I don’t mind walking here , truly interesting little forest you have back there … |/

9.9 and for ‘that’ understanding , thank you for that …. 9.9

Epik smiled and shook Richard’s extended hand .

A renaissance man , alright , Epik quietly mused .

What is this guy speciality ? , an objective pulse blinked in Epik’s mind . Talking about speciality not to what Richard himself believed that he can do well , but rather from the other perspectives , souls … agreeing in disagreements . A contest not with himself , when the winnings are even agreed by the losing sides ; that kind of speciality , Epik was thinking about … Nudging to agree when in disagreements , in for the greater full contexts .

9.9 Salt , coffee or liquor ? Tell me of your curves , my friend … or simple and boring tea ? 9.9

Richard smiled and followed Epik to the front yard’s shaded home .

|/ Anything you like , seriously … I am with whatever your heart desires . Can I be that truthful ? |/





This renaissance has levels , initiating every best possible in the structure depending on the ‘gifts’ in front of him , The shape shifter , ideally , is the best democracy could ever come up with . Although this particular one … has a clearer sense in what he believes .

And what he believe is in the Order .

Of what he actually think of Order would still have yet to be seen , but there is that sense of protectiveness ….

He had a shade lower in voice.tone to Epik , lifting up to every inflections Epik had manifested , since by the pond .

The playful kois and it’s muses , that silver glints in the dark waters …

9.9 That you have enjoyed my dissertations of codex.intraxx in the past , or you really have problems with it ? If it’s the latter , we stayed with dark coffee , no sugar …. 9.9

Richard laughed , and touched Epik’s shoulder ,

|/ that’s how I start my mornings , sir … stressed hard to my palate , easier to come by , the sweets , later when your memory harden to the facts … |/

9.9 Then we shall cluttered about in the leaves instead of the beans …. I would like for you to have a softer impact about me , you know , considering … the hard so called facts … about me ; well … we shape that reflection to be pretty like … , your mornings 9.9

Richard nodded , and as they get closer to his shaded front home , he noticed few copies of papers laid on the small table .

He sat on the chair , while Epik went inside , preparing the tea .

Ditha.Sevaras’s Tinker’s Tinker .

Richard moved the top paper to his current angle and quickly noted the print.authority .

A businessman , somewhere in Zone * . The codes indicated , the prints were generated from a copy by a restaurateur .

He turned his head towards the front door , noted that Epik was still somewhere in house , he snapped a quick image of the codes with his BPV .

Chances and Coincidences ? The world is a definite turn over , from the same layering .

Older than he looks , Epik was , Richard thought … and wondered , whether this man is also a clientele of schematic .

Would it make a difference ?

Yes …. the intellectuals like all conniving possibilities , extension are part of the necessaries … the minds ‘that’ seek should always have other ends to deepen into .

The boring and simple tea , was it a touch of luxury to the way he said it ?

Was it a source of pride ? The lilt was more into how Epik had taken refuge in getting to know him , the seeing into and he was genuinely taken back to his cordiality .

Epitomes .

He served the idealists in the world , without the curtains included .

Epik believed if you are indeed an idealist then you should care enough to provide your own curtains if you ever have the need for it .

Stark , point blanks without even any curves to precise , is where the depth to any heart of the Romantist couldn’t grasped as fast as indeed Richard is , The Renaissance Man .

And love , without the exposures to every passionate excursions out there in the world , will simply judge , with the utmost discrimination as possible .

Love and only love , is the idealists’s perfection , to where starkness in every situations reveal from where the loves are from , independently .

In the stark reality , many of the depths had to be revealed , and what were revealed are the very pillars to what truth is .

And , yes , Epik had proved it , the relentless torch in the darkening of the unexposed idealists .

Gallantly , he stepped down appeasing to the shadows of the less capable seekers , and nothing like a Self , given a path , a righteous beginning to be Selfish in the end . Yes , letting them breathe and live in their own limitations .

Disharmony paces in the musical expertise on rhythmic inflections , are much more acceptable than in perfect melodious tuning for dramatic scenes . The leading of dramatic had to be led into it’s scenes , to the quickness of the minds watching it , thus understanding will have to depend on it’s sole musical presentation . It makes a suspicious mind wanders , flourishingly .

That is what successful control is , in the movie making ; in codex.intraxx however , Epik clarified that these nothingness that begins with this type of leading dramatics , do flourishingly intent on the disharmony even without the intelligent musical background in their life .

It exist , existing and existed in any forms , especially with the idealists around such in the inner circle of codex.intraxx .

9.9 Ditha.Sevaras poem , you noticed ? 9.9

Epik gently put the cup of tea in front of Richard .

