

The Tasks and Progress of Three .

The Will and The Intuitive ; of the strictly based on knowledge alone , finding strength in any structures or characters met , the kind methods would be of hopes and rightful replacements of what you had learnt and the cruel states whether it is intentionally or not , would be seeing into histories and not to only solve it with the better at best as solutions .

In Three , the extensions are , primarily at odd with each other , originally independent ; progressive to align itself with the many probabilities , right or wrong ; it will stem itself to various other weaknesses and strengths like the pull of attractions to your attentions .

The Will , intuitively becomes your “truth” .





And truth , based on the knowledge acquired in the make of that Three , independently different in focus in each of us , nameless at most times ; are the foundations of that attractions , be it to built or destroy ; the progress to which is attuned to the timing and fitting of the infinite realities , the manifestation to begin a thought , and the tasks ; are residing in the learning in of exposed Intuitions of the others .

This is where it gets , … murky . Especially if you are yourself of that connotations , of pain and suffering ; deceived and with the lost hopes , ungifted with the stark foils of what emptiness truly means .

The Will , in desire it blurs , beautify at most times , to where it is beautifying , that is where it is fragile , weakening to where the schematics of that Three had to be rebuilt , in focus , to replace priorities with updated newest schemas ; in tapered precision … the layering of that make , if you are seeking into it ; it will come with the many results , In Reasons .

For what it is , a standalone in Three ; in the deepest emptiness untainted with the inventions of Man ; the shape shifting of Three in collective masses , the truth is the same , the make is forever about innovations and yet forever indebted to a question .

And yes , strangely the question in itself were invented along the longing of the progression , ain’t it beautiful ?

Yes remember of it’s fragility and the reasoning to how it is needed to get there .


Surya.Twelve stared at the point.view , unblinking ; lost in his own mind .

Green … ?

And what ?

With what ? Yes . it should be … with what ?

Symbolizing Earth ? Brown soil earth ?

Thus it will invite the predictable , such as ants and their primitive tuning into togetherness … and Surya thought of her , Fingra.Nuovo expressions … knowing her …

He trembled , shuddered at her reaction to anything of lesser capable species , for example ; making a point for the differences in the super stellar humanity . Nothing apparently , could be learn nor should be taught from this invitation to human awareness … hmmm not with this woman .

The glint of a diamond she is , defined by humanity therefore it has to be …… ?

Strength of …

super structures ? the yang ?

the confiding green , the righteous nature , yes ?

and what should be the ying ?

Surya smirked at the thought of Fingra breathing in for the ideas in the past ;

// Whimsical pink , Surya ! Imagine that . Against all odds , these presentations are . Have you seen violence perpetrated around and about the existence of this color ? Have ya ? Rarely … I tell you . Even as of in the making of memories , pink are rarely remembered as near to the state of anger , yes ? //

Surya kept his silence .

The color of the lesser blood , that is what it is .

From the reflection of the mirror in front of his desk ; he could see Fingra stared at him , with a smile . He smiled back while staring at himself into the mirror .

After a few seconds , Fingra trailed Surya’s attention to the mirror ;

// See how amazing it is . Pink made you want to see yourself , yes ? Am I the lucky one to see you are smiling at me in the mirror ? Yes I believe I am , Surya . So what say you to my suggestion ? //

The intuitive humanity , Surya thought . To what is less is a sign to what was … definite . And that is the state of truth … but remember it was not in the quietness of peace , no sirree , it was not empty , the pink is .

// it is a reminder , sort of . The suffering , Surya . Of what we had been through , pink is there to remind us of how it has take a turn in to something better … yes ? What is not to likelike about pink ? //

∆ Whimsical ? Why whimsical ? ∆

… , and continued to smile at Fingra into the mirror .

Fingra pulled in the nearby chair , and sat next to Surya ; rotated the angle of his chair to face her and stared into his eyes ;

// Something of less to be whimsical about , yes it happened , and here we are , with a statement to be whimsical about it … why not ? //

Surya typed in the words into the point.view screen and simply glared at the words .

The color of lesser suffering , the reminder of what we had been through , yes ? Let us be whimsical about it .

∆ Like a ditz making amends to his own stupidity in the past and rather than forget it about , the faster the better , hmmm … I don’t know Fingra … Let us be whimsical about it … like magic , shedding away the pain with words … and we get to be … ignorant … again ?

Fingra held her breath , after a long inhaling .

// You are weird , Surya . What do you want ? A sense of ritual instead of clarity for peacefulness ? You are feeling these moments like a need , Surya . I rather have the suffering to be with a glint of acceptance … and the …

∆ … and the letting go the depth of suffering ? Whimsically be ?

To that statement parading as questions , Surya kept his mouth shut like he has been told to .

The sentiment is felt across our awareness now . Fingra smiled ,

// You have a better suggestion , Mr Twelve ? //


Surya remembered of the refining Pink , discussed two years ago .

They ended up dropping out the word Whimsical , and opted to use the word PINK in large fonts alone it it’s standing with the colors of black and white . White being the colors of the fonts used , surrounded by the black as the surrounding state of the statement .

There in black and white , PINK gets to be manifested about as the righteous wants along the needed understanding to what suffering is all bout , and in the darkness , we shall prevail .

What was the advert for , Surya breathed in to his own forgetfulness .

At exhaling his breath , he remembered ;

A medical organization … the healing process through psychology ; yes … using the connectivity through the klik.connext systems with registered random life.consultants . Hmmm , and yes , it went well . Free service , anonymity guaranteed with options to use only the microphone minus the camera and yet able to see and talk to the chosen life.consultants .