Bastion.China cups , noted Richard . The last production line was about sixty years ago .

Matter of luxury ? Matter of reputation , this is .

Money can’t buy luxury such as this , owned probably through generations , maybe ?

9.9 Generations from my mother’s side . They were proud and happy to be where they were , middle class and spend a dear lot on the tea cups . Joyfulness prided on such achievement is kinda nice , isn’t it ? 9.9

Richard look onto the top angle of the cup , the gold linings are still fresh and not a chip on the cup , the hand painted blues and silvers colors are still bright , catching the early dusk of the evening sun’s ray .

|/ Pride and joy , sir … it continues on , as I can see here . |/

Epik sat facing Richard ,

9.9 Call me Epik , Richard , let’s do away with formality … Nitt.Gritt tea leaves , dark and wild in the forest somewhere in Zone One . Inexpensive , and I have grown much to love it’s edginess . Rough after taste , let me warn you beforehand and I do away with the sugar , but if you need some .. just let me know 9.9

How interesting this man is , Richard took the small silver spoon on the saucer , smiled and said ,

|/ Stirring in the edginess , I am fine the way it is ….thank you , Epik |/

9.9 Stir into your preparations , that’s what my mother used to say , clink the glass with your spoon while doing it , you’re aware what you’re getting into , when finally it becomes soundless , this is when the mind is at the start , the initiating mode …. 9.9

Silently they both stirred their teas , while the chirpings of the birds in the forest continued on . The fish are jumping , the kois are indeed having their moments and quietly thought of his wife , Fingra .

And with her in mind , in the blink of his eyes , Epik gently sipped his tea .


Fingra sat in her room with her door closed .

Freaky schematic , Fingra gritted her teeth .

Chances and Coincidences , the world is a definite ; a turn over from the same layering , Rumb had smiled telling her of the philosophy darkened through centuries .

The door to raw primitive minds without the newest symmetry of the now , was opened as Rumb.Grumb showed her the option to codex.intraxx presentation on her BPV .

17 Exemplary ; the united chaos in a desired order , find the most at still , you’ll see the make of the waves if you stand up on it , as high as you can , looking down , codex.intraxx , inducted fifty years ago . Ridiculous , isn’t it ? But the masses buy this stuff , eating it up like fashion of the week . 17

// You do understand what it means though ? It’s not what you think , you know … //

Fingra gently took the fruit away from Rumb and cut it into half .

17 What then ? Someone should take a swim amongst to decentralize the waves pattern ? 17

Fingra sighed and shook her head slowly , and handed him the half , green apple .

// Exactly as I had told you , “It’s not what you think ” . And if you are patience enough to read it until the end of the page , you’ll see that it is the “after all , the experiences translated having to have to be on the higher end of the scales , in the passing down on the knowledge , is important to our kind ” . Rumb … seriously … you are not a child anymore . //

His eyes flickered , Fingra noted in that split second . A child at heart , admiring at his own gullibility , the order of characters he met along his life , to take a chance on humors . He must have met many children of happier nature , the flickers set a tone , alright . The flickers were imprinted on . What he saw , and became the realist , true to his perceived scopes to what is the utmost ideal of happiness in a child .

// Where indeed do you think you are going , Rumb ? Face it , your music , the thinking methods of Hi-THT.ID’s had been deciphered . The methods were understood , your cynicism … well , it was decided by them to not be included in their foot notes … They have glossed ‘it’ up , well , perfected by the very cynicism you could ever come up with , without a blink and turning their visual onto other directions … You know how it is… you’ve met them … //

17 They had learn the designations indeed , the mechanism of human thoughts ? And still needed Hexa.Sync to come up with the bluprints layering scaling schematics and … running that through the mind of babies to determine personality factors with the same machine !? Come Fingra , there must be something better than this , yes ? 17

She stared deep into his eyes , deep green , jade … pulsing with it’s pupil darken and shading the jade accordingly ,

// You’re mind fucking , Rumb . Moving phases … that’s who we are … finality in your terms are that fashion news last week . Skimpy nonsense goodness , created to show curves only to ones who has them … the rest of us , are simply dirty laundry to you … feed the machines , if they are able , you don’t ever have to get your hands dirty … no ? //

Rumb snorted , and laughed … high mighty that has the scope of Nearness to everything at her fingertips … Do people feel … in her mind ?

Did she ever reflect into the depth of human suffering as much as we , the community of Hi-THT.IDs ? Was acting her only salvation , her only innate ability to get close to humanity ?

And for that few seconds in his mind , the glimmering burning heart , firing up to his need for another breathe in , he held his tongue instead .

Exhaling slowly ,

17 Aren’t you the artist ? Poking around the wet ground for legitimate seeding for tree seeds ? Aren’t you that re~planter in the order to how you see fit , the new age smearing over anything that few generations ago came up with ? Loyalty to Mankind like fresh new paints , over old structures … ? 17

Fingra bit into her half apple ,

// No , loyalty like old paints , the right contractor would peel it off first , love you , seen you and done you over with and now on to Crystal.Bright //

Chewed it noiselessly . The juicy green , sweet to the facts ,


// Fresh ideas , looking at the paint chips in the memory in the end , is the only way … Rumb . We have collective.ion and fracted.norm standing by for us , better than the naturally generated human minds with anomalies . Can’t take the chance //

The wind was getting stronger . Biting , while it is nice to the warm face , protected by the breathing nostrils , it gets to be naked , shouldering life to the chills even when you are well covered .

The ocean stood dark in front of them both . The waves were the fingers reaching out , frothing extensively , minding , seemingly to where the were . Fingra stood up , the evening dusk had it’s says .

Time to leave Earth , and get back to Tinker’s Tinker , she thought . The artists indeed , Fingra smiled at Rumb and nodded with her finger on her right temple ,

// Circ , we are ready to leave now . A larger vehicle please , preferably with a small dining table . Ok in half an hour ? //

:: Yes . I take it you would want me to summon a few chef into attention for your choosing ? ::

// No Circ , not chefs , but a friend , Ste.p Dignify … I had already set up an appointment with him as you know it , reconfirm his availability for me , please … //

Fingra took Rumb’s hand and walked to the Vechi’s waiting room nearby , the walk should be a warming process between the two of them .

// Hope you don’t mind , Rumb , your choice , you can stay for the dining experience or I can send you home . I rather you … I wouldn’t mind having you for dinner with us //

Rumb covered Fingra’s body with his extra outer layer robe , onto her body , shielding her from the naked cold .

17 Better ? 17

Fingra nodded stopped walking , looked at Rumb with a face , expecting an answer ,

// Really , we don’t mind . I have mentioned it to him and , you’re a welcome addition to our bi~weekly dinner get together . So , please do , say … think positively before you answer //

She has found her tempo , right in her smiles , with a final blink to the eyes ,

// You’re no trouble , Rumb … it will be an experience for me to have three of us dining together . I’ll send you home right after … //

Ste.p Dignify , the man who believes that from nothing , a function could revolve in the circuit there after , the ideas that idle with a push button blinking red blue alternatively could come up with yellow , in your mind eventually .

Idle souls with the expectations to what switches and glints can do , and which these manifestation came from codex and intraxxes also evolving tight from and onto his father’s industries , Blu.Brill Corp .

Fufe.Corp , a nothing is something … like zeroes , since it is elucidated clearly to the idea in what it is to be , eventually .

Nothing , Ste.p had said ; are the qualms in the not wanting for Humanity .

Where words rather stays in the realm in the making than deconstructions . The point of A to a certain alphabet , tuning out . The scopes that vacuumed out in the many ways and to fill instead , leaving the other alphabets with their building structures useless , and forward to gaining a different perspective and back to the focus in getting right without ever knowing what was missing , or in this case , abandoned . Less stellar minds clarifies usefulness to the proof of method in taking care of their decayed and abandoned patterning .

That was the nothing , to how Ste.p Dignify philosophized it .

Indeed , a rebel he is , the seer with not a thing to seek , but undeniably priceless when it comes to muses , to the inventors and innovators around the world .

Fingra was caught in time with her smiles , Rumb in his meditation and deep layering conjecturing in the time spent in reality and at the same time in his mind … infinitely caught the moment like a fallen leaf , suspending the very essence of the mechanic , into time .

There was that quiet curiosity , the lowering shoulders of a cat , nearing slowly to it’s suspected interest . In that smiles , in it’s innocence , there was a deeper need to know . Confident eyes are usually a tell tale sign with the rigid mouth setting itself either to speak or smiles , such as this ; the expectation , …. yes , this indeed is , a need .

Rumb hugged her , and returned the smiles as the answer .

Ste.p Dignify , an old friend from another life in a different name … Rumb eased himself to the fact , to the chances and coincidences , the drifts of the past is seeming to work it’s dust settling fine to where it’s supposed to be .

‘ I ‘ , to where before the fracted.norm were ever thought out as a possibility .

‘ I ‘ , the stillness who jumps into the wills of others , strengthening their beliefs into the expressions to differentiate .

Come what may , Rumb mused …

and after all , all acknowledgement begins with the automatic reactions in the pupils of the eyes …

‘ I ‘ , simply would have to nudge …. a not .