PINK , was and still is a success .

Manifested the idea instead , without using the color to represent , a reminder to what is PINK about in black and white … definitive indeed .

Super structures … in green !

Just ……. that .

No words to express it further . Should not ever let a word to express our sciences , mere methods to link the righteous nature in colors and super structures in the thicks of it . and that’s it …


// And this should be on … for how long … Surya ? //

∆ at the busiest intersections and subways … at least for three months … just enough until we come up with the title of the movie with the same designation of the poster ∆

Fingra drummed her fingers on the table , kept her eyes at Surya , standing in front of her mahogany table .

// No actors actresses names ? the director ? //

Surya kept his composure , and leaned into her stare , and whispered ,

∆ Just … the title alone , standing on top of the super structures with magnificent plentiful shades of green . no question asked therefore no answers needed , statement is just . Tinker’s Tinker .

Fingra shifted her attentions into the brights of her own mind .

Hmmm , interesting . to which it means , no preconceptions to whom it is linked to … no humans therefore the ideas are to stay … purer ?

She stood up and clapped her hands , standing ovation to the little man , Surya.Twelve …

// Brilliant Surya ! And I guess the second advert would be another three months too ? //

∆ Have the first advert painted by the graffiti artists all over Zone 2 , for instance , you know how it is , the abandoned buildings and such … poverty ∆

… and stared deeply into Fingra’s eyes …

And imagine for the decades to come … with the maintenance of the painted adverts in these areas … their children and growing in their state of consciousness surrounding … yes ? With the ideas and provocations of The Tinker’s Tinker . Abandonment with the maintenances of the idea of green superstructures in the less fortunate areas .. and your story to be told along the time line in other zones …

…. And the knowledge of the youths coming from these less than fortunate zones , knowing more is out there in this beautiful Earth .


Screwing , tightening up the two consistencies together .

Resulting ? You would be surprised of the results … the translations of the minds through actions , of what are the lacks or in the magnitudes in the existence ; connectives in the idea of love . Keen on not in the understanding of it , but to the romantic of it .

The dramas , needless scheming in the name of suffering from the lacks of it . Needing better translations ? For if you do , then you are good enough … but if you never to seek for the better it , then you are the sources and roots of most suffering in your upcoming generations .

The industries of understanding Humanity had reached it’s peak and togetherness is not the main focus anymore … the vacuum out there has clarify it’s interest in the make of intelligence of this species .

Yes , religions and faith schematics were industries ; until the artificial intelligence started to make their own need for sensibilities through into Mankind’s everyday life . Cultures merged and the fears within subsided into the understanding of greediness in the past , whereas political methods started to improve upon itself .

In other words , innovations defined by themselves became the pathways , the schematics in circuitries to propel themthem further into the hopeful future .

Gone are the concepts of the ancients insist only on themselves , since that fear has diminished into ; becoming into something that is understandable , led by system of education that is more caring and honest .

Yes , artificial intelligence . Programmed by the humans , in the zones that are more prosperous , the designers even redesigned the terms of compassionate grounds since most of these programmers were educated with humanity in minds .

Keen.Kapital drummed his fingers on the table .

Fingra would have seen this coming , Keen thought quietly , whispering at his breaths … she would have been aware enough to notice the importance of the selected programmers used to translate Ditha Sevaras’s poetry .

She would be mindful enough in her needs ; in composing her codex of life , she would be systematic in her findings and research for her state of creativity to come forth .

Only to the earnest , the creatives would seek back into it’s seekers and laid out the plans in the arrangement of sensibility , the better creativity’s make of truth .


The best of truth is in the schematics and the systems that promotes it . The revelation of it’s weaknesses are the state to which artificial intelligences started to retranslate it’s methods .

And voila ! When the artificial intelligences started to formulate the coding for the creator’s creativity in the name of Reflectivity .

The innovated , innovates .

Innovating from the seeds of thoughts , all human .

The power of Three .

Pyramiding schematics in Reflectivity , in prosperous layering of understanding .

To where the foundations were the reflecting two , against or with each other , while the top or the third is looking from the top or quietly observing the state of that reflected information .

Now here is the state to what Inner Circle is all about … Keen quietly mused … find the culprit and looked carefully to where the other two bases and foundations were instituting it’s state of Reflective and you’ll gather and understanding to how corrupted state of minds get to be manifested along it’s paths .

The paths were straight until it is given an idea to begin it’s reason to wander .


Twisting surfaces .

Bright silvery catching glimpses of light , brighter as in the movements caused by it’s forms ; it is the seams .

The seeding of the minds who sees the forming state of the twisting surfaces ; the thinkers simply has to refer into their own schematics of experiences and , the ingredients within . The make up of cores state in believing through the people they met in their life .

Living people that is , and the memories became the foundations of chosen glints every time “causes and actions” are to take place .

The weakened minds are the tyrants , since it knew the meaning of defeat , the clarification are without the better meaning in the value of life , and the inability to see the full picture .

Vivida.Lucida stood in front of the door , feeling small , thinking strength , gathering sensibility as she raised her hand to knock on Indexx’s front door .

Clarity and it’s clarifications , indeed .

Some matters are discussed better with faces behind the speaker of the thought patterns .

The tales are the telling languages through the bodies and the faces whom the ideas presenting .

Indeed , the blinks of the eyes are the gate of awareness .
